

俄亥俄州肌肉骨骼和神经学研究所 has increased its critical mass of scientists who focus on combating pain and understanding health as we age with the recent, 战略性地增加了横跨三个学院的教员科学家.

Nathaniel Szewczyk博士.D; 科里W. 鲍曼,Ph值.D.; and 朱守安博士.D. 加入了 传统骨科医学院 生物医学科学系. 安德鲁·威姆斯博士.D.他加入了 罗斯工程技术学院机械工程系. Steven J. 菲佛,Ph值.D.他加入了 卫生科学与职业学院"newbb电子健康与保健学院. 

的ir established programs and expertise will grow basic and clinical research at newbb电子平台 in areas addressing common health problems that have received increased grant funding from sources including the National Institutes of Health and industry sponsors.

interventions and diagnostics that remove barriers to independent physical mobility and ultimately to reduce disability,布莱恩·克拉克说, Ph.D.他是OMNI的执行董事. “Drs. Szewczyk, 朱, Baumann and 威姆斯 are bringing with them important research programs in osteoarthritis and the regeneration of cartilage, biomaterials and therapeutic approaches to frailty and – this is exciting – muscle loss and space travel, 还有许多其他与年龄和疼痛相关的研究兴趣.”

“的y will help to dramatically expand our basic science portfolio to complement our existing strengths in clinical research. Dr. Pfieffer’s work on predisposing factors for the development of osteoarthritis will further enhance our clinical research programs,克拉克补充道. 

OMNI是俄亥俄州资金最充足、最具生产力的研究机构之一. Growth of OMNI research has been a focus for the Heritage College since the 2011 award from the 整骨疗法传统基金会愿景2020:引领俄亥俄州初级保健的转型. OHF funding provided support for research infrastructure and pilot projects that researchers have leveraged for larger grants and research partnerships. 遗产学院的三名新教师得到了“愿景2020”的支持. 活跃的研究经费从不到500美元增长,从2011年的1000万美元涨到了今天的1000万到1500万美元. 集体, OMNI principal investigators have published more than 700 peer-reviewed articles over the course of their careers. 克拉克是整骨疗法传统基金会的哈罗德·E. Clybourne D.O.,特聘研究主席兼生理学教授. 

“OMNI researchers deepen our understanding and offer solutions to issues that account for probably a third of the reasons why people visit doctors for help,Kenneth H说。. 约翰逊,维.O., executive dean of the Heritage College and chief medical affairs officer for newbb电子平台. “OMNI research is a critical part of the medical school’s mission to address complex health problems and improve patient wellness. 感谢骨科传统基金会的支持, 我们已经招募了杰出的科学家加入我们已经很强大的师资队伍.”

“的se faculty members bring exciting new opportunities for collaboration and growth within newbb电子平台 and alongside our industry partners, 还有其他大学,newbb电子平台校长M. 杜安·内利斯博士.D. “它们进一步加强了我们在健康衰老和疼痛障碍方面的研究, 我非常高兴地欢迎他们.”


Nathaniel Szewczyk博士.D.
Nathaniel Szewczyk博士.D.

Szewczyk被任命为OHF Ralph S. Licklider, D.O., 研究 Endowed Professor of Molecular Medicine and professor of molecular medicine in the Heritage College. 他将成为OMNI的首席研究员. 以前, 作为诺丁汉大学医学院的教授, 他的研究重点是肌肉衰退的基因控制, 最近是对太空飞行的回应. 他的研究还探讨了不运动和饮食对肌肉健康的影响, novel treatments for muscular dystrophy and the role of exogenous hydrogen sulphide in extending lifespan and improving health. 他的工作得到了美国国家航空航天局的资助, 英国航天局, 欧洲航天局, 美国陆军, 美国国立卫生研究院, 英国研究委员会:生物技术和生物科学研究委员会, 科学技术设施委员会, 和医学研究委员会. Szewczyk’s research has been widely published in journals including Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle, 美国实验生物学学会联合会, 英国皇家学会界面杂志, 生理学杂志, 老化, 神经毒理学, 和天体生物学, 等.

科里W. 鲍曼,Ph值.D.
科里W. 鲍曼,Ph值.D.

鲍曼研究压力源在疾病和衰老中的作用, 以及干预措施如何缓冲这些压力源并最终影响健康跨度. Prior to joining the Heritage College as an assistant professor of aging systems physiology, Baumann was a postdoctoral research fellow and research associate in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Minnesota. 在此期间, 他获得了两项培训补助金, the first by the National Institute for 老化 and the second by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. 他最近被全球肌肉骨骼健康联盟接受.S. 骨与联合青年研究者倡议. 鲍曼的研究发表在《newbb电子平台》杂志上, 老年学杂志, newbb电子生理学杂志, 骨骼肌和临床研究杂志, 等.


朱作为骨科生物学助理教授加入遗产学院. He was recently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Oklahoma Medical 研究 Foundation 老化 and Metabolism 研究 Program, and he also completed a joint PhD program and a short-term postdoctoral training at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute Department of Orthopedic Surgery. 朱研究衰老的影响, 肥胖和创伤对骨关节炎的影响, 重点是软骨再生和新陈代谢. 他最近被全球肌肉骨骼健康联盟接受.S. 骨与联合青年研究者倡议. 他是《newbb电子平台》杂志的主要作者, 《临床研究杂志, 《风湿病年鉴, 干细胞转化医学, 关节炎研究 & 治疗和其他.


威姆斯, 罗斯学院生物材料制造助理教授, 作为初级调查员加入OMNI. 以前, 威姆斯 was a Marie Curie 研究 Fellow at the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) where he led on the 4DSTENT grant project, 专注于使用3D打印制造医疗设备的新方法. 他拥有多项已授予和正在申请的专利, with work being used by several different startup companies in the medical device and biomaterials manufacturing spaces.

Steven J. 菲佛,Ph值.D.
Steven J. 菲佛,Ph值.D.

普费弗, CHSP肌肉骨骼康复科学助理教授, 作为初级调查员加入OMNI. 普费弗 recently completed his doctoral program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill within the Human Movement Science Curriculum through the Department of Exercise and Sport Science. 普费弗’s research examines how integrating 3-dimensional biomechanical analyses and novel imaging modalities, 比如核磁共振成像和超声波, can be useful in developing innovative detection and treatment strategies for knee osteoarthritis, 无论是特发性的还是外伤后的. He has been the principal author of work published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 关节炎的护理与研究, 临床生物力学, 以及医学超声杂志, 和其他人一起. 


此外,Dustin Grooms博士.D., a principal investigator and associate director of OMNI, has been appointed the Cynthia C. Norkin Scholar in Physical 的rapy in recognition of his impressive track record of scientific contributions. 现在是物理治疗部临床神经科学副教授, as part of this transition he has moved to the School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences from the School of Applied Health and Wellness in the 卫生科学与职业学院. Dr. Grooms researches how the brain changes after musculoskeletal injury and is working to develop new therapies to improve patient function and decrease pain after injury. 的se include virtual reality and biofeedback tools to retrain the brain to allow the body to move pain free after injury. Dr. Grooms currently holds funding from the Department of Defense and 美国国立卫生研究院 to further develop these novel therapies and better understand the neuroplasticity or brain changes associated with injury. Dr. Grooms在临床神经科学期刊上发表过作品, 运动医学, 创伤, 英美运动医学杂志和骨科杂志 & 运动物理疗法.
