
保罗·C. Milazzo

保罗·C. Milazzo,肖像
副教授 & 研究生院院长



  • Ph.D. in 历史 from the University of Virginia (2001)
  • M.A. from the University of Virginia (1991)
  • A.B. 阿默斯特学院毕业(1991年)


  • United States; 20th Century
  • Politics; 国会ional Policy

保罗·C. Milazzo is 副教授 in the Department of 历史, which he joined in 2001. He specializes in 20th-century U.S. 历史. His areas of concentration include politics, 政治制度, 以及联邦政策, 特别是在1945年之后. His research has focused on environmental policy making in the U.S. 国会. He has appeared on numerous television and radio broadcasts, 包括c - span, 彭博电台, 和PBS.

He was a fellow at the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia in 2000-01 and an Intercollegiate Studies Institute/Lehrman American Studies Center Summer Institute Fellow in 2008. 

Current research interests include conservative politics and economic policy, as reflected in his latest book project—a biography of Henry Hazlitt, the influential libertarian journalist.

他监督过我。.A. 和Ph值.D. research projects on Jewish-African American relations following the Six Day War, the development of federal racketeering law, Supreme Court interpretations of eminent domain and property rights, and the environmental impact of railroad deregulation, 在其他主题中. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to contact him about their own research interests.

Professor Milazzo lives in Vincent, OH with his wife, Laura, and two boys, Sam and Leo.

奖学金 & 奖

  • Earhart 奖学金, 2013-14 ($40,000)


"Conservatism in the 1930s," in The Oxford Handbook of the New Deal, ed. Nancy Young (New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2019).

“Environmental Policy: An Overview,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political, Policy, and Legal 历史,由唐纳德. 克里奇罗和菲利普. VanderMeer (Oxford University Press, 2012).

"Review of Ronald Reagan, by Michael Schaller" in the Presidential Studies Quarterly, 8, no. 1(2012年3月):225-27. 

介绍 Business Tides: The 新闻week Era of Henry Hazlitt (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011), pp. xxvi-liv.

“尼克松 and the Environment,” in 《理查德·M的伴侣. 尼克松, edited by Melvin Small (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), pp. 270-91.

Scholar’s Reaction in favor to the resolution ‘There’s too much government in my life (opens in a new window),’” Miller Center of Public Affairs/ABC This Week, “The Great American Debate,” (George Will & 保罗·瑞安vs. 巴尼•弗兰克 & Robert Reich), 18 December 2011.

"From Truman to Eisenhower: Rethinking Postwar Environmental ‘Consensus,’" in The Environmental Legacy of Harry Truman, edited by Karl Boyd Brooks (Truman State University Press, 2009).

"Using 国会ional Sources, A Historian’s Perspective," in An American Political Archives Reader, Karen D .编辑. Paul (Scarecrow Press, 2009).

Unlikely Environmentalists: 国会 and Clean Water, 1945-1972 (University Press of Kansas, 2006; paperback edition, 2016).

“环境”, The American 国会: The Building of Democracy, edited by in Julian Zelizer (Houghton-Mifflin, 2004).


  • "Passing the Torch: Henry Hazlitt, 米尔顿•弗里德曼, and the Evolution of the Free Market Public Economist, 1946-1974,政策历史会议, 坦佩, AZ, 5月18日, 2018.
  • “The Long Shadow of the Great Society 国会: A Roundtable,政策历史会议, 纳什维尔, TN, 2016年6月.
  • “Internationalism in Once Lesson: Henry Hazlitt and the Problem with Bretton Woods, 1944-45政策历史会议, 哥伦布, OH, 6月5日, 2014.
  • “Life in the Fast Lane: Highways and Auto-mobility in the 20th Century United States,特邀讲师, Think 历史 教学 Workshop for Ohio School Teachers, 哥伦布, 6月11日, 2013).
  • 人文研究所, Academic Entrepreneurship Workshop, 乔治梅森大学, 费尔法克斯, VA(11月2-4日), 2012), 邀请参与者.
  • “Editorializing the New Deal: The New York Times Era of Henry Hazlitt,政策历史会议, 里士满, VA, 6月7日, 2012.
  • “New Approaches to 教学 关于 国会,” 国会 in the Classroom 2012, The Dirksen 国会ional Center, 东皮若亚, 7月24日, 2012).
  • 人文研究所, Academic Entrepreneurship Workshop, 乔治梅森大学, 费尔法克斯, VA(11月2-4日), 2012), 邀请参与者.
  • “Understanding Richard 尼克松 and His Era: A Symposium,” panel on Domestic Policy, Richard M. 尼克松 Presidential 图书馆 and Museum, Yorba Linda, CA, July 22, 2011), broadcast on C-SPAN.




  • HIST 2010: United States Survey, 1865-Present
  • HIST 3060/5060: United States Environmental 历史
  • HIST 3100/5100: Emergency of the Modern United States: Progressive Era and the Roaring Twenties
  • HIST 3104/5104: United States, 1945-Present
  • HIST 3106/5106: 历史 of American Conservatism
  • HIST 3900: 历史 Through Film: The United States in the 1970s
  • HIST 4500: The New Deal and Its Challengers, 1933-1945
  • HIST 6901: 研究生 研究 Seminar in 20th Century US 历史
  • HIST 6901: 研究生 Reading Colloquium in Post-1945 US 历史
  • HIST 6901: 研究生 Reading Colloquium in Pre-1945 US 历史
  • CH 6020: Themes and Issues in Contemporary 历史 (Environmental 历史)