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Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Early Childhood and Elementary Education

In the Early Childhood and Elementary Education (ECEE) program, 您将学习以儿童为中心的方法来教育三到五年级的学龄前儿童. Throughout the program, 您将参与的课程,促进培育年轻的思想和帮助他们充分发挥其潜力的重要性.

newbb电子平台的五个地区校区以及newbb电子提供B.S.Ed. in ECEE programs. If you’re interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Education in Early Childhood,你将进入你的学习项目学前教育和基础教育. Acceptance into the program is selective. Upon meeting criteria for teacher candidacy into the ECEE program, 你可以开始一系列专业课程,最终获得教师执照.


Early Childhood and Elementary Education Courses

幼儿和基础教育理学学士包括教学方法课程, English, mathematics and the sciences. Visit the B.S.Ed. undergraduate catalog page to see the complete major requirements.

Suggested Schedule of Classes

Year 1

  • EDTE 1000: Introduction  to Teaching  - 3 credit hours
  • EDEC 1600: Introduction to Child Development - 3 credit hours
  • Humanities: Arts - 3 credit hours
  • ENG 1510: Writing and Rhetoric WC - 3 credit hours
  • GEOL 1010(地质学)/PSC 1010(物理世界)/BIOL 1010(生物学)- 3或4个学分
  • UC 1500:学生过渡研讨会-教师教育(可选)- 1学分


  • MATH 1101: Elementary Topics in Mathematics  - 4 credit hours
  • Humanities: Texts  - 3 credit hours
  • GEOL 1010(地质学)/PSC 1010(物理世界)/BIOL 1010(生物学)- 3或4个学分
  • HIST 2000/2010 (U.S History) OR POLS 1010 (Political Science)  - 3 credit hours

Year 2


  • ECEE 2001: Sophomore Clinical Experience - 1 credit hour
  • ECEE 2400:婴幼儿心理健康与发展- 3学时
  • ECEE 2500:学习阅读-理论与实践- 3学分
  • ECEE 2301:幼儿教育综合课程- 3学分
  • ECEE 3801: Creativity and Play in Early Childhood & Elementary Ed. - 3 credit hours
  • GEOL 1010(地质学)/PSC 1010(物理世界)/BIOL 1010(生物学)- 3或4个学分 


  • EDPL 2910: Pre-Kindergarten Internship - 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 2701: Diversity & Awareness in ECEE- 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 3610: Guidance and Classroom Management- 3 credit hours
  • MATH 1102: Elementary Topics in Mathematics II- 4 credit hours
  • EDPL 3920: Partnership Practicum (optional)- 1-3 credit hours

Year 3

  • EDTE 2000: Learning & Human Development- 3 credit hours
  • EDTE 2010:例外学习者的特征- 3学分
  • EDTE 2020:教育领域经验(K-3年级)- 1学分
  • EDTE 2200: Phonics & Structure of Language - 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 3110: Reading to Learn: Content- 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 3300: ECEE数学教学方法- 3学分


  • ECEE 3002:初级临床经验(4-5年级)- 1学时
  • ECEE 3500: Methods of Teaching Social Studies - 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 3400: Methods of Teaching Science - 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 4300: Authentic Assessment for ECEE - 3 credit hours
  • EDTE 3000(俄亥俄历史教学)或HIST 3170(俄亥俄历史调查).) - 3 credit hours
  • EDTE 3710: Instructional Adaptations - 3 credit hours

Year 4

  • ECEE 3003:高级临床经验(K-3级)- 1学时
  • ECEE 3120: Using Reading Assessments - 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 4100: Family, School, Community - 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 4200:儿童发展哲学和理论- 3学时
  • ECEE 4400: Actively Engaging & Teaching with Literature & Storytelling - 3 credit hours
  • ECEE 4500: Principles of Curriculum AW - 3 credit hours


  • EDPL 4580: Internship Early Childhood - 6 credit hours
  • EDPL 4590: Professional Internship - 6 credit hours
  • EDPL 4650: Internship Seminar - 3 credit hours

*Students must pay Athens fees


    Potential Careers

    幼儿和基础教育专业的学生准备教三岁到五年级的孩子在学前班和小学设置. In addition to being qualified to teach in primary grades, you can also teach in pre-primary programs, such as public school preschools, private pre-kindergarten schools, childcare centers and Head Start programs.


    Tuition and Fees


    本科生(无论学科)的经济援助以奖学金的形式提供, grants and student loans. Visit our Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships to learn more.


    West Virginia and Kentucky Residents

    Exploring the Southern or Eastern Campus? Residents of West Virginia can now qualify for in-state tuition. Kentucky 附近县的居民可以在俄亥俄州南部或雅典获得州内学费. 以负担得起的地区校园费率获得大型公立大学的资源.


    Learning Environment

    Before successfully graduating from the ECEE program, 您将完成早期领域和临床领域的实习,并在三年级到五年级的儿童的课堂和项目中进行专业实习. 公立和私立地区学校和机构与俄亥俄州校园合作,指导ECEE学生在各种内容领域的教学方法. During your junior year as a teacher candidate, you will participate in the Rural-Urban Collaborative, 这是一个独特的项目,为俄亥俄州所有校区的教师候选人准备与城市地区的学生一起工作. 专业实习生在学前班完成为期15周的学前专业实习,为期一个学期, 在一个学期内完成从幼儿园到五年级为期15周的初级专业实习.

Program Admission Requirements

First-Year Students

新生或希望参加该计划的人应指定ECEE专业前代码ND8929. 学生可以在完成特定的课程先决条件后申请该专业. After the selective admissions process, successful students will be accepted into the ECEE program major.

Requirements for selective admissions are as follows:

  1. Admission to Teacher Candidacy:
    1. Earn at least 30 hours and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
    2. 完成EDTE 1000和ECEE 1600与“C”或更好的成绩在每个
    3. Complete ENG 1510 with a “C” or better grade
    4. 完成HIST 2010, HIST 2000或POLS 1010,成绩为“C”或更高
    5. 完成一项数学要求,以“C”或更高的成绩参加数学1101或数学1102
    6. Complete two of three science courses, 至少有一门在你的DARS上列出的认可课程中获得“C”或更高成绩的实验室
    7. Submission of test scores on one of the following assessments. 录取将与其他要求和补充材料一起整体确定. 学生只需要参加并提交以下其中一项考试的成绩,而不是三项考试的成绩.
      1. Praxis Core (Academic Skills for Educators)
      2. ACT
      3. SAT
  2. Personal Essay Statement
  3. Tuberculosis Test
  4. BCI and FBI background checks

Transfer Students

如果你在newbb电子平台注册了不同的专业或学院,并希望转到这个专业, you must either declare the ECEE pre-major code, if you don’t meet the admission criteria, or apply for selective admissions if you do meet them. To be admitted to the major, 你必须在成功完成入学标准后申请并被录取.


Accreditation Information

The program is accredited through theCouncil for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). 该计划与教育工作者准备认证委员会的K-6标准保持一致,并以全国幼儿教育协会的建议为指导.

More Accreditation Information

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Amy Wolfe
Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education

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