Facilities 新闻

December 19, 2022
85 years in waiting

 Scott Quad time capsule and 俄亥俄州 history are unearthed

This spring, Facilities Management employees unearthed a hidden piece of 俄亥俄州 history—a time capsule placed in the cornerstone of Scott Quad during construction in 1937.

December 12, 2022
Facilities Management and 安全 shares winter break energy conservation tips

Energy conservation is important to Ohio University, and we’re continually working to incorporate sustainability into our campus processes, including the design of new buildings, major renovation projects, transportation programs and the maintenance and operation of campus infrastructure.

October 28, 2022
俄亥俄州 students, staff work behind the scenes to keep campus, community clean

Ohio University is home to a number of students, professional staff, and faculty working hard to help the environment.

October 24, 2022
Green Power Partnership Top 30 College & University

As of October 24, 2022, the combined annual green power use of EPA’s Top 30 College & University Partners amounts to more than 3.8 billion kilowatt-hours of green power, which is equivalent to the annual electricity use of more than 361,000 average American homes.

October 24, 2022
Ohio University Competes for the National Championship in the GameDay Recycling Challenge

At the October 22 俄亥俄州 home football game, Campus Recycling and its partners encourage Bobcat fans to show their true green pride by participating in the GameDay Challenge, making an effort to properly dispose of all waste created, and encouraging others to do the same. Each fall, colleges and universities across the U.S.

October 3, 2022
Ohio University releases 2022 Annual Security & Fire 安全 Report in accordance with federal Clery Act

In accordance with the federal Clery Act, Ohio University has completed its 2022 Annual Security and Fire 安全 Report.

September 29, 2022
Recycling competition underway in 俄亥俄州’s residence halls

Ohio University’s Recycling Battle Royale is a four-week recycling competition between each residence hall to see which can recycle the highest percentage of their total waste. Beginning Monday, Sept. 26, through Sunday, Oct.

September 23, 2022
Campus Recycling and 俄亥俄州 Athletics to host Rufus Recycling Days this fall

Several Ohio University groups have been working together to plan Rufus Recycling Days for the fall semester.

May 6, 2022
Ohio University’s 安全 Department plays key role with research, campus life

The Ohio University 安全 Department works tirelessly across all of 俄亥俄州’s campuses to ensure the University is meeting safety requirements and is in compliance with research regulations.

March 24, 2022
OU ranked No. 1 in the Campus Race to Zero Waste Challenge

Grace Mealey | March 24, 2022

ATHENS — After week 4 of the 8-week Campus Race to Zero Waste challenge, Ohio University takes first place in the MAC division.