

核能研究所 & 粒子物理



Ph. D.,南澳大利亚弗林德斯大学理论物理学博士,1992-95

B. Sc. (荣誉.),南澳大利亚弗林德斯大学理论物理学,1991年

B. Sc.,南澳大利亚弗林德斯大学理论物理学博士,1988-90



美国物理学会, 1993-
(核物理学部成员, 少体系统专题小组, 强子物理专题小组)

澳大利亚物理研究所, 1991-8


物理入门教程, 物理学中的数学方法, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, 了解我们所知道的, 高级量子理论, 经典力学.


菲利普斯发展了原子核理论. His research seeks to understand the forces between the neutrons and protons inside the nucleus. 目前他有三大兴趣:

  1. Building models which describe the outcome of experiments in which beams of electrons and/or photons are directed on nuclei containing two or three neutrons and protons and the products of the collision are detected. The pattern of scattering reveals information on the arrangement of the nucleus' constituents.
  2. 研究有大量中子过剩的核. Such nuclei tend to form an extended "halo" of neutrons around a central core of neutrons and protons: the neutrons spend much of their time a long way away from the other constituents of the nucleus. In consequence these halo nuclei have properties that are rather different compared to more "standard" nuclei. They share these peculiarities with other "large" quantum-mechanical systems (e.g. 氦原子团),其中粒子彼此相距很远.
  3. 贝叶斯定理在核物理中的newbb电子. Bayesian methods allow one to incorporate prior information in analyses of experimental data As such they are well-suited to models where there is a pre-existing information on the expected size of parameters. This is the case in the "Effective Field Theories" (EFTs) that 菲利普斯 uses to analyze the systems described under 1 & 2.

The experimental data 菲利普斯 works closely with is taken at various facilities around the world including the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport 新闻, VA; the Triangle Universities 诊断ear Laboratory in Durham, NC; the MAX-Lab facility in Lund, Sweden; and the RIKEN facility in Japan.

His is also involved in planning for experiments at the forthcoming Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University.


光晕有效场理论限制了太阳7Be + p→8B + γ速率, X. 张,K. Nollett, D. R. 菲利普斯、phy. 列托语. B 751, 535 (2015)

有效场论的贝叶斯参数估计, S. Wesolowski N. Klco R. J. Furnstahl, D. R. 菲利普斯, A. Thapaliya J. 理论物理. G43, 074001 (2016)

1/Nc展开中违反核子-核子力的宇称, D. R. 菲利普斯, D. 解析:选C. Schat、phy. 牧师. 列托语. 114, 062301 (2015)

在有效场论中描述单中子晕和双中子晕, D. R. 菲利普斯, Pramana 83, 661 (2014)

Using effective field theory to analyse low-energy Compton scattering data from protons and light nuclei, H.W. Grieß锤,J.A. 麦戈文, D.R. 菲利普斯, G. 费尔德曼,掠夺. 部分. 诊断. 理论物理. 67, 841 (2012)



  • Arbin Thapaliya博士.D., 2016, presently Assistant 教授 at Franklin University, Franklin, IN
  • Bijaya Acharya博士.D., 2015, presently post-doctoral researcher at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
  • 陈骥,博士.D. 2012年,现为意大利特伦托ECT*博士后研究员
  • 杨洁仁(Jerry)博士.D., 2010, presently post-doctoral researcher at IPN, Orsay, Paris, France
  • Deepshikha Shukla博士.D., 2006, presently Associate 教授 at Rockford University, Rockford, IL


  • 贾里德·瓦纳斯,2015-
  • Xilin Zhang, 2012-4, presently post-doctoral researcher at the 华盛顿大学, Seattle, WA
  • Johannes Kirscher, 2010-11, presently post-doctoral researcher at City College of New York
  • 马蒂亚斯•辛德勒, 2007-9, 现任南卡罗来纳大学副教授, 哥伦比亚, SC
  • Lucas Platter, 2005-7, presently Assistant 教授 at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
  • Anders Gardestig, 2003-5
  • 弗拉基米尔•Pascalutsa, 2001-3, 现任约翰内斯·古腾堡大学研究科学家, 美因茨, 德国


newbb电子平台物理系 & 天文学

教授 (2000-)


墨卡托大学客座教授 (2009)


访问研究员 (2008)


三浦客座教授 (2006)


研究助理教授 (1998-2000)


博士后研究助理 (1995-98)


“诊断ear dynamics and astrophysics in few- and many-body systems”, co-PI with C. 埃尔斯特和M. Prakash, United States 能源部, $1,410,000 November 1, 2013–October 31, 2016.

“Travel to 德国 in summer GAUSTEQ program”, Jefferson Science Associates, $5,840.00, 2013-14.

“诊断ear dynamics and astrophysics in few- and many-body systems”, co-PI with C. 埃尔斯特和M. Prakash, United States 能源部, $1,423,000 November 1, 2010–October 31, 2013.

“诊断ear dynamics and astrophysics in few- and many-body systems”, co-PI with C. 埃尔斯特和M. Prakash, United States 能源部, $1,100,000, November 1, 2007–October 31, 2010.

“罗克珊·斯普林格客座教授”,8000美元,2007- 2008年.

newbb电子平台 Post-doctoral Fellowship, for Lucas Platter”, $25,000, 2006-7.

“Hadronic and electromagnetic reactions as probes of nuclear dynamics”, co-PI with C. 埃尔斯特和L. E. Wright, United States 能源部, $540,000, November 1, 2004–October 31, 2007.

《newbb电子》, newbb电子平台研究重点程序, co-PI with eleven other 诊断ear/粒子物理 and Astrophysics faculty, $1,342,000, 7月1日, 2004 - 2009年6月30日.

“Travel costs for 2004 Gordon 研究 Conference on Photonuclear Reactions”, 国家科学基金会, $5,500.

“实验室里的少核子系统, 超新星, 还有宇宙。”, United States 能源部 Outstanding Junior Investigator Award, $183,000, 7月1日, 2002年6月30日, 2005.

“Hadronic and electromagnetic reactions as probes of nuclear dynamics”, co-PI with C. 埃尔斯特和L. E. Wright, United States 能源部, $473,000, November 1, 2001–October 31, 2004.


  • 荣誉 Tutorial College Distinguished Mentor Award, newbb电子平台, 2015
  • Outstanding Referee、phyical 牧师iew and 理论物理ical 牧师iew 列托语ers, 2014
  • 珍妮特克. 格拉斯利·布朗教学奖,newbb电子平台,2012年
  • 美国物理学会院士,2008年
  • Distinguished 校友 Award, Flinders University of South Australia, 2008
  • 2002-2005年能源部优秀青年研究员


  • 核科学咨询委员会委员,2016年至今
  • 会议联席主席(与总干事. 埃尔斯特和C. Roberts), 21st International Conference on Few-body Problems in 理论物理ics, Chicago, IL, May 2015
  • Chair, National Advisory Committee for Institute for 诊断ear Theory, 2015-16
  • Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair, Past-Chair, APS Few-body Topical Group, 2012-16
  • 成员, National Advisory Committee for Institute for 诊断ear Theory, 2013-14
  • 成员, 国际咨询委员会, 第22届欧洲物理学少体问题会议, 克拉科夫, 波兰, 2013年9月.
  • 成员, APS Division of 诊断ear 理论物理ics 论文 奖 Committee, 2012
  • 瑞典隆德MAX-Lab项目咨询委员会成员,2008年至今
  • 2004年戈登光核反应研究会议主席


丹尼尔·菲利普斯在澳大利亚阿德莱德长大. 他得了B.Sc. (荣誉.)及Ph值.D. degrees from the Flinders University of South Australia, graduating in 1995. From 1995-1998 he was a Post-doctoral 研究 Associate at 美国niversity of Maryland (College Park). In 1998 he took a position as a 研究助理教授 at the 华盛顿大学 in Seattle, before moving to 雅典 to become an Assistant 教授 in newbb电子平台’s Department of 物理学与天文学 in 2000. 他自2009年起担任newbb电子平台教授. He has published over 50 papers in refereed journals, his research is presently funded by 美国.S. 能源部. 他是美国物理学会会员, 并被《newbb电子》评为“杰出裁判”, 美国.S.这是美国出版物理学研究成果的主要期刊. 丹尼尔和塔林·菲利普斯结婚了, who is an Associate 教授 in newbb电子平台’s Department of English. 他们是两个小孩的父母. In his near-non-existent spare time, Daniel enjoys watching cricket (and other sports, too!),读小说,听音乐(主要是古典音乐).