
newbb电子平台’s Spotlight on 学习 (SoL) Conference is supported by the 教、学、评中心 (CTLA); 教学, 学习, 和评估 Committee (TLA); and the Office of Instructional Design (OID).

SoL会议带来了俄亥俄的教员, staff and the larger teaching and 学习 community together to highlight models of teaching excellence by sharing examples of highly effective instructional practice, outlining strong approaches to assessing student 学习 and evaluating instruction, 并提供实现的方法, 调查, 教学创新评估与研究.


会议主题, “实践中的伟大大学教学”,” extended a year’s worth of programming to highlight teaching excellence at 俄亥俄州.

Conference organizers presented a half-day conference to equip attendees with case studies and examples of, 以及实现技巧, 高影响力, 高效的教学策略. Those attending received a digital toolkit filled with information about diverse peer-tested teaching practices for participants to use in summer or fall 2024 courses and beyond.

2024聚焦学习大会从上午11点30分开始举行.m. 到下午4:30.m. 4月16日星期二,在贝克中心. 




除非另有说明,所有时间均为东部时间. 议程可能会有变化. 一些会议将直播和录制


  • 9点到10点15分.m. ——画布方向
    • 通过参加 微软团队 from the comfort of your home or office or bring your own device to Baker Center 240/242.
  • 10:15 - 11.m. -- Canvas Phase 1 Lessons Learned to Inform Your Teaching Transition
    • 资讯科技署 and Office of Instructional Design staff share a summary of Phase 1 assessment findings, support resources for faculty at 俄亥俄州 and an overview of 俄亥俄州's Canvas templates and how they improve teaching effectiveness and efficiency. 通过参加 微软团队 from the comfort of your home or office or bring your own device to Baker Center 240/242.
  • 11点到11:30.m.休息和社交
  • 11:30 a.m. 到12:50分.m. -- Lunch Keynote: Great College Teaching: Democratizing 学习, Baker Center 240/242.)
    • 主题演讲将由Jeffrey C. 太阳,我.D., Ph.D., professor and distinguished university scholar with the University of Louisville College of Education & 人类发展. Sun will present Great College Teaching: Democratization of 学习. Sun’s research primarily examines the extent to which policy instruments or other legal actions (e.g., 政府规定, 司法判决, 具有法律约束力, negotiated agreements) advance or inhibit the academic operations in terms of college teaching, 学习, 知识创造. This stream rests heavily on concepts of civil rights and civil liberties.
  • 12:50到1点.m.:打破
  • 下午1点到2点半.m. ——注重实践的并行会议
  • CONCURRENT SESSION 1: Spotlight on Self-Discovery, Baker Center 240/242.
    • CSDeep 学习——连接学生, 教师, and Alumni to Promote a Creative Path to Success": Graduate Student 艾米丽·琼斯和李朝阳, 副教授, 卫生科学与职业学院, present on a seminar designed to enrich the educational experience through alumni engagement.
    • "俄亥俄优秀教学A.C.E. ——全面包容、自我能动性的教育学 & 心理健康”: 贾尼斯·柯林斯, 副教授 in Broadcast Journalism, began the Active Centralized Empowerment (A.C.E.) program at OU in 2003 and will share practices promoted in its current award-winning form.
    • “带出你最好的一面”:实践助理教授 吉姆·马奥尼, 沃伊诺维奇学校, 为教师提供帮助学生了解自己的工具, 如何利用他们的优势,如何管理他们的弱点, 培养终身受益的技能. 
  • 同期会议2:聚焦合作,贝克中心230
    • "Bridging the Experiential 学习 Gap -- Global Interactions from Home": Purba Das他是传播学教授 伊丽莎白Koonce, 英语教学副教授, present on Collaborative Online International 学习 (COIL) and how it brings together faculty and students from around the globe.
    • "的 More the Merrier – Collaboration as a Knowledge Process in Writing Classrooms": Nitya Pandey, 英语教学助理教授, presents evidence substantiating the claim that using digital tools can aid in facilitating collaborative knowledge-making processes in undergraduate writing classrooms.
    • “有目的的练习”: Stephen Shadik, 数学助教, describes a strategy for helping students learn how to practice in a way that truly leads to understanding and 学习.
  • 同期会议3:聚焦信心,贝克中心239
    • "STEMstart – Building a Bridge Wider than It Is Long": Associate Professors of Instruction 斯蒂芬妮•米勒 (生物学)和 科里贝克 (Chemistry) share how this broad but short program impacts retention in the sciences by providing opportunities for incoming undergraduates to adapt to life on campus, 培养科学信心和STEM社区, 并在无风险的化学课程中获得实践, 生物学, 和数学.
    • “反馈朋友和敌人”:巴顿教育学院教授 劳拉·哈里森,高等教育和学生事务,以及俄亥俄州的同事 Becky Challenger, Erin Morgenstern和Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe offer a humorous presentation of feedback do’s and don’ts (friends and foes) that help students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds write more effectively.
    • “信息安全”: 里根Klinger-Neviska, OIT的信息安全分析师, shares how to incorporate cybersecurity practices and topics into the classroom, 包括模拟网络钓鱼活动.
  • 下午2:30到2:45.m.  - - - - - -休息
  • 下午2:45到3:45.m. ——全体会议,贝克中心240/242
    • 考特尼凯斯特勒, 副教授, 教师教育, and director of the 俄亥俄州 Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science will present on a collaborative research project funded by the National Science Foundation to create more equitable 学习 opportunities for elementary students and how emerging findings inform their teaching and research with university students.
    • 大学学院院长 戴夫·阮和他的学生 involved in undergraduate research will present on 俄亥俄州 student perceptions and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 该项目于2023年春季开始.
  • 下午3:45到4:30.m. ——民主化学习的接受与社区对话
  • 2024年聚焦学习会议提案

    今年, the SoL Conference Planning Committee welcomed proposals from faculty or instructional support staff interested in sharing an innovative or highly effective teaching strategy they have implemented. Proposals included a description of the instructional practice/teaching approach, information about practice effectiveness and a list of materials to be shared by presenters as part of a digital toolkit.

    2024-25年的最后期限已经过去. 我们期待着在四月的会议上见到您.


的 教、学、评中心, 教学, 学习, 和评估 Committee and the Office of Instructional Design (OID) thank the Spotlight on 学习 planning committee members for their contributions to ensuring a successful event.

2024 SoL会议规划委员会

  • 大卫阮,大学学院院长,联席主席
  • 梅林达Rhodes-DiSalvo, Executive Director, 教、学、评中心, Co-chair
  • Joy Cobb, Technology Education Specialist, Campus Engagement, 资讯科技署
  • 迈克Dombroski, 三级教学技术员, 学术科技, 资讯科技署
  • 克里斯·古德,大学图书馆学习服务部主任
  • Imants Jaunarajs,助理副校长,学生事务
  • 坎迪斯莫里斯,教学设计办公室执行主任
  • Kalyn麦当劳, 助理临床教授, 传播科学与疾病, 康复与传播科学学院