
查尔斯年代. 布坎南

Dr. 布坎南新片



查尔斯年代. 布坎南

Area Chair, Associate Professor

Professor 布坎南 is a cultural historian who specializes in early medieval manuscript illumination. His interdisciplinary interests include art and power, 文字和图像, 象征主义, 艺术和表演.


  • “An Illustrated Romanesque Hagiographic Lectionary (Lucca: Biblioteca Capitolare, Passionario C): Inspiration, 配方, 和接待,” Studies in Iconography vol. 28 (2007).
  • “Methods and Modes of Romanesque Manuscript Illumination at the Scriptorium of S. Frediano在 Lucca,” Manuscripta vol. 49 no. 1 (2005).
  • "Spiritual and Spatial Authority in Medieval Lucca: Illuminated Manuscripts, Stational Liturgy and the Gregorian Reform,《newbb电子平台》. 27, no. 5(2004年11月).
  • "Evidence of a Scriptorium at the Reformed Canonry of S. Frediano在
    Lucca," Scriptorium: Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits vol. 57, no. 1 (2003).
  • "Late Eleventh-Century Illuminated Initials from Lucca: Partisan Political Imagery During the Investiture Struggle,“中世纪艺术, 2 d系列, 波动率. 12/13 (1998-99).

Professor 布坎南 is also co-editor and co-writer of the Encyclopedia of New Orleans Artists: 1718-1918 (New Orleans: The Historic New Orleans Collection, 1987).

He is presently completing a book entitled Manuscript Painting and Polemics in Central Italy during the Gregorian Reform, under the auspices of an newbb电子平台 Baker Award, which he received in 2007.

Professor 布坎南 teaches a variety of doctoral courses in western art and architectural history, including Transitions: The Visual Culture of Late Antiquity; Medieval Book Culture, 中世纪的建筑, The Italian Renaissance: Self-Definition or Self-Deception, Theatricality and Rhetoric in Baroque Art, and Nineteenth-Century French Modernist Painting. He has also designed the following interdisciplinary graduate seminars: Transformations: Arts and Culture in Late Antiquity, Arts and the Word in the Middle Ages, 文艺复兴奇观, and Mannerism and Mannerisms in the Arts.

A former Fulbright scholar, Professor 布坎南 in 2001 and 2002 received newbb电子平台 1804 Special 图书馆 Endowment Awards for the purchase of facsimiles of the Book of Kells and Beatus of Saint-Sever, which are now housed in Alden 图书馆. These form the core of a collection of facsimiles of manuscripts that Professor 布坎南 utilizes in teaching his Tier III course, Medieval Manuscript Illumination.

In recent years Professor 布坎南 has presented papers at the College Art Association; Index of Christian Art, Princeton University; International Association of Word and Image Studies; International Congress on Medieval Studies; and Vatican 电影 图书馆 Conference on Manuscript Studies, St. 路易斯大学.


B.A., Art History, Swarthmore College M.A., Art History, Tulane University Ph.D., History of Art and Architecture, University of California at Santa Barbara