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A&S Dossier Template Instructions



  • Latest version of Word (on either a PC or a Mac). 在newbb电子平台仓库的Office 2016中提供,大学拥有的机器免费. 家用版本(Office 365 Pro Plus)尚未经过测试,但应该可以使用.
  • 最新版本的Acrobat (Adobe Acrobat Pro DC)—或与同事达成协议,为您使用此程序. Available from Bobcat Depot for free for university-owned machines.


  • All content will be prepared in one main document in Word; that document is then converted at the finish to PDF format using Acrobat
  • If content to be added is already a PDF, 应将其转换为Word(使用Acrobat),然后在需要的地方插入Word主文档
  • 您将从最终版本中删除模板中的所有注释
    •  绿色文本标识学院的指导方针和创建档案的方法说明
  • 您将在每个绿色评论下方的空白行中插入您自己的内容
  • The UNDO button is your friend! If anything happens that is unexpected and unwanted, 立即使用UNDO按钮并检查可能导致问题的原因
  • 将Word文档转换为PDF后,您的姓名和页码将被添加到标题中
  • 目录表没有页码,因为所有条目都是直接指向内容的链接

Start Here

  1. Open the main dossier template document
  2. Click File > Save As > replace “template” at the end of the filename with your last name, e.g. dossier_yourlastname.多克斯. 这使得带有注释的原始模板文档始终保持不变并可用.
  3. To go directly to specific content, you have three options --
    1. Word文档中的链接(按住Control或Command键并单击链接)
    2. Word文档中的目录(按住Control或Command键,点击任意标题)
    3. open an index on the left by clicking on (for a PC) View > Navigation Pane or (for a Mac) View > Sidebar > Document Map Pane, then click on any heading

Add Your Own Content


注意:复制/粘贴将不能很好地工作,除非少量的文本-如果你尝试, 如果结果不是你所期望的,准备好立即撤销.

  1. Type text directly where needed, then delete the green comment without deleting sections, 头, or pages
  2. If the content is a PDF, convert it to Word by doing the following –
    1. In Acrobat, open the original document
    2. Click on File > Save As Other > Microsoft Word > Word Document > Settings > Retain Page Layout and uncheck Run OCR > OK > Save (wait until the processing is finished)
    3. Your converted file will be listed in the same location as the PDF. You can open it in Word to check the results (optional).
    4. 转到下一步,将转换后的内容添加到主文档
  3. 如果内容已经在Word文件中,或已转换为Word
    1. In Word at full screen showing your master document, move cursor to the position where you want the content inserted
      1. Browse to where your Word content is located
      2.  Click on Insert > Object > Text from File
      3.  If the first page overlaps the master document header
        1. Click on the inserted content. 您将看到一个边框勾勒出插入的内容,顶部中间有一个小黑框. Drag that box down just enough to display the master document header.
    2. Delete the green comment


DON’T delete whole sections or whole pages. 如果部分与您不相关或内容尚未可用, enter Not Applicable or To Be Added Later. This preserves the structure of the dossier and its headings.  All sections of the dossier must have some entry.

Add Links within your content

  1. 插入一个书签,您希望链接到(如果书签菜单项没有显示), expand the Word window or click on Insert > Links
    1. 将“书签名称”中的内容替换为新名称,然后单击“添加”
  2. Select the text that you want to act as the link, then select Hyperlink > Place in This Document, then select the bookmark you have just added

Proofread and Polish

  1. When you have completed a final version of the dossier in Word, 浏览页面以确认您已删除所有绿色文本,并通过键入“不适用”或“稍后添加”填充或确认所有部分.

Convert to PDF

  1. 作为转换前的最后一步,请确保您的目录是最新的. 为此,右键单击目录表,选择“更新字段”,然后选择“更新整个表”.
  2. The steps are slightly different for Macs and PCs.
    1. In Word on a Mac, click File > Save As > File Format = PDF > Best for electronic distribution > Allow
    2. In Word on a PC, click File > Save as Adobe PDF (wait until the processing is finished). 如果没有看到“另存为Adobe PDF”,请检查Word帮助信息是否保存为PDF.

高级用户:在已经安装Word的情况下安装Acrobat将允许您使用方便的“另存为Adobe PDF”.  This is known as the Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Addin.

  1. 在acrobatprodc中打开已转换的档案后,通过执行以下操作完成标题
    1. Click Tools (at right side of window) > Pages > Edit Page Design > Header & Footer > Add Header and Footer > a warning note will says the file already contains a header, choose Add new
      • Font = Arial, Size 10, Top Margin = [type in >>] 0.65 (Inches)
      • In the Left Header Text box, enter Your Name
      • 在右侧标题文本框中,输入页(和一个空格),然后单击插入页码
      • Click OK, then File > Save

DO THIS CAREFULLY. 如果不丢失Word中的section头,就无法编辑name头. If you make a mistake or want to do changes, the Word document will need to be re-converted first, then the PDF header re-done.

Making changes after converting to PDF

除非更改很小,否则不要在PDF中编辑可以节省时间和麻烦. 返回到你的Word主文档,并在那里进行修改(插入内容), correcting errors, adding links, 等.). 然后使用上一节中的步骤重新转换Word文档(需要重新完成标题).

当然,如果您愿意,也可以尝试编辑PDF,比如添加页面. This is not recommended, but possible with the following steps --

  1. In Acrobat, open the Page Thumbnails > right-click on intended location for added material > Insert Pages > From File > browse to file location and select > Open > choose Insert Pages Location = After (or Before)
    • If green comments need to be deleted, click on the comment (an editing box will show) > right-click > Select All > press Delete key

 对于高级用户:不建议将一个或多个PDF页面拖拽到PDF文档中. 插入将无法识别标识档案每个部分的标头, and will instead force a blank template page. If that blank page is then deleted, 标题丢失,目录中的链接可能会消失.