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Submission of 论文 for A&S Departmental Honors

签名: Before submitting your thesis to the College of Arts & 科学, 你必须在论文/项目批准表上获得你的论文导师的签名和部门荣誉协调员的签名:学院院长将审查你的论文并添加她或他的签名, 如果得到批准.

截止日期: 你的论文必须在文学院院长办公室收到 & 科学 no later than 5:00 p.m. 在你计划毕业的学期的最后一天上课. 请留下电话号码和首选电子邮件地址,以便与您联系. 建议你保持一种访问你的论文文件的方法,以防需要进行更改. 如果你计划在提交论文后的一个月内出国, please let the A&S staff know.

Electronic Submission: 你的论文也必须以电子方式提交,以便可以在newbb电子平台奥尔登图书馆的ALICE和OhioLink上查看, the Ohio Department of Education's database.

在截止日期前完成论文是你的责任,而不是你的论文导师的责任. 在你的时间表上安排足够的时间,让你的论文导师仔细审查你的工作,并为你的论文辩护, if required by your department.

How to Submit your 论文

  • Schedule an appointment with Dr. Randy Price by calling 740-593-2845. 你应该带上你签名的论文或项目批准表格. (形式仍然松散,没有被束缚在论文中.)

    Dr. Price will review your thesis for formatting. 确保你的论文题目和打印出来的一样, label, 论文 or Project approval form, and ultimately, in the electronic file.

    Once the thesis is determined to be acceptable, 论文将被接受,然后由院长或其指定人员审查.

  • 如果由于某种原因,在论文提交后的一个月内,您无法通过俄亥俄州的电子邮件获得, please notify the A&S College Office.
  • File your thesis in PDF format electronically.

How to Submit Your 论文 Electronically to OhioLINK

完成以下步骤将文档上传到OhioLINK. 请注意,将您的文档上传到OhioLINK可能会使您的文档通过谷歌搜索可用.

另外,请注意,你将被要求提供论文摘要. 为了A&S论文,这不必是一个完整的摘要,但几个句子描述你的论文主题.

  1. Go to the OhioLINK Center. While using an Internet browser, go to 俄亥俄州的链接 and click on "Submission for your complete, (位于屏幕左下角“论文及论文作者信息”下).
  2. ETD Submission Page. Read the OhioLINK FAQ's and publication agreement, 然后选择选项:“我要提交:我的论文的书目信息。, 摘要, and full text.接下来,勾选“我已阅读这些条款。." (see screen options below) and click "Continue."
  3. Select school:“newbb电子平台文理学院”,然后点击“继续浏览主表单”按钮.
  4. ETD Submission: Information about You. Complete sections in consecutive order. Provide all information carefully and accurately. 这些信息必须与你的论文信息相匹配. (For example, if your name on the thesis is "Ima S. Student" then it must be submitted here as "Ima S. Student" not "Ima Student.)此信息必须完整,“全文上传”选项才可用.
  5. Complete "Information about you" - Complete relevant fields in this section carefully. 输入你的名字与你的论文或论文上的名字完全一样, enter address information, 点击“更新此信息并返回主菜单”按钮.
  6. ETD Submission: Information about Your Paper.
    1. 以标题形式键入文档的标题,末尾不要有句号 (uppercase and lowercase letters).
    2. For the 摘要, type a brief summary of your paper.
    3. Enter keywords and separate them with semi-colons (;) to describe your document's content/main ideas. 用分号分隔每个关键字或关键短语 (;). 输入关键字将允许其他人通过搜索引擎找到你的手稿,而不需要他们知道文档的标题. Keywords should be specific and not too lengthy. Acronyms can also be used.
    4. Select one or more Subject Headings. To select more than one Subject Heading, 按住PC的CTRL键(MAC的Apple键)同时点击多个主题标题.
    5. Enter the year 您的文档已完成(默认为当前年份).
    6. Enter total number of pages in your document; this number should match the page number on the last page of your thesis. Click on "Save and Continue."
    7. Select the degree you are receiving. 您可以按住CTRL或Apple键选择多个.
  7. ETD Submission: Information about Your Degree.
    1. Select the degree you are receiving.
    2. Select your program name.
    3. 输入您的导师姓名,因为它列在您的文件. 如果你的导师有中间的首字母,把它放在名字栏里. 如果你愿意,你可以输入第二个导师的名字,但这不是必需的.
    4. 输入你的论文或论文获奖的年份. 这将默认为当前年度,通常不需要更改,除非您在年底提交. Click "Save and Continue" button.
  8. ETD Submission: Permissions and UMI Publications. Please follow these instructions carefully.


OhioLINK Permissions:

将默认选择为第一个选项:“Copyright, all rights reserved”?" 由于所有的论文和论文文件都受到 U.S. Copyright laws (with or without registration).

Scroll to UMI Publication:

Select: "Do not upload my paper to UMI?"

Click "Save and Continue" button.

  1. ETD Submission: Full text upload
    1. Note: once you have completed all sections, “全文上传”选项将出现在主菜单上.
    2. PDF转换说明:校园所有计算机实验室都安装了adobeacrobat. 选择文件/打印/选择adobeacrobat作为您的打印机.
    3. To upload your final document, click "Browse" and locate the file you previously received and saved from TAD Services; click to open. Next, click the "Upload Now" button. (注意:您可能需要等待几分钟,直到您的文件上传. Please do not click the upload button more than once.)
  2. Complete "Review and complete your submission."
    1. Proof all information carefully. If you find an error, use the "Back" button, make changes under the appropriate option, 点击“更新此信息并返回主菜单”按钮. 当你确信所有的信息都是正确的, 选择主菜单底部的“Submit my Paper Now”按钮.
    2. When the upload is complete, 您应该可以通过点击蓝色链接查看您的文档:“请查看您的PDF文件,以确认它是正确的论文版本,并正确上传。."
    3. 如果您对校对后的所有信息都感到满意, 点击“是的, 现在提交我的电子论文(ETD)

The College of Arts & 科学立即通过电子邮件通知,你已经上传你的文件到OhioLINK.