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Is Law for You?

Why Law School?

“衡量一个民族是否文明的最后标准是看他们是否尊重法律。.——刘易斯·F. Korn, Thoughts.

By Larry Hayman

Pre-Law Advisor & Specialist in the Center for Law, 正义 & 文化

法律、律师和法律实践对于自由社会的功能是必要的. 无论是撰写《newbb电子平台》,起草美国宪法.S. Constitution, or litigating civil rights cases, 200多年来,律师们一直在努力纠正我国的社会错误.

这并不是说,成为一名律师,你就必须做这些事情中的任何一件. 然而,律师们每天都在确保一个独立的司法机构尊重法治. 此外, 从复杂的金融交易、一级谋杀指控到争议性的儿童监护权案件,律师的工作无所不包. 这些律师把复杂的法律概念翻译给他们的客户, 对陪审团, 法官, and to other lawyers. They serve as advocates, teachers, mediators, and counselors. They work for law firms, government agencies, corporations, 非政府组织, civil rights organizations, universities, 运动员, celebrities, sport franchises, 银行, and bar associations to name just a few.

此外,法律专业人士在我们的社会中保持着很高的声望. “法律学位会给你的可信度打上即时的印记,因为他们知道你经过了严格的学习,newbb电子平台校友、前俄亥俄州最高法院法官说 Yvette McGee Brown. “他们知道,一旦你通过了律师资格考试,你就有了分析事实的能力. 他们明白你比那些只有学士学位的人在更高的层次上工作. You can use [your law degree] in business, you can use it as a trial lawyer, you can use it in a big corporate law firm, you can use it as an entrepreneur to start your own business. 它是最好的训练,因为它的严谨,它的分析,以及它教你思考的方式.”

What Is Law School Like?

Law school is unlike any other endeavor you have experienced. One reason for this is the way that law students are taught. As an undergraduate, especially during your first two years, 你习惯了让教授在全班面前讲课. You were a passive notetaker, not doing much interaction. 然后在这学期的课程中,你会对这些材料进行几次测试. None of these things are true in law school. 法学院采用两种教学方法,即苏格拉底法和案例法.  

The Socratic Method

Law professors do not lecture. 也就是说,他们不会站在教室前面,背诵事实让你记住. 而, 法学教授要求学生背诵前一晚阅读材料中的案件事实. Questioning of the student then begins, 包括案件结果和法官或法官用来得出特定答案的推理. The back and forth often continues, 包括辩论如果一个事实被改变,一个特定案件的结果可能会有什么不同. 这种教学方式被称为苏格拉底教学法,是以希腊哲学家苏格拉底的名字命名的. Some law professors call on students randomly, some alphabetically, some via seating chart, while still others take volunteers. No matter the case, 每天通过阅读和准备案例摘要来为上课做准备是很重要的.

The Casebook Method

Law schools do not utilize textbooks that explain the law. 相反,法学院通过充满司法意见的案例书向法学院学生讲授法律. 在你每天每节课读的三到五个观点之间, 教授想让你从阅读材料中弄清美国法律的一条规定. Sometimes, these rules are apparent. Sometimes, a case will make absolutely no sense. 有时候,你以为你有答案,但却毫无头绪. 有时候,你会认为你不知道,但实际上,你知道答案. 案例手册的方法是你作为一名律师所要做的很好的练习.

If you get an opportunity, 我建议你去旁听法学院的课程——可以是法律中心举办的模拟课程, 正义 & 文化 or an actual one at a law school. (他们通常会允许你免费听课.)

Which Law School Should You Go To?

This is a highly subjective question. 事实上,有几个因素会影响你去哪所法学院的决定. Among those factors are geographic location, 成本, specializations or focuses of the law school, and law school ranking.

大多数律师会告诉你去法学院,你想在那里执业或开始你的职业生涯. You will gain invaluable contacts through your law school, including through your law professors, 校友, and fellow students. 当然,很多人去了法学院,然后在其他地方执业. 然而,这是选择法学院时要考虑的一个因素.

Another factor you should consider is 成本. Is this a public law school or a private law school? 如果有的话,他们会给你提供什么样的奖学金? 你能找到私人奖学金来帮助支付一些费用吗? 法学院有没有兼职项目,这样你就可以全职工作了? (请注意,全日制学生在法学院的第一年被美国律师协会禁止工作, and during the second and third year may only work part-time.从法学院毕业后,你每月的工资是多少? What type of work do you want to do once you graduate?

一些潜在的法律专业学生知道他们想从事某一特定类型的法律. For example, a student may be interested in environmental law, alternative dispute resolution, or intellectual property. 此外,一些学生可能有兴趣获得联合J.D. with another degree program, like an M.B.A. or Master of Public Policy. 你是否研究过这些课程,看看哪些学校能为这些专业提供最好的教育.

Of course, to some students, U.S. 新闻 & World Report 排名是选择法学院时最重要的因素. 当然,有些学校会提供比其他学校更好的就业机会. You will want to ask yourself certain questions. Does a certain employer only recruit from certain schools? Do you want to clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court or for another federal judge? Is ranking more important to you than 成本 of education? 你做过研究并确定了这些问题的答案吗. 有时候,去排名最高的法学院并不总是最好的选择.

How Can You Learn More about Law School?

关于法学院和法学院过程的书籍、文章和电影数不胜数. One of the best, in my opinion, is 如何看待法学院:本科生和家长的手册 by Michael R. 狄龙. 此外,还可以参加由法律司法中心主办的活动 & 文化. The center hosts mock law school classes, 法律博览会, 法律系的一天, visiting lawyers, and other programs throughout the year. To gain practical experience, complete a legal internship. 决定你是否想成为一名律师的最好方法是体验律师是做什么的. 该中心通过竞争程序为学生提供法律相关的实习机会. 最后,每周三下午1点到4点到我的办公时间来.m. to chat about law school and your plans for the future.