

On view now聚焦黑人艺术家 highlights the work of named Black artists in KMA’s collections. 历史上重要的艺术家,如社会艺术家...

2023年9月22日- 2024年3月31日

物质知识是如何在人与人之间传递的, 人与物之间, 在物体和地点之间? 
, 由凯特·汉佩尔和山姆·多德策划, creates a dialog between two contemporary artworks to show how artists and historians engage with the built world. 手压纪念品(2009 -), 由洛杉矶艺术家Nicole Seisler创作, 邀请参与者一起在当地散步,手里拿着湿瓷块, which they use to make impressions of architectural details that visually and culturally define a location. 



2023年4月14日- 9月11日

The ninth annual 展览 of the Kennedy’s Merging Concepts Series is inspired by two primary objects on loan from the newbb电子平台 库. 这次展览 explores the big idea “Illuminate the realities of the past to connect to the present” and is supported by additional objects and documents from the collections of the program’s partners.




在致敬 honors the lives of three notable artists who passed in 2022 by featuring a selection of their work 从KMA的收藏Jennifer Bartlett, Sam Gilliam和Claes Oldenburg. Bartlett defied categorization by combining the aesthetics of conceptual art with the painterly approach of Neo-Expressionism. Gilliam, an innovator of color field painting and a lyrical abstractionist, is also included in the 聚焦黑人艺术家 展览. Oldenburg was a Pop artist whose monumental sculptures of everyday objects are installed in public spaces worldwide.



2023年1月17日- 3月26日 

静止图像的姿态 is a selection of photographs and related mediums 从KMA的收藏 chosen for their portrayal of the human body in a moment of movement and emotion stilled by an artist’s lens. Within this 展览 one can witness the way an image tells a story in a single frame and allows the viewer a glimpse into the human condition. 由KMA研究生助理Ashley Kouri选择的作品, 摄影与综合媒体专业硕士研究生, spans over a century of the history of photography from the pictorialism of Clarence White to contemporary imagery recently purchased by the Museum. The addition of photographs by Lissa Rivera and Lalla Essaydi expands the ratio of female-identifying to male-identifying artists both in the 展览 and KMA collections.




这次展览 对话… 由肯尼迪艺术博物馆教育部门的学生工作人员策划, begins with the notion that we often create individual meaning from simple visual connections between objects. Those connections are expanded conceptually by further investigating an artist or artwork and then deepened by inviting others from different discipline areas, 背景, 或经验, 围绕有意配对的作品进行对话.


约翰·费奥多罗夫是西雅图的一位艺术家, 纳瓦霍和欧美混血的音乐家和教育家. 他的作品质疑和探索关于身份的假设, 的地方, 以及消费主义背景下的灵性, 殖民化和环境退化.The 黄色的污垢 series responds to the ongoing health and environmental crises on and near the Navajo reservation from over 500 abandoned uranium mines.


家庭妇女, 由伊丽莎白·汤普森策划, juxtaposes archival material illustrating the lives of women homesteaders of the 19th century with interviews and photographs of contemporary women homesteaders in and around 雅典 County. 历史上的女性自耕农通常被认为是不情愿的男性帮手, 然而,他们留下的记录却讲述了一个不同的故事, 这一点突出了他们所扮演的重要角色以及他们的足智多谋, 创造性地解决问题, 和社区建设. Contemporary women homesteaders and farmers demonstrate similar traits, skills, and values. 


2022年4月22日- 9月4日

Students enrolled in the 2021-22 Museum Studies Certificate Program are pleased to present an 展览 titled 连接、记得、 这将是我们的特色 将于2022年4月22日至9月4日在肯尼迪艺术博物馆展出. 这是肯尼迪融合概念系列的第八届年度展览. 灵感来自newbb电子平台图书馆的主要物品和文件, the 展览 explores the big idea “The very vehicles through which we strengthen intimate bonds leave marks that shape the future.” The big idea or concept is supported by additional objects and documents from the collections of the program’s partners


2022年3月25日- 12月4日

The 肯尼迪艺术博物馆 (KMA) collections committee accepted over 50 new works into the permanent collection in 2022. 这些艺术品的样本, 包括克里斯托弗·佩恩和退休教授劳拉·拉尔森的摄影作品, Burhan doganay的版画, 安妮·卡尔伯特的雕塑, and numerous ceramic works donated by Professor Emeritus Joe Bova and the International Academy of Ceramics, 都在 最近的收购 展览.


2022年3月25日- 12月4日

晚上的天空 展示了肯尼迪艺术博物馆(KMA)的Edwin L. 和露丝·E. 肯尼迪西南印第安人收藏(SWNA). The weavings replicate imagery similar to that of sandpaintings created during traditional ceremonial practices of the Navajo (Diné) people. 被称为“口号,”“唱歌,或“方式”,“举行仪式有各种各样的原因, 包括恢复和谐与平衡. It is important to note that the sandpainting weavings are not ceremonial objects and carry neither the meaning nor the healing power that ceremonial drypaintings hold.


2022年3月25日- 12月4日

女性在KMA藏品中的表现 是由肯尼迪艺术博物馆教育实习生策划的学生创作展览吗. This project began in spring 2021 as an online curatorial initiative for the 博物馆体验博客 called “KMA Picks.” The main theme of the 展览 emerged as student interns Madeline Kramer and Tristen Luken combed through thousands of images of art in the Museum’s collections and were drawn to a range of works representing women and the female form.



9月. 2021年3月24日- 2022年3月27日

梵高效应 is an 展览 of work by award-winning photographers Lynn Johnson and Patricia Lanza, addressing the artist Vincent Van Gogh’s profound and ever-present influence on contemporary perceptions of the world. Simultaneously contemplating and reaffirming Van Gogh’s resounding posthumous influence over art and culture of the 19th, 20th, 21世纪, Johnson and Lanza offer evocative insight into the artist’s uniquely sensitive lived experience of 的地方 and light.


2021年8月20日- 2022年3月6日

腔隙 is an intermedia collaboration between Mateo Galvano, a multimedia conceptual artist, and C. 大卫·罗素, whose practice includes performing objects as well as scenic and costume design for theater. 该装置以雕塑、动态图像和音频音景为特色. 展览的核心是一部定格动画电影 树莓木偶 用木棍做的. 一种形式抽象的语言被用来讲述创作过程的故事.

模式和破坏:改变生活方式和 ...

2月. 2021年7月1日至7月18日,通过预约.


从埃德温·L. 和露丝·E. 肯尼迪西南印第安人收藏, this 展览 explores Diné (Navajo) weaving design from the perspective of their traditions and beliefs, 以及基本的数学思想是如何嵌入到设计中的. 

