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A&S Parent Information

本指南旨在帮助学生了解他们需要哪些课程,以便及时从newbb电子平台毕业. 这些信息提供了如何大学通识教育的要求和文学院的感觉 & Sciences requirements fit together over a four-year period.

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Getting the MOST from Academic Advising

顾问可以作为导师、朋友、推荐人、指导者和资源. 他们的专业知识可以提高学生的职业生涯和研究生和专业学校的选择.

  1. 如果对要求或政策有疑问,学生应该向艺术学院咨询 & Sciences Office of Undergraduate Advising & Student Affairs, ask in the office of the student's major department, or meet with an advising coordinator of an academic department. 在newbb电子平台,信息和援助可以从许多来源获得. But, most of all, students need to learn how to read their DARS. DARS reports,即学位审核报告系统,可24小时在线访问.
  2. 学生应该在学期早期找到他们的成功顾问办公室,并注意办公时间, telephone number, or e-mail address. (FYI: Office hours may change each term.学生在每学期注册期间预约与导师见面. 指导老师将给学生提供dar,并解除学术限制,使学生能够注册课程.
  3. While success advisers are a valuable source of knowledge, they cannot be expected to select courses, plan schedules, or make academic decisions for students. 重要提示:学校的政策规定,学生有责任了解并满足毕业的所有要求.
  4. 退课:上网注册和/或更改课程安排既方便又快捷. 有时,老师在和学生谈论课程时使用“add”或“drop”. However, only students can make changes to their own registration. 如果需要,打印在线更改的副本以备将来验证是个好主意.
  5. OHIO policy for adding and dropping classes is very strict. 每学期第五天以后,学生不得擅自增加课程. 在第二周结束之前,在获得教师许可(使用在线许可请求)的情况下,仍然可以注册课程。. Changing grading status (i.e., 在此期间,也允许通过/不通过或审核(反之亦然)或放弃不想要的课程. 第3周至第10周之间的课程在DARS和成绩单上显示为WP/ WF(退学/及格或不及格), determined by the instructor). After the 10th week of the term, courses cannot be dropped, 除非向学院提交请愿书,并提供证明延迟申请理由的文件. 只有在学生无法控制的情况下,才会考虑严重的情有可原和可记录的情况.
  6. 如果学生遇到困难,他们应该尽快与他们的导师见面. 参加每节课,坐在教室前面,参与讨论是很重要的. Organizing a study group, going to the Academic Achievement Center (AAC), 或参加补充信息会议(SI“帮助”会议)都是积极主动的步骤. Tutoring, arranged through AAC, is best done early in the term. A word of caution--after the 10th week has come and gone, it's too late to drop a class, even if the student is failing. Keep a close eye on the calendar.
  7. 学生可以使用在线许可申请向教师(而不是学院办公室)申请许可,仅注册指定许可的课程或当课程满员时. Permission is approved online by the instructor, 学生必须在学期的第14天之前接受并注册,否则将无法注册的课程.
  8. 无论学生是注册课程还是想要放弃或增加课程, 请务必确保已输入正确的课程和班级编号. 学生应该打印出他们的日程安排,并经常检查他们的newbb电子平台电子邮件帐户,以获取注册主任和其他校园办公室的消息. A&S Students receive a weekly electronic newsletter—A&S论坛——每周二由学院提供最新消息, reminders, and information.
  9. To improve GPAs, 学生应该尽快重修成绩差的课程, if they believe that they can earn a grade of "C" or higher. 原来的成绩将被最近的成绩(无论是更高还是更低)所取代, although the former grade is not expunged from the permanent record, it is no longer calculated in the GPA. 俄亥俄州的政策允许在第一次尝试后再进行两次尝试.
  10. 我们强烈鼓励学生熟悉他们的在线“入学目录”." The Undergraduate Catalog 是newbb电子平台的成功指南吗,因为它提供了毕业要求的信息, as well as the policies, rules, and regulations of the University and college. For University policies, refer to the Guidelines and General Information sections; for information specific to the College or major, see the College of Arts & Sciences sections and courses of instruction.

AND, last but not least, 家长经常问的关于增减课程的问题总结, fee refunds, and more...

Q. 这句话的意思是:“如果我女儿错过了第一次班会,她不是会自动被退学吗?"

A. No. If a student misses the first two contact hours of a course, 老师不必在下次会议上允许学生回到课堂. If denied access, 应该由学生(而不是教师)负责从她的课程表中删除这门课程. If it remains on the schedule, 不及格的成绩——fn——不及格/从未出席——在学期结束时被报告.

Q. “如果我的学生在第二周结束前退了一节课,我们为什么不退钱呢??"

A. 每12-20个学时收费一次,因此,在12-20个学时范围内的学分调整不会影响标准费用.

Q. “到第10周,我儿子怎么知道该不该退课??"

A. 学生应该和老师讨论是否要放弃一门课程. In general, 平均成绩为“D”或更低的学生应该认真考虑放弃这门课.