


贝克中心贝克舞厅| 雅典公园路1号,邮编45701

Decorative Graphic with text "Take Back 的 Night" "Thursday, April 4th. 7-8:30PM. 贝克舞厅”

夺回夜晚 is an annual event hosted by 俄亥俄州's 女性中心 和 学生参议院 designed to promote awareness of sexual 和 domestic violence 和 is focused on the survivor experience.

多年来, 俄亥俄州的“夺回夜晚”活动, 哪个是国际运动的一部分, 包括雅典城的游行吗, 鼓舞人心的演讲者, 艺术作品和表演, 治疗仪式, 以及网络宣传活动. 

All members of the 俄亥俄州 和 雅典 community, are invited to attend the event.


  • 下午6:30:开门
  • 晚上7点至8点:演讲
  • 晚上8点:3月


As the event approaches, more ways to participate 和 concrete details will be available.


We ask that anyone participating in 夺回夜晚 commit to on-going education 和 improvement as an ally to survivors. 夺回夜晚 is not just about this day, this event, or this moment. It is about creating a world that supports survivors 总是.

的 organizers of 夺回夜晚 in 雅典, OH are committed to diversity 和 inclusion. Take some time to consider how intersections of oppression 和 power have caused interpersonal violence to be perpetrated disproportionately against communities who are most marginalized.

我们致力于提高幸存者的声音. We also recognize that due to discrimination 和 safety concerns, 我们可能没有收到很多幸存者的消息. We hold space to acknowledge those who are silenced 和 those who are no longer with us.


的 夺回夜晚 rally features speakers who will share, 授权, 激励大家开始今晚的活动. 后来, 参与者将在雅典街头游行, 高呼口号,举着标语支持幸存者.


To share your story at this event, email the 女性中心 at womenscenter@俄亥俄州.edu. Send a few sentences on what you would like to speak about regarding your unique survivor experience. 在邮件中注明最好的联系方式.



We encourage folk to participate by sharing their commitment to supporting survivors on social media.

Please be considerate of intersectionality, diversity, 和 inclusion. 请从你的角度发帖, 和 do not disclose other people’s experiences without their permission.



我们的话题标签可以帮助你构建你的帖子. 使用它们作为内容指南.

  • # SurvivorsUniteTBTN: We encourage all posts to use the main this main hashtag. #SurvivorsUniteTBTN creates space to acknowledge that there is strength in visibility.
  • # SupportSurvivorsBy
  • # StartByBelieving
  • # IWillWalkWithYou


To represent our campus 和 community effort, please tag @俄亥俄州u, @俄亥俄州womencenter @Cityof雅典OH 在你的岗位上.


If you're not ready or able to participate in other ways, we would love for you to provide supportive messages that we can share anonymously with survivors through the newbb电子平台 女性中心 Twitter account (@俄亥俄州WomenCenter) during the event. 


从相信在线承诺开始 然后用它发一张自拍.

俄亥俄州 documentary Start By Believing: 的 Power of a Survivor-Centered Process Documentary. Learn about a survivor's experience here in 雅典 和 encourage others to watch as well.


We want to amplify the voices of survivors, 和 we also want to protect them. 在分享你的故事之前,我们鼓励你 与倡导者交谈 谁能帮你考虑:


分享, 尤其是在社交媒体上, may be a quick decision in the moment that can have a lasting impact. While sharing can be freeing for some, that is not a guarantee. You may not have the support in place to navigate your emotional response. 即使你以前分享过, sharing on social media can feel more permanent 和 public than sharing in other formats.  


网上分享有风险, 包括(但不限于)网络欺凌, permanence by way of screenshots/retweeting (which can make public your story in ways that you may not wish 和 cannot control), 以及你可能无法预测的情绪反应. You may report bullying or trolling behavior on many social media platforms. Please consider that we have events like 夺回夜晚 because in many ways we still exist within a culture that legitimizes sexual violence. 的refore, responses to our event may not 总是 be positive 和 we may face backlash.


We don't recommend using a perpetrator's name unless the person has been convicted in a court of law. 言论自由受到保护,但也有限制. 分享 the name of people involved may result in legal ramifications, 包括诉讼或诽谤诉讼. Even when stories are anonymized, sharing information about location, date, etc.,可以用来猜测所涉及的各方.

You may wish to discuss with a legal advisor prior to making a decision about identifying others.


While participation in this event won't require you to make an official report, whatever you share during this event may become part of a pending or future investigation should you choose to report sexual misconduct to newbb电子平台 or law enforcement.


通常, most newbb电子平台 employees who observe or learn of potential campus sexual misconduct legally must immediately report the alleged conduct to the Office for University 公平和公民权利合规 (ECRC).

夺回夜晚, 然而, has received an exemption from m和ated reporting in order to allow for full participation by all members of the campus community. Disclosures of incidents of sexual misconduct at this specified event will not be considered notice to newbb电子平台. Disclosures prior to the start 和 after the end time of the event are 不能幸免 从强制性报告.

幸存者倡导项目 is 总是 a confidential resource 和 exempt 从强制性报告 through the university.

你仍然可以选择 report sexual misconduct to newbb电子平台 or law enforcement at any time.