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Canada: The Walking Studio Montréal

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Program Type

  • OHIO Credit

Academic Focus

  • Art (Visual, Fine, and Performing)

Program Feature

  • Field Work


  • Canada

Program Term

  • Spring Break

For more information on this program contact:

Kate Hampel
Program Director

Samuel Dodd
Program Director

Courtney Talbot
Program Coordinator, Office of Global Opportunities

Global Opportunities

Application Deadline

Wednesday, November 1

Apply for this OHIO Credit Program

注意:该程序以滚动方式审查申请. Early applications is encouraged.


当代艺术和设计经常对地点产生吸引力, heritage, and site, 但是,创作关于或与其他地方和民族的艺术作品的伦理到底是什么呢? 艺术家和历史学家是如何通过关注物质性来找到与地方进行道德接触的方法的, experience, and language?

步行工作室:montr向学生介绍以艺术为基础的实地工作的实践方法和newbb电子理论, location-based engagement, and socially-responsible practices. By studying at Montréal’s landmark cultural sites, including public art spaces, galleries, museums, city parks, and archives, 学生将探索城市身份的物质条件如何成为当代艺术的场所和主题. Along the way, 学生们在城市中穿行时开展艺术和/或艺术史研究项目, 与蒙地的物质环境条件和社会形态相呼应.

蒙特里萨是北美仅有的两个被联合国教科文组织指定为设计之城的城市之一, and as such, 它为俄亥俄的学生提供了一个绝佳的机会,让他们参与到艺术和设计的国际和跨文化研究中来,因为它考虑到了定居者殖民主义的现代遗产, post-coloniality, as well as linguistic and cultural duality. 尽管这个项目植根于艺术和艺术史的研究, its emphasis on methods for material studies, craft, urban fieldwork, 公共历史使它非常适合来自各个艺术学位项目的参与者, humanities, and sciences.

Info Sessions

Friday, September 15 from 12-12:45pm on Teams

Join meeting

Highlights and Excursions

  • Visit at least three artist-run spaces in the city, 包括一个致力于当代第一民族的中心, Inuit, and Metis art
  • Tour Old Montreal, 16世纪的市中心,有一座著名的哥特式复兴教堂, the Notre-Dame Basilica
  • 参观加拿大建筑中心的展览和档案
  • Tour the Biosphere, 它是世界上仅有的由巴克明斯特·富勒设计的测地线圆顶之一, now a contemporary museum devoted to the environment
  • 参观麦考德·斯图尔特博物馆,看看它著名的展览, Indigenous Voices of Today: Knowledge, Trauma, Resilience
  • 在美术博物馆和当代艺术博物馆看展览和收藏
  • 研究环境修复景观建筑项目, Parc Frédéric-Back, 一个现代城市公园,建在以前的石灰石采石场已经成为一个垃圾填埋场
  • Engage in four site-specific studios across the city

Good to Know

  • 学生应该期望在这个项目中进行适度的体育活动(步行). 
  • 该课程在春季学期的前8周进行. 学生在春假期间参加为期7周的研讨会(雅典的混合和校园)+在蒙特利尔的9天校外实地体验.

Living Arrangements 

Students will stay in hotels (2-3 students per room). 每天提供早餐,课程期间包括6顿饭.

Program Dates 

Spring break 2024: March 9, 2024 - March 17, 2024


Students enroll in 7.0 credits, including a 7-week, 3.0 credit spring seminar + 4.春假期间在montracimal留学工作室学习0学分. Students may choose from the following options:

3-credit seminar

  • AH 3600/5600: Modern Art Theory & Criticism
  • AH 4616/5616: Art Spaces

4-credit studio

  • ART 2320: Environments & Actions
  • ART 3310: Public Spheres & Dissemination Tactics
  • ART 3900/5900: Studio Art Special Topic


这个项目的费用包括:住宿费, daily breakfast, some meals, excursions, and in-country transportation. 

In addition to the program fee, students should plan for 7 credit hours of tuition*, administrative fee, and out-of-pocket costs. 下面是这个项目的学生预算工作表,它概述了这些费用.  

Student Budget Worksheet

Items that are not related to the program (ie. additional entertainment, souvenirs, extra travel, 应急基金)不包括在所提供的费用概算内,应单独编列预算.  


  • If you are nominated to this program, 您将被要求支付定金以确认您的参与. 押金是由俄亥俄州收取的总费用的首付款,并由该计划的总成本决定. 
  • 在寒假和春假期间完成的课程, 与课程相关的学分是春季学期的一部分. Students taking between 12 to 20 Athens campus hours, including those associated with the program, 春季学期不需要额外的学费吗. 春季学期修读少于12个或超过20个雅典校园学分的学生,其学费将相应调整.  

Funding Opportunities

更多关于经济援助和奖学金的信息可以在我们的网站上找到 funding pages.

Eligibility Requirements 


在项目期间的任何时候,因在项目开始日期后不到一个日历年的时间内发生的行为违规而被留校察看的学生不得出国留学. Read the entire conduct policy 

This program accepts NON-OHIO students. For more information about this process visit the Non-OHIO student page.   

参加者必须至少具有高中文凭或同等学历.g. GED),在课程开始日期之前被视为资格.  参加大学学分加(CC+)的学生不符合学习计划的资格.

Application Requirements 


  • A statement of purpose: 提示:“这个项目将如何帮助你完成学业?, personal and/or professional goals?”
  • Contact information for 2 references (Name, email, phone)


This program reviews applications on a rolling basis. Early applications is encouraged.

Entry and Exit Requirements 

U.S. citizens are required to have a valid U.S. passport when traveling outside of the United States. 如果你计划明年出国留学或旅游,  apply for your passport  now.

U.S. 公民  将不需要  签证或其他特殊文件进入这个国家在这个项目的长度. 还请注意,如果您计划在该国停留的时间超过计划日期,或者在计划期间或之后前往其他国家,签证要求可能会有所不同. 在申请本课程之前,请熟悉这些建议和要求. 

如欲了解更多有关签证的具体信息,请访问OGO网站  Visa Information Page 

Information for  Non-U.S. citizens 


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