
Appealing an 入学 Decision


未被大学录取的学生可以通过本科招生部门提出上诉. 被大学录取但未被特定学院录取的学生可以直接向学院提出申诉.

Appealing to the University

Appealing to the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism

Appealing to the School of 媒体艺术 & 研究

Appealing to the Russ College of Engineering and Technology

Appealing to the College of Business

Appealing to the University

最初未被大学录取的学生可以通过发送复议请求来对录取决定提出上诉 admissions@俄亥俄州.edu. The message should be directed to the attention of Dr. 马特奥Remsburg, 负责招生管理的助理副总裁兼本科招生执行主任.

In the body of the message, 学生应说明他或她认为应该重新考虑录取决定的原因. 一般, 成功的上诉提供了新的资料或提供了原审决定时所没有的明确性. 鼓励申请人提交任何新的证明文件,以加强申请. 在做出上诉决定之前,列出本科招生部门应该期望收到的项目清单是有帮助的.

If an applicant intends to submit new transcripts or test scores, they should be sent officially through the school or testing agency. 在某些情况下, 当修改后的完整成绩单无法提供时,学校将提供学期成绩报告. 可以直接提交的其他文件的例子可能包括以下任何一种:

  • 一篇个人论文,解释申请人在俄亥俄取得成功的学术准备.
  • Letter(s) of recommendation, 特别是从辅导员和/或老师那里,他们可以直接谈论学生的学术准备.
  • Lists of extracurricular activities, honors, and awards. Parents/guardians may submit supplemental letters of support, 但是本科招生办只能审查那些由申请人写的复议请求.

If the deny decision was determined by the Dean of Students review process, 复议请求不仅应包括任何可用的最新学术信息, 但也应该提供有关申请人纪律记录的信息,这些信息在最初的决定时是没有的. 上诉材料应充分披露导致DOS审查的违法行为的背景和细节.

上诉是滚动审查的,大约每月作出两次决定. Appeal decisions are final. 申请人可以在以后的入学期重新申请,但应提供新的资料.

我们鼓励对录取决定提出上诉的申请人在4月1日的优先日期之前提交上诉材料. Appeals will be considered after this date on a space-available basis.

Appealing to the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism

Students who are admitted to the University but who are not admitted to the E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院可以在不冒被大学录取的风险的情况下对这一决定提出上诉. 学院委员会对申诉材料进行审查,其中应包括:

A written letter of appeal formally requesting a review. 这封信应该说明录取标准,并讨论为什么申请人认为他或她的证书应该被重新评估. 申请人应详细说明他或她将为学院作出的贡献, including any personal or professional experiences. 请注意,在健全新闻的传统中,学院追求事实而不是说服.

Updated grades and/or test scores (transcripts must be official).
An essay response of no more than three typed, double-spaced pages to the question "How would attending the E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院帮助你以社会责任的精神为社区服务?"

Journalism appeal materials should be sent to:

Journalism Appeals
Undergraduate 招生
Chubb Hall 120
1 Ohio University Drive
雅典 OH 45701

Subject line: Journalism Additional Consideration

我们鼓励对录取决定提出上诉的申请人在4月1日的优先日期之前提交上诉材料. Appeals will be considered after this date on a space-available basis.

Appealing to the School of 媒体艺术 & 研究

被大学录取但未被媒体艺术学院录取的学生 & 研究 may appeal the decision without risking University admission. 学院委员会对申诉材料进行审查,其中应包括:

A written letter of appeal formally requesting a review. 这封信应该说明录取标准,并讨论为什么申请人认为他或她的证书应该被重新评估. 申请人应详细说明他或她将为学院作出的贡献, including any personal or professional experiences.

Updated grades and/or test scores (transcripts must be official).
An essay response of no more than three typed, 双倍行距的问题“为什么上媒体艺术学院? & 学习可以满足你现在的学术目标和毕业后的职业目标?"

媒体艺术 & 研究 appeal materials should be sent to:

媒体艺术 & 研究 Appeals
Undergraduate 招生
Chubb Hall 120
1 Ohio University Drive
雅典 OH 45701

Subject line: 媒体艺术 & 研究 Additional Consideration

我们鼓励对录取决定提出上诉的申请人在4月1日的优先日期之前提交上诉材料. Appeals will be considered after this date on a space-available basis.

Appealing to the Russ College of Engineering and Technology


一份书面声明,说明申请人为什么应该被罗斯学院录取. This could include why the student is prepared to "Create for good."

Any other information that was not available at the time of initial review. This may include updated transcripts showing a higher GPA, new standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, 等.

大多数成功的申请都显示了学生学术准备的额外证据, including strong grades and scores in math and science.

Russ College appeal materials should be sent to:

Russ College Appeals
Undergraduate 招生
Chubb Hall 120
1 Ohio University Drive
雅典 OH 45701

Subject line: Russ College Additional Consideration

Russ College appeal materials may also be submitted via e-mail to admissions@俄亥俄州.edu with a subject line "Russ College Additional Consideration.“确保在我们得到你想要的一切之前,你的上诉不会被审查, be sure to list the additional information we should expect to receive.

我们鼓励对录取决定提出上诉的申请人在4月1日的优先日期之前提交上诉材料. Appeals will be considered after this date on a space-available basis.

Appealing to the College of Business


Showcase why you should be admitted to the College of Business. 请帮助我们更好地了解你作为学生和未来领导者的潜力. These are examples only; feel free to be creative. Submit as many (or as few) of these items as you would like.

文章. 作为一个大学, we value students with high potential and demonstrated aptitude, 我们正在寻找有抱负的学生,他们将在学术生涯中参与商学院的课外活动. 用你的文章告诉我们更多关于你是谁,以及你计划通过商学院成为什么样的人. 你可以说明入学标准,并讨论为什么你认为你的证书应该被重新评估. You can detail the contributions you bring to the college, 包括使你的申请与众不同的任何个人和/或专业经历.

Extracurricular Activities and Work Experiences. 按照对你来说重要的顺序列出活动(学校、社区、运动、工作等).),你觉得这是你自大一开始以来最重要的一件事. Indicate the years you participated, positions held and honors won, and comment on your major achievements.

Updated grades and/or test scores. Please include a complete list of dates on which you took the ACT/SAT. 你也可以参考高中发给你的最新官方成绩单, showing a strong senior year.

College of Business appeals materials should be sent to:

College of Business Consideration
Undergraduate 招生
Chubb Hall 120
1 Ohio University Drive
雅典 OH 45701


Subject line: College of Business Additional Consideration

我们鼓励对录取决定提出上诉的申请人在4月1日的优先日期之前提交上诉材料. Appeals will be considered after this date on a space-available basis.