


老师联系: Dr. Yeong-Hyun金 or Dr. 埃德娜的店.

Use this form to add a major or certificate.


The 贫富证明书 aims to address economic growth, 财富分配, 贫困, 不平等, and empowerment issues in both domestic and international settings. Its coherent and interdisciplinary combination and sequence of courses will provide students with a better understanding of the ways class, 比赛, 种族, and gender shape 不平等 of opportunities within and between countries.

Students are required to take a set of required courses (including introductory course, 服务学习课程, and capstone seminar) and elective courses that are offered across the Humanities, 社会科学, Natural 科学 and professional schools.

的知识, analytical skills and practical experiences gained in this interdisciplinary certificate program will help students become well-informed, 积极批判的全球公民. The awareness generated through the courses taken and research projects conducted would better prepare them for many of the critical challenges of the 21st century. Students who would like to explore wealth and 贫困 issues beyond what is covered in this certificate are encouraged to enroll in the 财富 and 贫困的主题.


The 贫富证明书 helps students develop critical thinking, 社会责任, 全球公民, which can be applied to a variety of careers in the academia, 公营部门, 非营利部门, including non-governmental organizations, 义工服务, 以及在政策问题上的宣传工作. Real world experiences gained from the service learning component of the curriculum will be an added asset in the job market.


新生/一年级入学: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.

Change of Major/Minor/Certificate Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements.

校外转学录取: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.



The 贫富证明书 Program requires a minimum of 18 hours.



  • AAS 1060 - Introduction to African American Studies 学分: 3
  • GEOG 1310 - Globalization and the Developing World 学分: 3
  • HIST 1330 - Introduction to World 历史 Since 1750 学分: 3
  • POLS 2300 - Democracies and Dictatorships Around the World 学分: 3
  • SOC 2300 - Social Inequalities and Social Change 学分: 3
  • SW 1000 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare 学分: 3



  • CFS 4660 - Transitions in Development: Middle and Later Life 学分: 3
  • 经济学3010C -利他主义的经济学 学分: 3
  • 经济学3120 -贫困经济学 学分: 3
    or ECON 3120C - Economics of Poverty 学分: 3
  • SOC 3090C -阿巴拉契亚社会学 学分: 3
  • SW 2601C - Social Welfare Overview and Trends 学分: 3

Students may request a course substitution, when their participation in an internship, 出国留学, or volunteer abroad involves a minimum of 10 hours of community outreach service activities.



  • T3 4400 - Seminar in 财富 and Poverty 学分: 3.0


Complete three courses from at least two departments from the following list. At least two courses must be at the 3000/4000 level. Note - credit will not be awarded for both ECON 3120 and ECON 3120C.