
Celebrations and Ceremonies

Convocation and White Coat

The Convocation/White Coat Ceremony is held during Orientation each year to introduce the Heritage College entering class. As part of the Convocation Ceremony the students recite the Osteopathic Pledge of Commitment and the college also presents the Phillips Medal of Public Service in recognition of the men and women involved in health care, education and public service. 白大褂, provided by the Ohio Osteopathic Association, is presented to each entering Heritage College student at the ceremony.

For more information, please contact 吉尔哈曼 at 740.593.4313.


毕业典礼 is held in May following completion of all requirements for the degree of Doctor of 整骨疗法的医学. Family and friends join the Deans, administrators and faculty at the ceremony. The ceremony is held at the Convocation Center on the newbb电子平台 main campus. The Doctor of 整骨疗法的医学 degree is awarded and the program ends with the class recitation of the Osteopathic Oath. An Awards Ceremony takes place on the Friday before commencement where academic awards are presented in recognition of the student outstanding achievements.

More information concerning participation requirements can be found in Chapter 5.

For more information, please contact 萨拉·劳伦斯 at 740.593.2164.

Distinguished Osteopathic Commitment Awards

The Distinguished Osteopathic Commitment Awards (DOC Awards) is an annual event dedicated to recognizing outstanding leaders amongst the Heritage College's students. This event is put on by the Student Government Association on behalf of the student body. Nominations for awards can be submitted by all students. Nomination forms are sent to students via e-mail.

For more information, please contact 萨拉·劳伦斯 740.593.2164.