
Training Requirements, 研究合规, and ORCID iD

What do I need to do before I get involved in a research project or scholarly activity?

Medical Student 研究 Project/Scholarly Activity Registration Through Salesforce

传统的大学 政策7.11 requires that all medical students conduct research and scholarly activities under the direction of a mentor and follow all newbb电子平台 and 传统的大学 policies and procedures, 包括 注册 their research and scholarly activities with the 研究和资助办公室 through Salesforce. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all requirements are met prior to engaging in research or scholarly activity.

Please note that research and scholarly activities and dissemination activities not registered in Salesforce will not be considered for inclusion on the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE).  Details about activities that will be considered for inclusion on the MSPE can be found 在这里.


Required Training to Participate in 研究 and Scholarly Activity 

每个研究小组成员, 包括医学生, must complete human subjects or animal protection training. A faculty or staff member who has HIPAA training or prior research experience is still required to complete the human subjects protection training. 

All 传统的大学 students participating in research and scholarly activity must complete four 花旗计划 training courses and the Vector HIPAA course and upload the completion reports/certificates to their Salesforce中的学生文档 在开始他们的研究项目之前. 必修课程包括: 

  • Human Subjects (required for IRB)  – Typically must be updated 每三年一次 (Please note that students conducting research projects involving animal subjects will also be required to complete Animal (required for IACUC) training.)
  • Responsible Conduct for 研究 training – May need to be updated 每两年一次 (注:有些课程没有截止日期.) 
  • Conflict of Interest training – Typically must be updated 每四年一次  
  • Good 临床 Practice course – May need to be updated 每两到四年一次 (注:有些课程没有截止日期.)
  • Vector Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Full Course) - Medical students will receive notification to update 每年 (注:2023年7月1日生效, the Vector course will replace the CITI course 教师, 管理员和学生- IPS/HIPAA.)




Medical Students are required to obtain research compliance approvals from both the research site (if conducting research outside of an newbb电子平台 campus) and newbb电子平台 prior to engagement in a research study. 信息和资源可在 newbb电子平台合规研究办公室 或者通过电子邮件 compliance@俄亥俄州.edu

人类伦理(IRB):  Medical students are required to submit a deferral request to newbb电子平台合规研究办公室 through the 小马 研究中涉及到 either human subjects or protected health information (PHI) and have been reviewed by the research site (if conducting research outside of an newbb电子平台 campus) IRB.  更多信息可在 newbb电子平台人类伦理学(IRB)网页.


  • 登录 小马.
  • Under Products (upper right corner of screen), Select Human Ethics.
  • 点击新研究(屏幕右下角).
  • 输入研究标题并单击复选标记.
  • Click New Submission - Inital (right corner of screen).
  • Under Required Tasks (right side of screen), Select Assign PI and Complete All Fields.  Please note that once you select Yes to the question related to whether or not the project involves human subjects, 第二节, 回顾IRB, 会在屏幕左侧打开吗.  This is w在这里 you will indicate whether you are submitting a deferral request or submitting to an 俄亥俄州 IRB.
  • Once the form is fully completed, you can Save or Submit.
  • Remember that additional fields will open depending on the answers to many questions throughout the form.

请注意,医学生必须 请求访问 to the 小马 system before logging in the first time.

Medical Students Participating in Human Subjects 研究 at OhioHealth: All protocols involving a 传统的大学 student must be submitted through SmartIRB, 然后, should OhioHealth be determined to be the IRB of record, a deferral is to be requested through the newbb电子平台 IRB Human Subjects module in 小马. For more information, please contact your mentor and/or the 俄亥俄健康研究所.  

动物研究(IACUC):  Medical students are required to submit a deferral request to newbb电子平台合规研究办公室 through the LEO电子门户 研究中涉及到 动物 and have been reviewed by the research site (if conducting research outside of an newbb电子平台 campus) IACUC.






ORCiD provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, which distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your professional information – affiliations, 奖助金, 出版物, 同行评议等等. You can use your iD to share your information with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for all your contributions, saving you time and hassle and reducing the risk of errors. 俄亥俄州 University Libraries has created a short educational video on the importance of ORCiD概要文件. Medical students are required to submit their ORCiD to the 研究及资助处(ORG).  ORG将把这些信息添加到Salesforce.