



  • 俄亥俄州的信贷


  • 健康科学


  • 创艾德


  • 哥斯达黎加


  • 寒假




*申请以滚动方式审核. 建议尽早申请







Join your fellow bobcats in 哥斯达黎加 over winter break to experience “Pura Vida” while studying the principles of 全球 health including the connection between local and 全球 health issues, the differences between health care systems and the social, 健康的文化和环境决定因素.


  • 花几天时间在一个工作的永续农业农场, wildlife refugee and community focused on environmental sustainability where you will learn about medicinal plants, 食物作为药物, chocolate making and explore waterfalls and idyllic swimming holes.
  • 搜索 for the illusive sloth and enjoy the beach at Manuel Antonio National Park and Seashore
  • 访问 a small regional hospital in Quepos and a clinic in San Jose to learn about the 哥斯达黎加n 健康 system including their community-based care model.
  • 探索 the downtown area of San Jose including the Central Market, 工匠市场和咖啡馆之旅.
  • 向当地卫生专业人员学习.


  • 参与者 are encouraged to have a passport at the time of application or to apply for a passport prior to September 1st, 2024.
  • Some locations will not have access to wi-fi or cellphone services (including local cell phone providers).
  • 学生 should expect a moderate to strenuous level of physical activity on this program, including longer distance hikes on uneven and remote terrain in hot weather.
  • This program reviews and accepts applications on a rolling basis. 建议尽早申请. 


学生 will be housed at hotels and in hand-built structures at an agroforestry farm. Some locations will not have access to wi-fi or cell phone service. 


2024年12月29日- 2025年1月9日


活动时间和“课堂”时间是分开的. 参与者 are expected to complete some research and online coursework prior to travel and will have assignments and a presentation due after travel.

学生 register for 3 credits of undergraduate or graduate credit. 学生可在以下选项中任选其一:

  • IHS 2210: Introduction to Global 健康 (3 OHIO credits) OHIO BRICKS: Foundation: Intercultural Explorations, 支柱:社会或行为科学. 
  • IHS 3934: Global 健康: Interprofessional Experiential Learning (3 俄亥俄州的信贷s) OHIO BRICKS: Bridge: Learning & 做CHSP: IPE课程学分
  • IHS 5210:全球健康基础(3个俄亥俄学分)


The program fee for this program includes: Student accommodations, 每天的早餐, 一些团体餐, 远足, 机场皮卡, 国内运输, 以及国际医疗健康保险.

除了项目费用之外, 学生应计划3个学时的学费*, 行政费用, 还有自付费用. Below is the student budget worksheet for this program, which outlines these costs. 

与项目无关的项目(如. 更多的娱乐, 纪念品, 额外的旅行, contingency funds) are not included in the cost estimates provided and should be budgeted for separately.  


  • 如果你被提名参加这个项目, you will be required to pay a deposit to confirm your participation. The deposit is a down payment on the total costs to be billed by OHIO and is determined by the total cost of the program. 
  • 在寒假和春假期间完成的课程, the credit-hours associated with the program are part of the spring semester. 学生需要12到20个雅典校园学时, 包括那些与该计划有关的人, will not incur additional tuition costs for the spring semester. 学生 taking less than 12 or more than 20 雅典 campus credits for the spring term will see their tuition charge adjusted accordingly.  


More information on financial aid and scholarships can be found on our 资金的页面. 


This program application is open to students all majors from all OHIO colleges, 以及非俄亥俄的学生. Applicants should be interested in Global 健康 and have a GPA of at least a 3.0或更高.

入学 to this program is by a rolling admission procedure, meaning that applications are reviewed by the program director as they are received.   建议尽早申请.

All participants are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $500 (to be credited to student’s program fees) as part of the acceptance process.  

学生 who will be on probation at any point during the program for a conduct offense that took place less than a calendar year from the program start date may not study abroad. 阅读完整的行为准则 

该项目接受非俄亥俄州的学生. 有关此过程的更多信息,请访问 非俄亥俄州学生页面.   

参与者 must be at least 18 years old prior to the start of the program. 参与者 must have a at least a high school diploma or the equivalent (e.g. GED) by the start date of the program to be considered for eligibility.  学生 enrolled in College Credit Plus (CC+) are not eligible for study away programs.


As part of the application, interested individuals will need to submit: 

  • 个人陈述:一篇关于你自己的1页纸的论文, your academic and career interests in relation to this program.
  • 1推荐信
  • 1 DARs (or in the event of a Non-Ohio student, an unofficial transcript)

Applicants will also need to interview with the program director prior to nomination. 


U.S. 公民必须持有有效的美国护照.S. 在美国境外旅行时必须携带护照. 如果你计划明年出国留学或旅游,  申请护照  now. Some countries also require a visa to legally enter or reside in the country. 

U.S. 公民  will not  need a visa or other special document to enter the country for the length of this program. Please also note that visa requirements may vary if you plan to stay in the country longer than the program dates or travel to other countries during or after the program. Please familiarize yourself with these recommendations and requirements prior to applying to this program. 

For more specific visa related information, please visit OGO’s  签证信息页面 

信息  班.S. 公民  

