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Jacqueline Yahn

Headshot of a smiling Jacqueline Yahn and wearing a dark jacket with a print top.
Associate Professor
Teacher 教育
Shannon Hall 304A, 东部 Campus

Dr. Jacqueline Yahn holds the BA in Secondary English 教育 from West Liberty University and an MA in Integrated Teaching and Learning from The Ohio State University. She holds the EdD in 教育al Administration from Ohio University. Dr. Yahn teaches courses in middle childhood education, reading education, children’s literature, and social studies and English Language arts methods. Her major research interests include rural education, rural school, and community viability, school finance, and education policy and leadership. Her work often focuses on current and/or historical issues impacting rural schools and communities, especially those in the Appalachian region.

Research, Engagement, and Outreach interests: Rural Schools and Rural Community Viability; School Finance and Organization; Policy and Leadership.

Yahn J. (2021) This land is our land? Silas House holds up a mirror in his young adult literature. 在年代. Shurbutt (Ed.). Silas House: Exploring an Appalachian writer’s work. University of Kentucky Press.

Yahn J. (2020). You talkin’ about me? Turning the blood of Appalachia’s opioid epidemic into ink. 在T. Stimeling (Ed.), The opioid epidemic: Expression, art, and politics in an age of addiction. West Virginia University Press.

Howley C., Howley, A., Yahn J., VanHorn, P., &电动高架索道,D. (2019). Inclusive instructional leadership: A quasi-experimental study of professional development program for principals. Mid-Western 教育al Researcher, 31(1).

Yahn J. (2018). Power and powerlessness in the Shale Valley Schools: Fracking for funding. West Virginia Law Review, 120 (3).

Yahn J. (2016). Frackonomics: The fiscal implications of Northern Appalachia’s natural gas boom. 在R. 弗莱彻 & W. Schumann (Eds.), Appalachia Revisited (pp. 139-153). University of Kentucky Press.

Howley C., Howley, A., & Yahn J. (2014). Three rejoinders in search of an author. Journal of Research in Rural 教育, 29(12), 1-5.

Howley C., Howley, A., Rhodes, M., & Yahn J. (2014). Three contemporary dilemmas for rural superintendents. Peabody Journal of 教育.

Howley C., Howley, A., & Yahn J. (2014). Motives for dissertation research at the intersection between rural education and curriculum and instruction. Journal for Research in Rural 教育, 29(5).