
中国: Hong Kong Baptist University 交换




  • 交换


  • 艺术(视觉、美术、表演)
  • 业务
  • 传播学,新闻学和媒体
  • 人文社会科学
  • 语文及地区研究
  • 阀杆
  • 可持续发展,食品和环境
  • 各种各样的


  • 创艾德
  • 吉尔曼的资格
  • 语言沉浸


  • 中国


  • 秋天
  • 春天
  • 学期
  • 学年




Early application for spring strongly encouraged!





香港浸会大学(浸大) is located in the heart of the Kowloon Tong district. HKBU offers undergraduate students a diverse array of study options. 学生 will immerse themselves in rich cultural diversity, 大量的购物, 徒步数英里, 超过235个岛屿, 美丽的海滩, and thousands of restaurants—all while earning college credit at our partner university.

T在这里 is no foreign language requirement for enrollment at HKBU and most classes are taught in English. Although the majority of its seven million residents are ethnically Chinese, 英语在香港被广泛使用. The official languages are English and Chinese.

学生 have access to two sports centers that offer an array of exercise options including a fitness center multi-purpose gymnasium, 足球场, 壁球场, 游泳池, 乒乓球室, 还有屋顶网球场. Support services are provided by the International Student 交换 Centre (ISEC) who offer counseling services for international students and organize orientation programs to familiarize visiting students with HKBU and Hong Kong culture.



学生 are housed in a modern residence hall comprised of a North and South tower and four living communities. The hall can accommodate approximately 1,800 students. When applying to live in the residence hall, students may indicate their preference of a roommate from Hong Kong, Mainland 中国, or another international student to enhance the cultural experience.


  • 秋季学期:八月底至十二月底
  • 春季学期:1月初至5月底
  • 学年:八月底至五月底



Courses and Credits: 学期 or Year Option

学生 are expected to register for a minimum of 12 HKBU credits per semester. They can select from a wide variety of disciplines offering 英语授课课程 包括:业务, 电影和电视, 通信, 经济学, 地理位置, 历史, 人文学科, 信息系统管理, 新闻, 政治科学, 宗教, 哲学, 社会科学, 社会学, 和更多的.

HKBU also offers a variety of Chinese cultural courses as well as beginning and intermediate courses in Mandarin.

Courses and Credits: Summer Option (not available in 2024)

HKBU offers an exciting 4-week summer program in July. Participating students may choose from 13 courses in the areas of 业务, 沟通, 电影, 语言(初级粤语及普通话), 社会科学, 和科学. All courses (except Chinese language) are taught in English and participants will earn up to 6 credits on the program.

你可以阅读更多关于 浸会大学暑期课程 在这里. 为了入选这个项目, 在这里启动您的OGOnewbb电子程序.


Please see the student budget worksheets below for cost information.

Undergraduate Student Budget Worksheet 春天 2024

Undergraduate Student Budget Worksheet 2024年秋季

Items that are not related to the program (i.e., 更多的娱乐, 纪念品, 额外的旅行, contingency funds) are not included in the cost estimates provided and should be budgeted for separately.  


  • Non-resident surcharge waived for the credit hours associated with this program. 
  • 如果你被提名参加这个项目, you will be required to pay a deposit to confirm your participation. The deposit is a down payment on the total costs to be billed by 俄亥俄州. 


More information on financial aid and scholarships can be found on our 资金的页面.


This program is open to undergraduate students of all majors who have a 2.5平均绩点. As part of the application, students need to submit two letters of reference and an essay. They must also complete an interview as part of the selection process.

Applicants will be asked to submit a copy of their passport soon after their application is received by OGO. If you are considering applying for this exchange program and do not currently hold a valid passport, 我们建议您 申请护照 尽快.  

学生 who will be on probation at any point during the program for a conduct offense that took place less than a calendar year from the program start date may not study abroad. 阅读完整的行为准则 

This program only accepts degree-seeking 俄亥俄州 students who are enrolled full time. 

为了入选这个项目, participants must have a at least a high school diploma or the equivalent (e.g. 在课程开始日期前取得GED). Additionally, students should have completed one year of college by the time of travel. 学生 enrolled in College Credit Plus (CC+) are not eligible for study away programs.


U.S. 公民必须持有有效的美国护照.S. passport when traveling outside of the United States. If you plan to study or travel abroad in the next year,  申请护照  现在. Some countries also require a visa to legally enter or reside in the country.

US 公民 will need a visa to enter the country for the length of this  program. 学生 participating in the HKBU summer program will additionally need a short-term, 中国单次入境签证.  HKBU and OGO will advise you on the visa process.  You may need to show sufficient funds to support yourself while in-country.  Please also note that visa requirements may vary if you plan to stay in the country longer than the program dates or travel to other countries during or after the program.  Please familiarize yourself with these recommendations and requirements prior to applying to a program.

For more specific visa related information, please visit OGO’s  签证信息页面 

信息  班.S. 公民  
