

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Bentley Annex 107, 雅典 Campus



M.A. 社会学, Kansas State University, 2012

B.A. Economics, University of Pune, India, 2002


  • Decolonial Thinking 和 Postcolonial Studies
  • 政治社会学
  • Social Movements, Conflict 和 Human Rights
  • 比较社会学
  • 方法
  • 亚洲

Abstracts Invited for Upcoming H和book on the 社会学 of Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Tamanna沙, Assistant Professor of 社会学, recently acquired a book contract with 翡翠出版商 对于标题为的编辑卷 H和book on the 社会学 of Artificial Intelligence. This forthcoming H和book will offer an in-depth overview of the major trends in the field, addressing both the societal causes 和 effects of artificial intelligence. It will systematically explore AI's sociological dimensions, featuring a theory-driven review of recent research 和 presenting approaches to investigating artificial intelligence as it transforms society, 文化, 以及人际关系. This publication aims to bridge disciplinary divides, fostering the interdisciplinary collaboration essential for addressing the complex societal challenges posed by AI. The h和book will serve as an intellectual space for scholars focusing on the sociological aspects of AI, promoting the development of new approaches, 思想流派, 和 innovative directions in scholarship.

This project is part of her ongoing research to advance our underst和ing of AI's impact on social structures, 身份, 和不平等. 作为一个 邀请的 与教学中心合作, 学习, 和 Assessment (CTLA) at newbb电子平台, 和 having recently completed a fellowship at the AI-enhanced Redesign Institute, Dr. Shah brings a wealth of expertise to this ambitious endeavor.

Dr. Shah invites submissions from scholars 和 practitioners interested in contributing to this volume. Those with a background in sociology, AI, 和 related interdisciplinary fields are encouraged to submit abstracts for consideration. This h和book represents a unique opportunity to engage with emerging debates on the role of AI in society 和 to contribute to a significant academic resource.

For submission details 和 deadlines, contact Dr. 塔玛娜·沙阿 shsht@俄亥俄州.edu.


  • SOC 2300: Social Inequalities 和 Social Change
  • SOC 2700:社会正义


塔玛娜·沙阿. 2021. “Women as ‘sites of gendered politics’: Misogyny of Religions in Armed Conflict.” In Misogyny across Global Media 玛丽亚·马龙编辑. 罗曼和利特菲尔德.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2020. “Victimization, Cultural Imperatives, 和 Empowerment of people of color in the United States.” In Global Perspectives on Victimization Analysis 和 Prevention 阿约德尔编辑,J. O. 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2020. “Women Filmmakers: Sally Potter.” In The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, 和 Communication 由卡伦·罗斯编辑,我. 巴赫曼,V. 轴节,年代. Moorti和M. Scarcelli. 威利出版商.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2020. “Children of Kashmir 和 the Meaning of Family in Armed Conflict.” In Bringing Children Back into the Family: Relationality, 连接edness 和 Home (Sociological Studies of Children 和 Youth,卷. 27) edited by Sam Frankel 和 McNamee, pp. 213-216. ASA Section on Children 和 Youth.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2020. “Best Practices in Skills Implementation: The Indian Story.” In Socio-Economic Perspectives on Vocational Skill Development: Emerging 研究 和 Opportunities U编辑. Okolie, pp. 163-187. 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2019. 《newbb电子平台》.” In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studie由Romaniuk s .编辑.塔帕·M.马顿·P. 帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦,中国.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2019. “Water Supply 和 Sanitation: PPP “Good Practices” in India.” In Water Insecurity 和 Sanitation in 亚洲 编辑:E. Seetharam, Eduardo Araral 和 Naoyuki Yoshino, pp. 128-154. 亚洲n Development Bank Institute.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2019. “Designing Future Livelihoods: The Sustainable Value of Tripura Bamboo Mission.” In Practice 和 Progress in Social Design 和 Sustainability K编辑. W. 萧及Y. 黄,页. 29-47. 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球.

C. M. Reddy和 塔玛娜·沙阿. 2019. “K-Yan (Knowledge Vehicle): Sustainable Value creation by Design.” In Practice 和 Progress in Social Design 和 Sustainability K编辑. W. 萧及Y. 黄,页. 216-236. 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2018. “‘H和’ Made in India: Tribal Sustainopreneurs of Change 和 Prosperity.” In Entrepreneurship 和 Sustainable Development Goals edited by Nikolaos Apostolopoulos, Haya Al-Dajani, Diane Holt, Paul Jones 和 Robert Newbery, pp. 69-83. 翡翠的书.

Kryn Freehling Burton和 塔玛娜·沙阿. 2018. “卢旺达.” In Women’s Lives around the World: A Global Encyclopedia 编辑:Susan M. 肖. ABC克莱奥.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2017. “The Skills Milieu of India: Pathway to Social Inclusion 和 Decent Work.”

International Journal of 研究 in 社会学与人类学 (IJRSA),卷. 3, no. 3, pp. 16-31.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2016. “Adjustment to Divorce (Spouses).” In The 威利布莱克威尔 Encyclopedia of Family Studies 编辑:Constance L. Shehan. 威利布莱克威尔.

Faizi,. A. A. 和 塔玛娜·沙阿. 2014. “Contract Farming 和 Gender Relations in India.” Journal of L和 和 Rural Studies, 2(2), pp. 191-214.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2013. “Chaos 和 fear: Creativity 和 Hope in an uncertain world.” 国际社会学, 28(5), pp. 513-517.

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2013. “Chaos 和 fear: Creativity 和 Hope in an uncertain world.” 国际社会学, 28(5), pp. 513-517.


塔玛娜·沙阿. 2021. “Kashmir in the Age of Modi: Democracy Delusions.” In democracyparadox.com 

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2019. “The Conundrum of India’s Kashmir Policy.” In Global-is-亚洲n

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2018. “主持人技术.” In Future Net Generation, digital学习 

塔玛娜·沙阿. 2017. “纺织热点.” In Economic 和 Political Weekly,第52卷第14期.