
History of 教学中心, 学习, and 评估

Reimagination and Relaunch

2022年秋天, 教学中心, 学习, and 评估 (CTLA) was relaunched as a revitalization and expansion of the University’s Center for Teaching & 学习 as the University emerged from instruction delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic and the collective desire to continue providing rich and meaningful 学习 experiences at 俄亥俄州.

Reimagining the CTLA was undertaken by the Teaching, 学习, and 评估 Committee. The result was a commitment to leveraging pedagogical and scholarly expertise of faculty, staff and units across the University, as well as the expansion of support for development of skill sets in assessment of student 学习 and current assessment efforts, especially for the BRICKS General Education Program. 

Learn more about the relaunch of the CTLA by reading the announcement in the 俄亥俄州 新闻.

Organization and Alignment with 俄亥俄州's Mission and Vision

The CTLA operates within the Office of the Vice President and Provost administered through the Office for 教师发展. The CTLA serves as a portal for information and services related to teaching, 学习与评估.

俄亥俄州's mission and vision underscore the centrality of student transformation through the 学习 experience. Core values include strong academic programs, 以证据为基础的教学, 社区, 积极参与, 学习 through curricular and co-curricular experiences and accountability. The CTLA strives to uphold 俄亥俄州's mission, vision and core values by advancing faculty competencies in teaching, 学习与评估.


To achieve its mission, the CTLA collaborates with a variety of offices and committees, including:

  • Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost (EVPP)
  • Office of Instructional Innovation (OII)
  • Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics (IEA)
  • Division of Diversity and Inclusion (DDI)
  • 研究部
  • 大学图书馆
  • Academic Achievement Center
  • 从实践经验中学习
  • Center for Community Engagement
  • 教师 Senate's Educational Policy and Student Affairs (EPSA) Committee
  • 教师 Senate's University Curriculum Council (UCC)
  • Teaching, 学习, and 评估 (TLA) Committee


The CTLA is supports faculty needs and strengthens faculty competencies related to teaching, 学习, 并通过评估:


教师 are the lifeblood of any institution. 俄亥俄州 教师 are directly responsible for delivering the quality educational experiences 俄亥俄州 promise its students. 他们的努力, hard work and authentic interactions uphold 俄亥俄州’s reputation as an institution of excellence. 教师 development contributes to a culture of teaching, 学习, and assessment excellence will benefit all aspects of the institution.


Training and support for instructors (tenure track, 教学, clinical and staff) promotes consistent, high-quality student experience across the institution, influencing the student educational experience, student achievement of 学习, 学生的成功. Delivering high quality 学习 for all student has the potential to increase enrollment and improve retention.


通过提供, meaningful faculty development opportunities, 俄亥俄州 invests in talented leaders who are prepared to take on new roles or responsibilities. 教师 can naturally advance into leadership roles as they arise.


Offering interdisciplinary faculty development opportunities enables faculty to share best practices across academic unit silos. Interdisciplinary collaborations allow for the evolution of ideas based on a mixture of characteristics from various disciplines. Through crowdsourcing across disciplines, 俄亥俄州 may be able to identify unexpected solutions to tough problems, cultivate a greater diversity of thinking, and reduce faculty stress by offering support systems.