
Krisanna Machtmes

Headshot of a smiling Krisanna Machtmes wearing glasses and a blue top.

Dr. Krisanna Machtmes holds a BS degree from University of Wyoming, a MS degree from Washington State University and a Ph.D. 普渡大学教育学硕士. After completing her doctorate at Purdue University, Krisanna worked for three years as a program evaluator for the 4-H Youth Development Department at Purdue University. Krisanna's initial faculty position was at Louisiana State University in 2002. 在路易斯安那州立大学期间. Machtmes earned promotion to 副教授 with tenure. 她于2013年秋天加入newbb电子平台. Dr. Machtmes' research focuses on the methodology used to evaluate technology-based education programs. Current research examines the effects of immersive virtual learning on training adults. Responsibilities at newbb电子平台 include teaching graduate courses in research methods and evaluation, 包括混合方法. Dr. Machtmes has been active in myriad campus service and leadership committees at LSU, 包括Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会.

研究、参与和拓展兴趣: Program Evaluation/Methodology and Data Collection; Implementation Science; Doctoral 教育 Research.


Strycker J., & Machtmes K. (2019). Online Equivalencies and the Potential to Inadvertently Offend or Cause Discomfort. In J. Keengwe, & K. Kungu (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cross-Cultural Online Learning in Higher教育 (pp. 407-429). 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8286-1.ch020

Ndinguri E., Machtmes K., Machtmes R. J., & 山,我. (2018). Exploring How Women Entrepreneurs Use Technology for Idea Generation. In I. 管理协会(Ed).), Information and Technology Literacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 240-255). 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3417-4.ch014

Ndinguri E., Machtmes K., Machtmes R. J., & 山,我. I. (2018). Entrepreneurs and Technology: Use and Access of Technology for Idea Generation. In M. Khosrow-Pour D.G.G. (Ed.), Entrepreneurship, Collaboration, and Innovation in the Modern Business Era (pp. 22-39). 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5014-3.ch002

萨尔,我.格尔森,M., Machtmes K., & Machtmes R. (2018). Associations between adults’ numeracy skills and employment status: An analysis of PIAAC’s US dataset. 美国PIAAC委托的论文, American Institutes for Research PIAAC (AIRPIAAC),(华盛顿), 2020年3月3日,  http://piaacgateway.com/s/2018_Saal_Gholson_Machtmes_Machtmes_Numeracy_EmploymentStatus.pdf

贝伦特,米., & Machtmes K. (2017). Promoting experiences in outdoor environment as a way of enhancing interest and engaging learning. 在莱特,L.L .杜拉多.A .阿方索., & Morgado,年代. (Eds.). Contextualizing Teaching to Improving Learning: The Case of Science and Geography http://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id = 61717

Ozfidan B., Machtmes K. & Demir H. (2016). Socio-cultural factors in second language learning: A case study of adventurous adult language learners. European Journal of 教育al Research, 3(4), 185-191.

Ndinguri E., Machtmes K., Machtmes R., & 山,我. (2016). Exploring how women entrepreneurs use technology for idea generation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 5, 24-38; doi:10.4018 / ijeei.2015070102

贝伦特,米., & Machtmes K. (2016). Photovoice as an evaluation tool for student learning on a field trip. 科学研究 & 技术教育,科学研究 & 技术教育,34(2),187-203. doi: 10.1080/02635143.2015.1124410

麦克卢尔,C.布科伊,B.科特利克,J., Machtmes K., & 群,我. (2014). Extension youth educators’ technology use in youth development programming. 农业教育学报,55(3),17-31. doi: 10.5032 / jae.2014.03017

Danjean,年代.麦克卢尔,C.邦奇,J. Kotrlik J., & Machtmes K. (2014). Louisiana secondary agricultural educators’ perception of an international experience toward their teaching career. 农业教育学报,55(2),1-15. doi:10.5032 / jae.2014.02001.

麦克卢尔,C. Danjean,年代.邦奇,J., Machtmes K., & Kotrlik J. (2014). Louisiana extension educators’ perceptions of the benefit and relevance of participating in an international extension experience toward their career. 农业教育学报,55(1),92-105. doi: 10.5032 / jae.2014.01092.

Ndinguri E., Machtmes K.哈塔拉,J. P., & 可可,M. (2013). Learning through immersive virtual environment: An organization context. 在Keengwe, J.Schnellert, G., & Kungu K. (Eds.), Cross Cultural Online Learning in Higher 教育 and Corporate Training. 15页doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5023-7.cho10.

满足,M., Machtmes K., & Fox, J. (2013). A Phenomenological Examination of Context on Adolescent Ownership and Engagement. 《newbb电子平台》,18(Art. 31), 1- 13. 

Ndinguri E. N.普列托,L.C., & Machtmes K. (2012). Human capital development dynamics: The knowledge based approach.战略管理学会, 11(2), 121-136.

Fox, J.琼斯,K。., Machtmes K., & 满足,M. (2012). Internalizing virtue framework: A qualitative examination of a character development service-learning project and its impact on college students in an adolescence development course. 公民承诺学报(19),1-19.

布鲁萨德J., & Machtmes K. (2012). 作为课程的游戏. 课程与教学对话,14(1-2), 89-104.

雅博,哈他,阿布,萨列, Machtmes K., & 黄,R. T. (2012). Does ethnicity matter on the students' achievement in mathematics. 科学学报, 65(7), 608-614.

雅博,哈他,阿布,萨列,& Machtmes K. (2012). The impacts of parent educational status on the achievement in mathematics. 科学学报,65(7); 564-589.

Deggs D., & Machtmes K., (2012). The influence of higher education on working adults' anticipated independent and self-directed learning activities. 终身学习学报,21, 23-37.

Kungu K., Machtmes K.普列托,L., & Jabor, M. K. (2012).Assessing readiness for lifelong learning: Volunteers to a 4-H Youth Development Program. 《newbb电子》,第18期(3), 23-43.

黄,R.德格斯,D.贾博,先生., & Machtmes K. (2011年夏季). 教师 online technology adoption: The role of management support and organizational climate. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 14(2)、检索自 http://www.westga.edu/%7Edistance/ojdla/summer142/huang_142.html

黄,R.,张,S., Machtmes K., & Deggs D. (2011). Investigating the roles of perceived playfulness resistance to change and self-management of learning in mobile English learning outcome. 英国教育技术杂志, 高级在线出版. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01239x

Kungu K.伊拉克,F., & Machtmes K. (2010). Assessing the self-directed learning readiness in a Kenyan University context.Review of Higher 教育 and Self-Learning, 3(7), 26-39.

Deggs D.希勒克,G.史蒂文斯,m.s。., & Machtmes K. (2010年9月). The affect of previous service activities on student experiences in a service-learning course. 公民承诺杂志, 15, 1-13,检索自 http://www.mesacc.edu/other/engagement/Journal/Issue15/Deggs.shtml

Fox, J., Machtmes K.塔辛,M., & 赫伯特,我. (2009年冬季). An analysis of volunteer motivation among youth participating in service-learning projects.Information for Action: A Journal for Research on Service-Learning for Children and Youth, 2(1), 1-17.

Kungu K., & Machtmes K. (2009). Lifelong learning: Looking at triggers for adult learning. 《newbb电子》, 16(7), 501-511.

哈松,D., Machtmes K., & 蒂尔曼K. (2009).The lived experience of nurses working with student nurses in the acute care clinical environment. 《newbb电子平台》,第14页(2), 227-244.

Machtmes K.德格斯,D.约翰逊,E.狐狸,J.伯克,M。.哈珀,J。.马茨克,B.阿塞蒙特,L.赫伯特,L., Tarifa, T.雷诺,A.阿吉雷,R., & 布鲁克斯,C. (2009). Teaching qualitative research methods through service-learning. 定性报告, 14(1), 155-164.