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Jay Ryu

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Bentley Annex 237

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Ph.D., Public Administration, University of Georgia, 2003

Research Areas

  • Public Policy and Administration
  • Public Budgeting and Finance

Courses Taught

  • POLS 4151/5151: Politics of Taxation
  • POLS 4152/5152: Public Sector Cost Accounting
  • POLS 2000: American Politics, Policy, and Administration   
  • LPA/MPA 4860/5860: Public Budgeting    
  • LPA/MPA 4870/5870: Financial Management in the Public Sector
  • POLS 4100: Public Policy Analysis

Ohio University Affiliations

  • MPA Program

About Dr. Ryu


Jay E. Ryu is Professor of Public Policy and Administration in the Department of Political Science. He has his undergraduate degree in political science from Seoul National University, Korea in 1986. He has his MPA degrees from Seoul National University (1988) and the George Washington University (1998). He has his Ph.D. from the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia (2003).

His areas of specialization are public policy and administration and public finance. His current research areas have been focused on the political economy of public budgeting. His recent publications include:

Ryu, J. E. 2014. The Public Budgeting and Finance Primer: Key Concepts in Fiscal Choice. Routledge.

Ryu, J. E. 2011. Bounded Bureaucracy and the Budgetary Process in the United States.Transaction Publishers.

Jung, Chulho, and J. E. Ryu. (Forthcoming) The Price Puzzle Revisited. Applied Economics Letters, DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2019.1630705

Ryu, J. E. (Forthcoming) The Efficiency-Equity Tradeoff in School Aid: How Efficiency Targeting in Lump-sum Aid Generates Unexpected Effects. Public Budgeting and Finance, DOI:

Ryu, J. E. 2017. Measuring the Flypaper Effect: The Interaction between  Lump-sum Aid and the Substitution Effect of Matching Aid. Public Finance and Management 17(1): 48-70.

Jung, Chulho, and J. E. Ryu. 2017. Why Has U. S. Monetary Policy Become Ineffective Lately? Applied Economics Letters 24(13): 956-960.   

Ryu, J. E. 2016. Outcome-based Grants-in-aid to Local School Districts: How to Apply Them and Analyze Their Impacts on Fiscal and Outcome Equity. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management 28(3): 299-336.

Ryu, J. E. 2013. Performance-based Budgeting (PBB), Allocative Efficiency, and Budget Changes: The Case of the U. S. Department of Commerce. Public Finance and Management 13(4): 334-359.

Ryu, J. E. 2011. Legislative Professionalism and Budget Punctuations in State Government Sub-Functional Expenditures. Public Budgeting and Finance 31(2): 22-42.

Ryu, J. E. 2009. Exploring the Factors for Budget Stability and Punctuations: A Preliminary Analysis of State Government Sub-Functional Expenditures. Policy Studies Journal 37(3): 457-474.