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Although born in the home of rock and roll, Cleveland, Ohio, Sergio Robles spent much of his life growing up between the U.S. and Mexico, 拥有两国双重国籍,对两国之间的关系和差异非常感兴趣. His parents, immigrants from Mexico, took him to spend many of his summers there, immersing him in the culture. From his experiences growing up in both countries, 他对这种两国关系产生了兴趣,并决定将研究重点放在美国消费者之间的比较消费者研究上.S. and Mexico.

Throughout his career, though, Robles, a professor of marketing in the College of Business, 是否非常重视了解世界各国,并利用他的专业知识为移民提供建议和帮助.

Robles received a Ph.D. 德州大学里奥格兰德谷分校工商管理专业毕业, 在那里,他可以在一个以双文化著称的边境地区进行研究和学习. 他还拥有墨西哥蒙特雷理工大学工商管理硕士学位和韩国庆熙大学国际关系硕士学位. He completed his undergraduate work at the University of Akron. 

“俄亥俄州的移民人口越来越多,我一直相信我可以用我在学习和生活中的经历来帮助这个社区的发展,” Robles said. “我很幸运地获得了阿克伦大学的全额奖学金, so I made the promise to go back and help the community out, specifically northeast Ohio.”

罗伯斯通过在克利夫兰地区的几个组织做志愿者,开始回馈俄亥俄州东北部, including Global Cleveland, the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank, Esperanza Inc., and the Cleveland Council of World Affairs.

“Sergio Robles has been a delightful addition to our CCWA community,” Carina Van Vliet, chief executive officer of the Cleveland Council on World Affairs, said. “As a business professor, he understands the value of global engagement and learning about dynamics in other parts of the world; he has been greatly engaged in our speaker programs and in dialogue about key geopolitical issues. CCWA很高兴他选择在克利夫兰培养如此强大的联系,并成为克利夫兰下一代具有全球思维的思想领袖的一部分.”

At Global Cleveland, Robles helps immigrants and refugees settle in the area, working directly with people, advising them on how to get work, get accustomed to the area, and how to transition and advance in the U.S. Currently, he is working with Afghan refugees who came to northeast Ohio, helping them get settled into the area and find work.

“我和一位先生一起工作,他在为美国政府做咨询工作.S. government in Afghanistan and now is working at a factory, 所以我在帮他整理简历,在美国找另一份工作.S. 因为在这里找工作和在他的国家是如此不同,”罗伯斯说.

他目前还为克利夫兰联邦储备银行提供经济包容性方面的建议, 特别是就有利于移民和贫困社区的政策向美联储提供建议, 并就如何让少数民族和低收入居民更多地参与地区经济分享见解和建议.

“When working with the federal reserve, 我真的试着把我对少数族裔和低收入家庭学生的了解以及我的观察结合起来, what we can do to help include them in better networks,” Robles explained. “作为一名教师,我的职位帮助我与学生建立联系,成为他们之间的桥梁, helping them overcome challenges, climb the economic ladder, and find jobs.”

罗伯斯还就审查俄亥俄州东北部拉美裔社区的进展向美联储提供建议, 看看他们得到了什么样的工作,怎样做才能保证他们的进步和升职.

For Robles, 对他来说,志愿者工作之外最重要的一件事就是能够指导他的学生,为他们提供机会和建议,帮助他们取得成功.

“Il Woon Kim, a Korean professor I had at the University of Akron, has been my mentor for over 20 years, helping me get into international relations and politics. Through him, I gained interest and knowledge in the Korean, Chinese, 并以移民身份在韩国生活了3年,” Robles said.

While in Korea, 罗伯斯从事咨询工作,并与亚洲开发银行(ADB)合作。, doing ground research in several countries. At the ADB, he helped develop government strategies in IT development, human resource development, and global trade with government officials from Vietnam, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, The People’s Republic of China, Korea, and Malaysia.

At OHIO, Robles teaches marketing and consumer behavior courses. He aims to bring his international experiences to his students, 无论是通过他对每个国家的不同了解, the bizarre experiences he’s encountered, or through his failures.

“Outside of the lessons I try and bring into the classroom, 我真的很想强调人际关系的重要性,以及学生应该如何利用他们触手可及的师资力量,” Robles said. “教师可以激励学生,帮助他们获得奖学金和现实世界的经验——至少在我的经历中是这样, these things have impacted my career.”


“Sergio is an inspirational leader, lighting the way for our international community,” Nancy Janis, vice president of Global Cleveland, said. “He donates his time and talent to help others. 他无私地继续他的工作,作为我们的全球崛起领袖计划的导师,这真是令人难以置信. 塞尔吉奥的贡献对我们参与者的生活产生了如此大的影响, of which we are so grateful and greatly appreciate.”

该奖项是在12月11日的全球克利夫兰年会上通过Zoom授予罗伯斯的. 9. He was also recently named one of the 100 Latinos in Cleveland you must know for the 2021 cohort.

“获得全球克利夫兰的年度志愿者奖是我非常自豪的事情,因为他们一直支持我,我很高兴我能回报他们,支持少数族裔和新来者,” Robles said.

Robles is an academic, researcher, 曾在德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德河谷分校和俄亥俄州迈阿密大学农民商学院任教.

他的奖学金曾在美国营销协会等顶级营销会议上发表, The Society of Marketing Advances, 和西半球贸易会议.

罗伯斯是韩国水原大学的客座讲师。, la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi (Mexico), la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (Mexico), la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (Mexico), and the Texas A&他在德克萨斯州拉雷多的M国际大学分享了他对美国教育的研究和见解.S.美墨关系,比较消费者行为,东亚经济发展和外交.


December 10, 2021
Samantha Pelham