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The five years since the adoption of the 2013 College of Arts and Sciences Strategic plan have seen important progress in a number of targeted areas. 由于领导层的变动可能会推迟全面的重新评估, this brief update is intended to make note of a few central points of observation regarding the implementation of the 2013 plan. 项目在2013年计划的四个主要领域创建的总体框架下进行组织.

1. 提高学生在本科和研究生教育中的成功.

Investments have enhanced student advising, course design, curricular innovation, 并为所有俄亥俄学生提供积极的学习机会.

  • 一年级学生的留校察看率从20%多下降到10%左右.
  • Participation in the Student Advising Survey has doubled to a nearly 50% response rate and the survey shows across the board improvements. Student agreement with the statement "我的指导老师是一位乐于助人、卓有成效的指导老师,我会把他推荐给其他学生," for example, moved from a 3.7 to a 4.2 on a 5 point disagree/agree scale.
  • 从2012年到2016年,中科院大一和大二的留校率从76%上升到79%, 但2017年的初步数据显示,这一比例回落至77%.
  • In pathbreaking collaborations, the college has developed ways to open previously inaccessible online courses to enrollments by students from eCampus and regional campuses. 这些项目极大地扩大了数千名学生获得课程的机会.
  • 在职业规划和生物科学/医学预科领域增加了专业顾问.
  • STEMstart was launched as a late summer, high intensity onboarding program for incoming STEM freshmen; the program's goal is to introduce new students to the rigors of our chemistry and biology programs as well as the support services that are here to help students succeed.
  • The College worked with the University Registrar to add electronic wait-listing which is now used to shape class scheduling to more effectively meet student needs.

2017年,韦恩国家森林与6名付费A&5名实习生和一名研究生,在贝利项目工作. The program has grown to 10 paid A&5名实习生,3名高级顾问,包括有WNF经验的学生.

2. 加强学院对教师和学生的研究和创造性活动的支持.

在升级长期被忽视的基础设施方面取得了重大进展, 为研究活动寻找足够的资金, 提高学术研究和创新活动的知名度.

  • Facilities. Substantial and important progress continues on providing state-of-the-art facilities to house faculty and student research and creative activity.
    • 新的66000平方英尺的建筑正在进行中. ft. Chemistry building. 这是我们研究基础设施四阶段投资的第一阶段. 随后的阶段包括对20万平方英尺的建筑进行深度翻新. ft. Clippinger Laboratories, which house Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geological Sciences, and the Department of Geography.
    • We have completed new laboratory facilities for Anatomy instruction and developed a new Anthropological Sciences Laboratory.
    • 埃利斯大厅的全面翻新于2018年秋季完成. The 53,000 sq.ft. 大楼里有英语系、哲学系和文学系 & World Religions.

  • Research Travel Funding. A 2014 analysis of research travel funding throughout the college identified major vacuums and inequities in our ability to support travel to present at professional conferences and engage in other research events. After assessing need, the college infused new funds into departmental travel funds with the goal of assuring a minimum of $1500 per Tenure-Track faculty and made smaller equitable distributions of support for the professional development activities of teaching faculty and administrative staff. 此外,学院还设立了一个专门针对研究生科研旅行的基金.
  • Graduate Student Research. 2017年,学院设立了研究生研究基金. 这是一个竞争性的小额资助项目,每年有两个周期,每年的预算为2万美元. 研究生同行委员会评估提案, ranks them, 并且每个周期提供10个1000美元的奖励来支持研究生的研究用品, computational needs, travel, etc.
  • Visibility. In 2013, the College tasked the newly hired Director of Communications with increasing the visibility of our faculty and student research. Since then, 我们看到了艺术与科学论坛的创建和扩大使用, enhanced web-presence, and live-streaming of lectures. 论坛现在每年大约有1600篇文章,网站页面浏览量接近1.5 million.

CAS是唯一一所为教师实验室/研究页面创建解决方案,使其符合可访问性的大学, 搜索引擎友好和移动响应. 在2018年迁移到新的网络CMS之后,研究网站将进一步增强.

3. Build a relevant liberal arts curriculum by sustaining our foundations while investing in innovative academic programs and student experiences.

New programs and opportunities have expanded engaged learning opportunities on campus and delivered new opportunities to off-campus learners.

New Programs. 以下在线教育项目投资将于2018年夏秋两季启动:

  • The Genders, Sexualities and Health 证书课程教育医生了解与性别和性身份有关的患者需求.
  • The master's degree in Law, Justice & Culture provides advanced studies centering on law and the institutions of justice from an empirically oriented liberal arts perspective.
  • 学士学位完成计划 Psychology 为拥有副学士学位的在线学生创造了一个完成学士学位所有要求的机会.
  • TEFL/TESOL证书课程为寻求职业发展的学生提供证书 English Language Instruction.
  • The Master of Science in Chemistry 为那些在教育或工业环境中工作的人提供研究生学习的机会.
  • The GIS & Cartography 证书课程训练学生使用先进的测绘技术.
  • The Data Analysis 证书课程使非专业人员熟练掌握数据科学的逻辑和技术.

These programs join recently developed offerings such as the the Master of Arts in English and the Master of Social Sciences to represent a college-wide investment involving dozens of faculty and staff working with the invaluable support of our partners in the Office of Instructional Innovation, the Graduate College, University Admissions, and Enrollment Management.

  • Engaged Learning: Opportunities for student research, engaged learning, 实习员工数量也大幅增加, faculty, 外部合作伙伴共同努力,加强有效教育的这一关键方面.
  • Faculty Learning Communities 自2014-15学年起每学年都有资助吗. 这些跨学科的教师小组参与了包括以下主题的合作倡议 将女权主义教学法融入网络课堂; evaluating student evaluations of teaching; incorporating team-based learning into the classroom; developing resources for graduate teaching assistants, and more. 

4. 以负责任和透明的组织支持我们的核心使命,其特点是定期规划文化, evaluation and communication.

A large and decentralized college with limited capacity for effective communication and professionalized administration is now positioned to effectively manage a complex and rapidly changing environment.

  • In 2015, all departments completed comprehensive rewrites of workload policies under the requirements that they create a transparent and equitable plan for managing research and teaching while establishing protocols for the assignment of variable teaching loads.
  • In 2013, the College began holding end-of-semester meetings for all faculty and staff to gather for information sharing on a variety of key subjects.
  • 自2014年以来,每年都会举办晋升和终身职位档案研讨会. 在某一年中,有22至43名终身教职和教学教师参加了这些讲习班.
  • 学院制定了多元化战略计划,并为各院系举办了多元化研讨会. Since 2015, every search committee has received training in how to best undertake a hiring process that minimizes possibilities for unconscious bias and discrimination.
  • From 2012 to date, the College has institutionalized regular planning meetings with leaders and administrative staff from each department at which participants review budget planning, enrollment trends, 人员配置计划和其他出现的问题.
  • The College has institutionalized monthly meetings involving college staff and all administrative staff leads from academic departments.
  • We have enhanced organizational operations and expanded career development possibilities for staff by recognizing a new tier of administrative leaders for several very large and complex programs and streamlined reporting and accountability by placing some smaller programs under the leadership of senior personnel.
  • 为了在瞬息万变的财政和监管环境下有效地运作学院, the College added a Director of Administration; promoted the existing Budget Unit Manager to CFAO; and added an Associate Dean with primary responsibility for Operations, Finance and Administration. Two staff positions were dropped with related duties picked up by either the new positions or more effective partnerships with other units.
  • 促进在战略规划过程中确定的若干关键战略目标, 学院增加了一名传播主任(专注于市场营销), visibility, and digital strategies).
  • The College recruited a Director of External Relations to work on building an Alumni Relations capacity and cultivating external partners for the support of student internships and job placement.

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