
研究 and Scholarly Advancement Fellowship (RSAF)




Acceptance Notice: February 15, 2024 (Tentative)

2024 RSAF指南


(Instructions for Completing Proposal 信息m:  Open Link, Under Edit Document, Select Open in Desktop App)


关于 the 研究 and Scholarly Advancement Fellowship (RSAF) 程序

All Heritage College students who will successfully complete the Year 1 medical school curriculum by the end of the spring semester are invited to apply for the RSAF program. Students must be in good academic and professional standing, with no Code of Professional Standards violations on record.  Students from all three Heritage College campuses are encouraged to apply. 

在导师的指导下, students conduct intensive short-term (10-week) research projects in selected areas of biomedical/basic, 社会行为医学, 初级护理, medical education or clinical investigation. Students will participate in a core curriculum consisting of seminars on broad topics in medical research. 的y will complete an oral or poster presentation describing their research, to be presented during the last week of the summer program. 

的 objectives of the RSAF program are to provide a valuable experience for highly motivated and talented medical students to participate in a defined research project; to acquaint students with scientific methodology; to enhance their analytic and laboratory skills; and to provide an opportunity to improve their presentation and writing skills. 的 program provides foundational skills for future physicians to use scientific evidence as a basis in their clinical decision making and to consider the possibility of pursing research as physician-scientists dedicated to enhancing health care.

的 fellowship pays $3,000 to assist fellows with living expenses over the course of the program.

Students are expected to review the current program guidelines carefully as they contain very important information and details related to the program.  Students must submit proposals according to the current program guidelines in order to be considered for funding.


For additional information, please contact:
的 Heritage College 研究和资助办公室Nadine Borovicka,项目经理,或者 杰西卡Wingett, director of research administration and student research and RSAF program director


RSAF 2023届毕业生

学生的名字 项目标题 主要的导师
亚伦Batke Perturbed Gait Protocol Design to Evaluate Sensory-Cerebellar Structural 连接ivity and Biomechanical Adaptations Dr. 达斯汀培训
斯蒂芬。贝尔 Impact of the Intervention of Productive Gardens in the Communities of 瓜尔豆a, Chaquizhca, 和实施后的Bellamaria Dr. 本杰明•贝茨
撒母耳Borgemenke Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Diabetes Rates in Ohio Dr. 阿利森·休斯
塔里亚Caridi 健康知识 & 消除恰加斯病 Dr. 本杰明•贝茨
杰西卡Chebra Children's emotional and physiological responses to images associated with COVID-19 Dr. 艾米丽Guseman
马特·杜根 的 Quadriceps Neural and Muscle Activation Patterns Elicited by Virtual Reality Dr. 达斯汀培训
肯尼斯•詹金斯 Improving Endothelium Function to Protect against Atheroma Dr. Vishwajeet宫
克拉克Kellum 的 Role of Social and Environmental Determinants, 产科种族主义, and Cultural Factors on Black Women's Experiences of Breastfeeding in Northeast Ohio: a Qualitative Pilot Study Dr. 莎拉·鲁宾
托马斯·克劳斯 的 Effects of Piezo on Calcium Levels in Islets and Beta Cells Dr. 克雷格Nunemaker
凯瑟琳·普 Aging and Frailty in Elderly Adults in Rural Ecuador Dr. 著Muniz-Terrera
Daria Kuperberg Ukranian Female Refugees' Perceptions of Mental Health Dr. Ilana Chertok
Kristoforos Proko Developing a Surgical Approach to Dissecting LIMA from Mice to Study Atheroschlerosis Dr. Vishwajeet宫
彼得·萨德 Identify the Case of Plaque Protection in the Left Internal Mammary Artery Dr. Vishwajeet宫
尼古拉斯Scneker Comparison of Injury Versus Other Top Causes of Death in the United States: 1900-2020 Dr. 亨利香
布莱恩·索 Quantifying Physical Performance during Typical 临床 Return to Activity Testing Dr. 达斯汀培训
马龙Szczepaniak Effects of Class I Glucose Transporter Antagonist DRB-18 on Advanced, 不依赖肾上腺素的前列腺癌 Dr. 托马斯Rosol
加布里埃尔·塞耶 Impact of Productive Grardens in the Communities of 瓜尔豆a, Chaquizca, 和实施后的Bellamaria Dr. 马里奥Grijalva
Kendale沃森 的 Role of Social and Environmental Determinants, 产科种族主义, and Cultural Factors on Black Women's Experiences of Breastfeeding in Northeast Ohio: a Qualitative Pilot Study Dr. 莎拉·鲁宾
独特的Willis-Norris Relationship of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work Activity in the Communitites of Chaquizhca, 瓜尔豆, 和Bellamaria Dr. 马里奥Grijalva
路易郑 的 Role of FSP27 in Atherosclerosis Resistance in Left Iternal Mammary Artery (LIMA) Dr. Vishwajeet宫