
阿拉伯语课程 & 语言学习

Alena Klimas ’17 never thought that she would one day become a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco.
Alena Klimas '17 never thought that she would one day become a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco. Klimas studied Arabic and received a Critical 语言 Scholarship to study intensive Arabic.

More Than 300 Million People Speak Arabic

Modern Standard Arabic language is used in formal situations, printed mass media and books in Arabic-speaking countries. The language spoken on the streets in Arabic-speaking countries uses largely the same vocabulary from standard Arabic, but the colloquial language is more flexible when it comes the sentence structure and grammatical rules.

Arabic is a language with very deep and rich cultural and historical traditions that go back thousands of years. It is the native tongue of more 300 million speakers in the Arabian Peninsula, 地中海东部人的, 埃及, 苏丹, 和北非. It is also used in vast areas in east, central and West Africa. It is the official language of 22 countries and is ranked sixth among the major languages of the world. It is one of the six official languages used at the United Nations Organization.

阿拉伯语课程 at newbb电子平台

The 语言学的部门 offers three years of Arabic classes. Students from all majors and at any Arabic language proficiency are welcome to join the Arabic courses.

  • 阿拉伯1110. Elementary Arabic 1 (4 Credits)—This is an elementary-level course designed to facilitate students' acquisition of basic proficiency in communication within culturally significant contexts. Students learn Modern Standard Arabic language skills in an environment integrating interactive video and classroom instruction.
  • 阿拉伯1120. Elementary Arabic 2 (4 Credits)—Prerequisite: 阿拉伯1110 or consent of instructor. This course builds upon the foundation established in 1110. Greater emphasis is placed upon oral and written expression. Cultural issues are explored in an environment integrating interactive video and classroom instruction.
  • 阿拉伯2110. Intermediate Arabic I (4 Credits)—Prerequisite: 阿拉伯1120 or equivalent, or a minimum three years of high school Arabic or placement interview. This course provides intensive, methodical review of grammar and syntax combined with the integrated development of proficiency in the four language skills. It expands cultural knowledge and functional vocabulary through intermediate-level readings and discussions, with increased emphasis on written communication.
  • 阿拉伯2120. Intermediate Arabic II (4 Credits)—Prerequisite: 阿拉伯2110 or equivalent, or placement interview. This is a continuation of 阿拉伯2110. Students who successfully complete this course will have necessary skills for daily life in the Arab world and will be ready for more advanced course work using authentic materials. Expansion of cultural knowledge.
  • 阿拉伯3990. Special Topics (1-3 Credits)—Prerequisite: 阿拉伯2120 or previous knowledge of Arabic language. This course is designed to enable students to attain and advanced level of proficiency in Arabic language skills, while refining and expanding their knowledge of grammar and sentence structures via intensive, 日常教学. An additional focus on different Arabic dialects is included in this course.

语言 Placement Testing or Test-Out Information

Students who have prior knowledge of Arabic should email 中科院.undergrad@俄亥俄州.edu from their 俄亥俄州 email account and include in the subject line: "Arabic 语言 Placement Test." Students will then receive an email with instructions on how to take the online placement test. Students who have no prior background in Arabic do not need to take a placement test and can enroll in an open section of 1110.