


By 拉里·海曼

法律系的顾问 & 专家 法律,司法中心 & 文化

进入法学院可不是件容易的事. 本页为您提供一般信息.  然而, this page is not a substitute for meeting with a pre-law adviser who can assist you with your specific applications.  Further, please consult the Pre-Law Student Timetable. The information on this page contemplates that you will have already taken most, 如果不是全部, 时间表上的步骤.


Submit your full and completed applications to law school early, this cannot be overstated. 法学院实行滚动录取制度. This means they continually admit students as they receive applications from the fall, 一般在早春期间. 有更多的名额(和奖学金)!) available for students in November than in late winter. A student with excellent GPA 和LSAT成绩 often is denied admission because the law school received the application in February, while a student with lower credentials who applied early is admitted with scholarships. 你真的会因为拖延而吃亏. Plan to submit your applications no later than the Friday after Thanksgiving. Of course, most law schools will accept applications through February or March. 然而, early applications ensure the best chances of acceptance.


The Law School 入学s Council (LSAC) is a nonprofit organization of over 200 law schools across the United States, 加拿大, 和澳大利亚. Before you are able to take the LSAT, you are required to register with LSAC. 这可以在 LSAC网站. Once you are registered, you are able to schedule your LSAT administration. 除了管理法学院入学考试, LSAC collects all materials necessary for you to apply to law schools—个人陈述, transcript, 推荐信, 重新开始, 和LSAT成绩. LSAC把这些发给你指定的法学院. LSAC账户的有效期为三年.


One of the most important factors about where you will be admitted to law school, 以及你是否有可能获得奖学金, 你在法学院入学考试中的表现. The LSAT, unlike most admissions tests, does not test knowledge. Rather, the LSAT tests skills—logic, reasoning, and reading skills under timed conditions. 因为这是一个很不寻常的测试, many students find that they are ill-equipped to study for it themselves, 所以他们参加了备考课程. Some students are able to study effectively for it themselves. 这取决于你是哪类学生. If you know you need the structure of a formal course, and can afford to, take the course. If you know you are able to obtain some books from the library and study on your own, 这样就可以节省资源. 不管怎样,参加法学院入学考试只考一次. Do not take it until you have spent an extensive amount of time studying for it. 这是一个非常重要的测试,不能“临场发挥”.” 阅读更多关于LSAT考试的信息.


All undergraduate transcript are provided to LSAC and go to law schools with your completed law school applications. 所有的课程, 无论是在newbb电子平台还是其他地方, 会被LSAC看到和考虑吗. 这是, 如果你在newbb电子平台重修一门课, you will generally receive the higher grade if you do better. 但是,LSAC会在你的GPA中考虑这两个成绩. Thus, your 俄亥俄州 GPA and your LSAC GPA may be different.


Law schools require two to three 推荐信 per applicant. It is important to start planning who will write your letters long before you need them. 如果你是在校学生或刚毕业, at least two should come from faculty members who have had an opportunity to observe and rate your performance. I recommend that all potential law students begin developing relationships with faculty members by their sophomore year. 学生也应该保存作业(考试), papers) that they have completed for a particular faculty members course. This makes it easier for the faculty member to write the letter when the time comes. A third letter writer can be someone other than faculty. 然而, law schools are looking for the following criteria in applicants: problem-solving skills, 组织技能, 批判性思维能力, 写作能力清晰简洁, 口头沟通能力, 以及研究能力. Make sure that you choose letter writers who are able to advocate for you with respect to these skills.


These days, almost all law school applications are online. 它们中的许多都遵循类似的格式. 有些是不同的. Some ask certain questions one way and some ask the questions differently. As in law school and legal practice, the words used are important. If you do not understand a question, please seek clarification. It is a good idea to start reviewing some law school applications early in the process. 然而, no applications will be considered by law schools until all information is received, 包括LSAT成绩, 个人陈述, transcript, 以及推荐信.


The 个人陈述 is your opportunity to tell the law school admissions officers about you. 它应该是个人的. It should advocate for your admission into law school, though perhaps not directly. This is your opportunity to tell admissions officers why you want to be a lawyer. 你在旅途中克服了多少困难啊? Was there a particular event that lead you to apply to law school?

Practically, the 个人陈述 should be between two to three pages. Some schools give you a word limit, some a page limit, some no guidance. 有些学校会给你写作提示. 有些则不会. It is very important to pay particular attention to each school’s requirements.

法律司法中心 & 文化 hosts workshops on writing a 个人陈述. Please plan on attending one your junior year and one your senior year.


不要超过一页纸. 尽管艾丽·伍兹(律政俏佳人) may say, do not used non-traditional fonts or colors. 你正在申请一所专业学校. 保持专业性.

使用标准标题. 一个好的经验法则是5到6个标题. 不要让“客观”成为其中之一. They know you are trying to gain admission into law school. 这只会占用宝贵的空间. These should consist of your contact information at the top, 包括名字, address, 电话号码, 和电子邮件地址. 确保使用专业的电子邮件地址. You should also list Education, Experience, Extracurricular Activities, and Honors/奖.

As with everything else in your law school application, 确保你列出的每件事都是准确的. The last place you want to be is before a committee of law school officials, 律师, or LSAC officials answering questions about errors and omissions in your application.

法律司法中心 & 文化会举办写简历的研讨会. Please plan on attending one your junior year and one your senior year.