


The online Master of 工程 Management curriculum consists of 10 total courses: four foundation courses, 三门核心课程, 两个选修课, 一个顶点项目. 你每学期可以选修1到2门课程, 而且没有什么先决条件, 您有最大的灵活性,以自己的速度参加该计划.

The MEM coursework will cover both the specific engineering and management skills to excel in your current position (whenever possible, students are encouraged to relate the coursework to their current roles) while also preparing you for 领导 and management opportunities as your career unfolds.




工程管理基础:EMGT 6000(4学分)

工程 management skills and executive 领导 are required to meet the demands of both global and domestic markets. 现代企业要求工程领导具有创造性和进步性, 并产生盈利业绩. Will help engineers to broaden their understanding of management activities and their unique applications to engineering functions.


工程师沟通技巧:EMGT 6010(3学分)

Designed to help students to 开发 the ability to think critically as a professional communicator by asking appropriate questions that will enable them to understand, 开发, and produce effective communication using the following elements of thought: purpose, 基本概念, 信息来源和需求, 基本假设, 推论/结论, 影响/后果, 观点, 以及提出和解决的问题.

工程管理统计学:EMGT 6100(4学分)

估计理论, 假设检验, 统计预测, 简单线性回归, 多元回归, 转换, 方差分析, 简单的实验设计.


信息系统工程:EMGT 6200(3学分)

An introduction to applications of information systems industry and the design and implementation of these systems. Students will also learn systems modeling and how to utilize a Rapid Application Development tool to extract needed information from a database.



六西格玛原则:EMGT 6110(4学分)

Application of statistics to control of quality and reliability in products and services, 包括六西格玛DMAIC问题解决方法的培训. Topics include: tools and techniques for statistically-based product and process improvement; design of acceptance sampling and process control systems, including attention to inspection and test methods; and design and implementation of quality assurance programs, 包括质量体系的非统计维度.

*This course is required for both the Certified Lean Six Sigma Certificate - CTLSSG and the Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate - CTSSBBG, 但是这门课程只能算作一个证书.

项目管理:EMGT 6300(4学分)

Modeling of project constraints using network methodologies such as CPM and PERT to determine activities critical to meeting a project deadline. 利用随机模型来确定关键路径上可能的变化. 还将涵盖项目备选方案的经济评价方法.


工程管理newbb电子会计与财务:EMGT 6600(3学分)

会计的原理和技巧, 金融, performance measures and decision making are examined and applied in the engineering management context. 介绍了各种成本核算方法,并对其进行了比较和newbb电子. Relationships between cost, volume and profit are illustrated, and related parameters are calculated. 准备生产、直接劳动力、制造和其他职能的预算. 分析和newbb电子性能度量. Differential analysis techniques are used to support engineering management decisions. Financial statements and statements of cash flows are examined and interpreted to assess the financial health of engineering organizations.



工程管理专业:EMGT 6949(3学分)

学生们必须完成一个项目. 他们选择一个他们选择的话题,并详细研究. 虽然不是必须的, they are recommended to select this topic from the organization where they are currently working. 该项目包括问题定义, 解决方案技术, 分析执行, 结果, 讨论, 和结论.


Student must choose 两个选修课 from any listed within to complete the master's program. Students have the option to select one of the certificate set of courses to earn that certificate in addition to their masters with additional credits.


高级六西格玛:EMGT 6111(3学分)

This course is a continuation of EMGT 6110 and covers DMAIC problem-solving methodology in detail. Topics covered include tools and techniques for product and process improvement and applying basic and advanced statistics to problem-solving. 重点是方法论的newbb电子.


六西格玛黑带证书的学生必须与EMGT 6112一起参加本课程.

六西格玛绿带考试:EMGT 6112.5学分)

本课程允许学生熟练运用基本的六西格玛方法. 学生复习提供的材料,然后参加考试.

MEM学生可以与EMGT 6111一起学习本课程.

六西格玛黑带证书的学生必须与EMGT 6111一起参加本课程.

六西格玛黑带考试:EMGT 6113.5学分)

This course allows students to demonstrate proficiency in advanced Six Sigma methods. 学生复习提供的材料,然后参加考试.

MEM学生可以选修这门课程和EMGT 6114. MEM students must have successfully completed EMGT 6111 and EMGT 6112 prior to taking this course.

六西格玛黑带证书的学生必须与EMGT 6114一起参加本课程. Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate students must have successfully completed EMGT 6111 and EMGT 6112 prior to taking this course.

六西格玛黑带项目:EMGT 6114(3学分)

这是六西格玛黑带证书的最终经验. Students apply the components of Six Sigma methodology taught in previous courses to demonstrate their ability to use the appropriate methods for process improvement.

MEM学生可以选修这门课程和EMGT 6113. MEM students must have successfully completed EMGT 6111 and EMGT 6112 prior to taking this course.

六西格玛黑带证书的学生必须与EMGT 6113一起参加本课程. Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate students must have successfully completed EMGT 6111 and EMGT 6112 prior to taking this course.

质量体系:EMGT 6120(3学分)

Focuses on the concepts of total quality management including: philosophies and frameworks of quality management, 将质量纳入战略规划, 领导, 过程测量和管理, 持续的质量改进, 和ISO 9000. Original writings by major figures in the quality movement, such as Deming, Juran, Tagucji, etc. 将被讨论.

数据库信息系统:EMGT 6210(3学分)

Introduction to application and 开发ment of database systems in industrial engineering. 此外,学生将学习数据库理论、数据建模和SQL.


数据采集和预测分析:EMGT 6220(3学分)

The objective of this course is to teach students modern methods for data analysis and predictive analytics. Students will gain the knowledge to 开发 advanced queries and apply statistical methods and machine learning to analyze the data and make predictions in the engineering management context.


工程法:EMGT 6400(3学分)

Study of the legal system; domestic and international environments of intellectual property policy (including patents, 商标, 版权, 和商业秘密), 侵权和各种来源的个人, 设施, products and enterprise liability; contracts and issues arising from various types of contractual relationships; and aspects of administrative law (dealing with agencies) and employment law.


精益思维方法:EMGT 6500(3学分)

本课程的目的是教学生运用精益思维的工具, 精益原则和精益方法在制造和服务系统. 学生将学习精益生产的基本方法, 比如价值流映射, 5(6)-S, 连续流, 看板, 中小企业, A3, 持续改进. 这些方法将通过小组讨论和项目实践来学习. 完成课程后, 学生将具备在工作环境中newbb电子精益方法的技能.


工程领导:EMGT 6700(3学分)

本课程将提供信息, experiences and skill 开发ment to aid the student in creating an inventory of 领导 knowledge for lifelong 开发ment of effective 领导 abilities. 这将通过选定的阅读材料来完成, 补充视频, 经验丰富的领导者访谈, 反思与探讨, 开发, 加强领导力发展. Case studies from engineering leaders will be used for 讨论 of the principles being covered.


