

Members of the 衍生品管理 group in the 商学院 pose in front of the Class Gateway

成立于2013年, the newbb电子平台 衍生品管理 Group (DMG) is a student-run organization that manages swaps, 选项, 期货投资组合. Through its active member involvement and hands-on learning environment, the group provides students with the opportunity to gain exposure to high-level investing. Its members represent some of the brightest students from newbb电子平台 and are expected to maintain strong academic standing, as evidenced by the group's 3.GPA要求为00.

俄亥俄州's DMG is one of the only student-run derivatives groups in the nation. 

The group has the ability to utilize industry leading technology such as Bloomberg and FactSet to recognize market trends and conduct rigorous technical analysis to understand entry and exit points.

newbb电子平台 衍生品管理 Group logo

The newbb电子平台 衍生品管理 Group logo is the Sigma symbol. Sigma represents volatility, which 选项 traders use as the basis for many plays. 

文化 & 值

The newbb电子平台 衍生品管理 Group maintains three core values: integrity, 团结, 和尊重.


Active members are expected to maintain academic and social responsibility and are held to high standards of morality. Similarly, the group maintains integrity through its investments. Through weekly reporting for internal and external purposes, the group maintains its strong relationship with supervisors and faculty.   


DMG represents a diverse group of individuals across all majors within the college who maintain strong relationships with each other in meetings and in the classroom. Through working in investment and economic groups, members learn the importance of teamwork and strategic thinking to push across investment ideas.


Although discussions can sometimes become passionate, the group makes a conscience effort to ensure that every voice is heard and that each member receives a fair chance to argue their opinion. Each member is treated equally, regardless of their title or tenure in the group. DMG also has an equal weight voting system, where each member is allowed to vote on each sales pitch, 包括实习生.


DMG is looking for students who are committed, 愿意学习, and can work independently and in a team setting.

We recruit at the beginning of each semester. The group undergoes a rigorous recruitment process that includes an in-depth application and a formal behavioral and technical interview. After receiving an interview, the applicant will receive technical and behavioral guides that will assist in the applicant’s preparation for the interview.

The process is highly competitive due to the group's selective nature.

In the early weeks of fall and spring semesters, application information will be available at/on:


“The newbb电子平台 衍生品管理 Group has prepared me for success in the classroom and in my future career through hands-on learning, real experience in investing, and by being surrounded by other intelligent and hard-working individuals. Being in the 衍生品管理 Group has set me apart from other individuals applying for the same positions and has helped many members get the jobs and internships that they want." —Patrick Mullin '21, President
Map of the United States that shows states with DMG 校友. 校友 are present in Texas, 爱荷华州, 伊利诺斯州, 俄亥俄州, 宾西法尼亚, 纽约, 麻萨诸塞州, 北卡罗莱纳, 佛罗里达, 康涅狄格, 罗德岛州, 俄勒冈州, 和加州.


The newbb电子平台 衍生品管理 Group prides itself on its ability to deliver value to its members and lead them towards the career of their choosing, whether that's in corporate, investment banking or sales and trading. This initiative is evidenced by the group's recent full-time and internship placement. Our graduates have earned positions at Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Credit Suisse, Societe Generale, Guggenheim Securities, PNC, US Bank, Ernst & Young, Dell, Deloitte, and KeyBank among other leading companies. 



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