
詹妮弗·V. 海恩斯

化学 209, 133 University Terrace, 雅典 Campus



Ph.D., University of Michigan


  • 海恩斯研究实验室
  • Structural and 化学ical 医学杂志ogy
  • 分子生物学
  • RNA-targeted 地中海icinal 化学

The focus of our research group is RNA drug discovery. We employ an interdisciplinary approach to developing RNA-targeted medicinal agents that could potentially treat diseases such as COVID-19, multidrug resistant bacterial infections, 和癌症. RNA plays a critical role in viral replication, bacterial regulation 和癌症 biogenesis. By targeting key RNA-mediated regulatory processes for these diseases we hope to ultimately develop novel medicinal agents. Through a combination of chemical, 分子, and structural biology studies we are determining the structure-function relationships of medicinally relevant RNA targets and the structure-activity relationships of small molecule ligands that bind the RNA. We utilize a variety of approaches ranging from biophysical (fluorescence, UV, 核磁共振)到生物信息学, computational and 分子 biology techniques. Our goal is to gain an in-depth understanding of the factors that govern 分子 recognition of RNA by small molecules and to use this knowledge in the development of novel medicinal agents.


Aldhumani,. H.马里兰州侯赛因(Hossain. I.费尔柴尔德,E. A.Boesger, H.马里诺,E. C.迈尔斯,M。.海恩斯,J. V.,  RNA sequence and ligand binding alter conformational profile of SARS-CoV-2 stem loop II motif, 物化学. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2021, 545, 75-85.

Shriwas P.罗伯茨,D.李,Y.王,L.倩,Y.伯格梅尔,S.海恩斯,J.Adhicary, S.尼尔森,C.,陈,X. A small-molecule pan-class I glucose transporter inhibitor reduces cancer cell proliferation in vitro and tumor growth in vivo by targeting glucose-based metabolism 癌症 & 新陈代谢 2021, 9, 1-14.

Ghazanfari D.Noori, M. S.伯格梅尔,S. C.海恩斯,J. V.,麦考尔,K. D.Goetz, D. J.  A novel GSK-3 inhibitor binds to GSK-3β via a reversible, time and Cys-199-dependent mechanism Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 2021, 40, 116179.

E.R. 墨菲,J. Rossmanith J. 胜利,M.E. 本公司H. 侯赛因,.B. Kouse K. 生产总值(gdp), C. 曾J.V. 海恩斯,F. Narberhause P.W. Coshigano Regulation of OmpA translation and Shigella dysenteriae virulence by an RNA thermometer. 感染 & 免疫力  2020 Feb 20;88(3):e00871-19 doi: 10.1128 /公司.00871-19

I. 阿姆斯特朗,.H. Aldhumani J. L. Schopis F. 方,E.帕森斯,C. 曾博士. I. 侯赛因,年代. C. Bergmeier J.V. RNA Drug discovery: Conformational restriction enhances specific modulation of the T-Box riboswitch function 海恩斯 Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 2020, 28, 115696.

刘,我.; 曾,C.; Hogan, V.; 周,年代.; Monwar, M. M.; 海恩斯, J. V. Identification of spermidine binding site in T-box riboswitch antiterminator RNA. 化学. 医学杂志. 药物设计 2016, 87, 182-189.

周,年代.; Anupam R.; 海恩斯, J. V. Fluorescence anisotropy: Analysis of tRNA binding to the T box riboswitch. 方法:. 医学杂志. 2015, 1240, 143-152.

曾,C.; 周,年代.; Bergmeier, S. C.; 海恩斯, J. V. Factors that influence T box riboswitch efficacy and tRNA affinity. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 2015, 23, 5702-5708.

刘,我.; 曾,C.; 周,年代.; 意味着,我. A.; 海恩斯, J. V. Fluorescence assays for monitoring RNA-ligand interactions and riboswitch-targeted drug discovery screening. 方法Enzymol. 2015, 550, 363-383.

Anupam R.; 周,年代.; 海恩斯, J. V. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of RNA-RNA complexes. 方法:. 医学杂志. 2015, 1240, 153-164.

周,年代.; Acquaah-Harrison G.; Bergmeier, S. C.; 海恩斯, J. V. Anisotropy studies of tRNA - T box antiterminator RNA complex in the presence of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 列托语. 2011, 21, 7059-7063.

周,年代.; Acquaah-Harrison G.; 杰克,K. D.; Bergmeier, S. C.; 海恩斯, J. V. Ligand-induced changes in T box antiterminator RNA stability. 化学. 医学杂志. 药物设计 2011, 79, 202-208.

周,年代.; 意味着,我. A.; Acquaah-Harrison G.; Bergmeier, S. C.; 海恩斯, J. V. Characterization of a 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole binding to T box antiterminator RNA Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 2011, 20, 1298-1302.

氧自由基吸收,C. M.; 周,年代.; 意味着,我. A.; Boehme, D.; Bergmeier, S. C.; 海恩斯, J. V. Synthesis and stereospecificity of 4,5-disubstituted oxazolidinone ligands binding to T-box riboswitch RNA. J. 地中海. 化学. 2011, 54, 6786-6795.

Maciagiewicz,我.; 周,年代.; Bergmeier, S. C.; 海恩斯, J. V. Structure activity studies of RNA-binding oxazolidinone derivatives. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 信 2011, 21, 4524-4527.

Jentzsh F.; 海恩斯, J. V. Interfacing medicinal chemistry with structural bioinformatics: Implications for T box riboswitch RNA drug discovery BMC Bioinformatics (GLBIO 2011 Special Issue) 2011, 13, S5-S10.

Acquaah-Harrison G.; 周,年代.; 海恩斯, J. V.; Bergmeier, S. C. 图书馆 of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole analogs of oxazolidinone RNA-binding agents. J. 梳子. 化学. 2010, 12, 491-496.

意味着,我. A.; Simson, C. M.; 周,年代.; Rachford, A. A.; Rack, J.; 海恩斯, J. V. Fluorescence probing of T box antiterminator RNA: Insights into riboswitch discernment of the tRNA discriminator base. 物化学. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2009, 389, 616-621.

Fauzi H.; Agyeman, A.; 海恩斯, J. V. T box transcription antitermination riboswitch: Influence of nucleotide sequence and orientation on tRNA binding by the antiterminator element. BBA-Gene Reg. 机械工程. 2009, 1789, 185-191.

杰克,K. D.; 意味着,我. A.; 海恩斯, J. V. Characterizing riboswitch function: Identification of Mg2+ binding site in T box antiterminator RNA. 物化学. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2008, 370, 306-310.

Anupam R.; Bergmeier, S. C.; Green, N. J.; Grundy, F. J.; Henkin, T. M.; 意味着,我. A.; Nayek, A.; 海恩斯, J. V. 4,5-Disubstituted Oxazolidinones: High affinity 分子 effectors of RNA function. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 列托语. 2008, 18, 3541-3544.

Anupam R.; Denapoli, L.; Muchenditsi, A. M.; 海恩斯, J. V. Identification of neomycin B binding site in T box antiterminator model RNA. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 2008, 16, 4466-4470.

意味着,我. A.; Wolf, S.; Agyeman, A.; Burton, J. S.; Simson, C. M.; 海恩斯, J. V. T box riboswitch antiterminator affinity modulated by tRNA structural elements 化学. 医学杂志. 药物设计 2007, 69, 139-145.

意味着,我. A.; Katz, S. J.; Nayek, A.; Anupam R.; 海恩斯, J. V.; Bergmeier, S. C. Structure activity studies of oxazolidinone analogs as RNA-binding agents. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 列托语. 2006, 16, 3600-3604.

意味着,我. A.; 海恩斯, J. V. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies of aminoglycoside binding to a T box antiterminator RNA. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 列托语. 2005, 15, 2169-2172.

Fauzi H.; 杰克,K. D.; 海恩斯, J. V. 在体外 selection to identify determinants in tRNA for 枯草芽孢杆菌 T box antiterminator mRNA binding. 核酸类. 2005, 8, 2595-2602.

Gerdeman, M. S.; Henkin, T. M.; 海恩斯, J. V. Solution structure of the B. 细小 T box antiterminator RNA: Seven-nucleotide bulge characterized by stacking and flexibility. J. 摩尔. 医学杂志. 2003, 326, 189-201.

Gerdeman, M. S.; Henkin, T. M.; 海恩斯, J. V. 在体外 structure-function studies of the 枯草芽孢杆菌 mRNA antiterminator: Evidence for factor independent tRNA acceptor stem binding specificity. 核酸类. 2002, 30, 1065-1072.