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女性的, 性别, and Sexuality Studies Major B.A.

  • Preparation for history, 地理位置, political science, philosophy, 英语, 社会学, communications studies, 艺术, 生物学, 和更多的
  • 为今后从事学术界、法律界、非营利组织、宣传工作做准备
  • Preparation for graduate school

教师 contact: Dr. Kim Little

Program Overview

女性的, 性别, 性研究提供了一个机会来探索性别和性的现象及其与种族的交集, 种族, class, and other elements of diversity. The program is interdisciplinary, 这使得许多领域的课程种类丰富. 学生可以从大学的众多课程中选择.

Careers and 研究生 School

A degree in 女性的, 性别, 和性研究培养学生的批判性思维和有效的沟通, 可以newbb电子于各种职业的基本技能.

毕业生可以在公平和多元化等领域追求令人满意的职业, management, 法律, public health, counseling, social work, 研究, creative writing, and community education. 女性学位毕业生的潜在雇主, 性别, and sexuality studies include, but are not limited to, the following: non-profit organizations; government agencies; women?s service organizations; medical centers; journalism entities; institutions of higher education; youth and family agencies; public relations agencies; etc.

Additionally, a high percentage of 女性的, 性别, 和性研究的毕业生追求研究生院的机会.

浏览newbb电子平台学生和校友的实习机会和全职工作公告 握手俄亥俄州?是研究工作、雇主、研讨会和专业发展活动的关键资源. See Careers & Internships information.

入学s Information

Freshman/First-Year 入学没有超出大学入学要求的要求.

Change of Program Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements.

External Transfer 入学: 没有超出大学入学要求的要求.

Degree Requirements

University-wide Graduation Requirements


Liberal Arts and 科学 Distribution Requirement

View the College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学.


完成30个学期的女性学分, 性别, and Sexuality Studies coursework, including all the requirements below.

Complete the following courses:

  • wgs 1000 -妇女,性别和性研究导论.0
  • wgs 2000 -妇女,性别和性研究问题.0
  • wgs 3500 - Feminist Theory Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 4800 -妇女,性别和性研究的顶点.0

Complete one of the following courses:

  • wgs 4100 - Global Feminisms Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 4110 - Women and Globalization Credit Hours: 3.0

Complete one of the following courses:

  • wgs 3200 - Sexual Revolutions Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 4600 -性别,性行为和文化.0
  • wgs 4610 - Queer Theory Credit Hours: 3.0


完成以下认可课程中的12个小时. 注意:用于满足核心要求的课程不能同时满足选修要求.

  • AAS 3450 - The Black Woman Credit Hours: 3.0
  • AAS 3460 -黑人与男子气概学时:3.0
  • AAS 4820 - The Black Family Credit Hours: 3.0
  • AH 4111 -在艺术史上的表现和性别理论化学分:3.0
  • ANTH 3450 -跨文化视角下的性别.0
  • ANTH 3490 -生活史:个人和文化学分:3.0
  • BIOS 2020 -性别差异生物学学时:3.0
  • CFS 4600 -儿童,家庭和多样性学时:3.0
  • CLAS 3430 -妇女在古地中海学时:3.0
  • CLWR 2220 -困难对话:宗教,性别和性行为学分:3.0
  • CLWR 4350 -佛教传统中的妇女学时:3.0
  • CLWR 4430 - Women and Religion Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COMS 3410 -妇女与健康传播学时:3.0
  • COMS 4200 -性别与沟通学时:3.0
  • COMS 4410 -通信在家庭学分:3.0
  • ECON 3220 -人力资源经济学学时:3.0
  • ENG 3060J - Women and Writing Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENG 3250 - Women and Literature Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENG 3260 -男女同性恋文学学分:3.0
  • ENG 3270 -酷儿修辞和写作学分:3.0
  • ENG 3280 - 女性的 Rhetorics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • GEOG 3270 - Social Geographies Credit Hours: 3.0
  • 地理4450 -性别,环境和发展学时:3.0
  • HIST 3200 - 1877年以前美国历史上的女性.0
  • HIST 3201 -自1877年以来美国历史上的女性.0
  • HIST 3202 - 女性的 Health and Medicine in U.S. 历史 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • HIST 3320 -妇女在中东历史学时:3.0
  • HIST 3390 -妇女在非洲历史学时:3.0
  • HIST 3540 -早期基督教历史学时:3.0
  • HIST 3555 - Women in Medieval Europe Credit Hours: 3.0
  • HIST 3600 -早期现代欧洲历史中的女性,1400-1800学时:3.0
  • HIST 3601 -现代欧洲历史中的女性,1800年至今.0
  • HIST 3602 -女战士:妇女和战争在欧洲学时:3.0
  • HIST 3710 -欧洲的魔法、异端和巫术学时:3.0
  • HIST 3715 -欧洲的性、犯罪和越轨行为,1200-1800学时.0
  • HLTH 2100 - Women and Health Credit Hours: 3.0
  • JOUR 4130 -性别,种族,新闻和大众媒体类学分:3.0
  • LING 3900 -男女语言学时:3.0
  • MDIA 3810 - Women and the Media Credit Hours: 3.0
  • MDIA 4175 -媒体和性表现学时:3.0
  • MGT 4420 -管理中的性别问题学时:3.0
  • PBIO 2170 - Women in Science Credit Hours: 3.0
  • POLS 4067 - Women and Politics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • POLS 4190 - LGBTQ Politics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • POLS 4210 -法律和性的政治学分:3.0
  • POLS 4740 -性与酷儿理论学时:3.0
  • POLS 4752 -交叉的政治学分:3.0
  • POLS 4780 -女权主义政治理论和运动学时:3.0
  • PSY 3440 - Psychology of 性别 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • SASM 4000 - Diversity and Sport Credit Hours: 3.0
  • SOC 2200 -家庭学分介绍:3.0
  • SOC 3720 - Sociology of Masculinity Credit Hours: 3.0
  • SOC 4210 -家庭学分比较研究:3.0
  • SOC 4220 -美国家庭系统学分:3.0
  • SOC 4670 - Violence Against Women Credit Hours: 3.0
  • SOC 4700 - Sociology of 性别 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • SOC 4710 - 性别 and Justice Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 2100 -妇女,性别和摇滚学时:3.0
  • wgs 3200 - Sexual Revolutions Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 3910 -妇女与性别研究实习学时:3.0
  • wgs 4100 - Global Feminisms Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 4110 - Women and Globalization Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 4500 - Advanced Feminist Theory Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 4600 -性别,性行为和文化.0
  • wgs 4610 - Queer Theory Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 3810J - Writing 性别 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • wgs 4900 -妇女,性别和性研究专题.0
  • wgs 4930 - Independent Reading Credit Hours: 1.0-3.0