
厄瓜多尔: Tropical Disease 研究 and 服务学习



  • 俄亥俄州的信贷


  • Communication, Journalism, and 媒体
  • 健康科学
  • 人文社会科学
  • Leadership and Community Engagement
  • Sustainability, Food, and Environment
  • 各种各样的


  • 现场工作
  • 创艾德
  • 实习
  • 研究
  • 服务学习


  • 厄瓜多尔


  • 夏天

For additional information contact:

Dr. 马里奥Grijalva


newbb电子 for this 俄亥俄州的信贷 Program

This program will tentatively be offered next 夏天 2025.


The Tropical Disease 研究 and 服务学习 Program (TDR 2023) is a cross-cultural experience focused on practical training in 厄瓜多尔.

取决于你的兴趣, the program takes you to Loja province in 南部 厄瓜多尔 to conduct multidisciplinary research, train in cross-cultural communication and perform service-learning activities in rural communities. Medical students will be able to shadow health care providers in private and public health care facilities,

The TDR 2023 program is an opportunity to boost your work experience in a new environment, work side-by-side with US and 厄瓜多尔ian faculty and students, strengthen your residency applications, and share new experiences with participants from diverse academic interests such as medicine, 微生物学, 人类学, 和通信, 等.

This program is facilitated by the Heritage College of Medicine. 


2023年6月30日- 7月18日


The number of semester credits available will vary with Student's academic program needs.  学生 will take a minimum of 5 credit hours.  A non-credit option is available for non-俄亥俄州 students.



除了项目费用之外, students should plan for credit hours of tuition*, 行政费用, 还有自付费用. These costs are outlined in the Student Budget Worksheet. Items that are not related to the program (ie. 更多的娱乐, 纪念品, 额外的旅行, contingency funds) are not included in the cost estimates provided and should be budgeted for separately.  


  • Non-resident surcharge waived for the credit hours associated with this program. 
  • If you are nominated to this program, you will be required to pay a deposit to confirm your participation. The deposit is a down payment on the total costs to be billed by 俄亥俄州 and is determined by the total cost of the program. 


More information on financial aid and scholarships can be found on our 资金的页面. 

Medical and College of 健康科学 and Professions students are invited to apply for a Global 健康 Travel Award for this program. 

所有参与者都可以申请 ITDI学生旅游奖.


学生 from institutions of higher education (under研究生, 研究生, 医疗, 学位), professionals and community members interested in international research related to health, development and community education; individuals interested in service learning; individuals interested in improving their Spanish skills; individuals interested in learning in a cross-cultural environment.

All participants are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $500 (to be credited to student’s program fees) as part of the acceptance process.  

学生 must be in good academic and judicial standing to participate. 最低绩点2.8. 学生 who will be on probation at any point during the program for a conduct offense that took place less than a calendar year from the program start date may not study abroad. 阅读完整的行为准则 

This program accepts NON-俄亥俄州 students. For more information about this process visit the 非俄亥俄州学生页面.   

Participants must have a at least a high school diploma or the equivalent (e.g. GED) by the start date of the program to be considered for eligibility.  学生 enrolled in College Credit Plus (CC+) are not eligible for study away programs.


U.S. 公民 are required to have a valid U.S. passport when traveling outside of the United States. If you plan to study or travel abroad in the next year,  申请护照  现在. Some countries also require a visa to legally enter or reside in the country.

U.S. 公民  will not  need a visa or other special document to enter the country for the length of this program. Please also note that visa requirements may vary if you plan to stay in the country longer than the program dates or travel to other countries during or after the program. Please familiarize yourself with these recommendations and requirements prior to applying to this program. 

For more specific visa related information, please visit OGO’s  签证信息页面 

信息  班.S. 公民  
