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22 College of Arts and Sciences professors awarded faculty fellowship during 2022-23

newbb电子平台董事会已批准22名文理学院教师在2022-23学年休假. The Board of Trustees approved fellowship leaves for Ohio University faculty members during the Board's June 13-14 meetings.

“教师奖学金假期为教师提供了宝贵的机会,可以将大量时间投入到学术研究中," said Florenz Plassmann, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “所有newbb电子平台的终身教职员工都有机会在12个学期的教学后申请教师奖学金. Faculty often use the leave to visit archives in other cities or countries, undertake field research, spend extended time with co-authors, follow through with time-consuming experiments, and find time to engage in uninterrupted writing. Very often, 在教师奖学金期间出现的奖学金使我们的科学理解取得了重大进展.

“我非常期待文理学院的教师们在他们的奖学金休假期间进行的许多有趣的学术项目的结果," Plassmann added.

College of Arts and Sciences faculty members awarded faculty fellowship

Jixin Chen, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 秋季学期:通过与另一所大学的领先研究小组合作,学习材料科学的新领域(电池研究),以开发该领域的新研究项目和拨款提案.

Brian Collins, Classics and Religious Studies, 春季学期:对马哈拉施特拉邦和果阿邦与民间神拜塔尔有关的神话和仪式进行研究,撰写一本关于南亚巫术和鬼神学的书.

David Curp, History, fall semester: Finish a current book project, The Mystery of Faiths: Poland's Ruined Secular and Sacred Cultures, 从1945年到1987年,开始了一个新的项目——付出代价并收获转型的回报:1989年以来的中欧和世界——在时间和地理上建立(但扩展)了这项工作.

Jared DeForest, Environmental and Plant Biology, 春季学期:在俄亥俄州建立新的研究基地,作为先前实验的负对照, work with German collaborators to select and sample soils in Germany, and process soils to provide data for a paper.

Glenn Dutcher, Economics, 秋季和春季学期:进行一个研究项目,研究大学教育如何改变认知和非认知技能, which includes a comparative analysis between France and the United States' system.

Christopher France, Psychology, 秋季和春季学期:分析并公布美国国立卫生研究院支持的虚拟现实干预慢性腰痛的二期临床试验结果, develop an NIH grant to support the next phase of this work, 并学习新的策略,将虚拟现实体验融入我的研究生和本科教学中.

Hee-Jong Seo, Physics and Astronomy, 秋季和春季学期:从暗能量光谱仪器(DESI)第一年的数据中优化重建宇宙学信息。, which will be released in summer 2023.

Yolande Helm, Modern Languages, 秋季学期:撰写一篇专题论文,探讨马丁尼作家罗兰·布里瓦尔作品中的海洋隐喻和安的列斯主体性.

Nicole Kaufman, Sociology and Anthropology, 春季学期:写一篇关于宗教和科学在社区矫正政策中的作用的书, 缓刑和假释),并收集自20世纪50年代以来影响社区矫正政策的社会科学家的数据.

Matthew Layton, Political Science, 秋季和春季学期:撰写一份书籍提案/手稿,对拉丁美洲有条件现金转移(CCT)反贫困项目的政治化进行回顾性分析, with a particular focus on the case of Brazil's Bolsa Família program.

Frank LoSchiavo , Psychology, 秋季学期:写一篇期刊文章,向心理学教师介绍一种新的软件,这种软件为本科生教授基础和高级统计技术提供了独特的机会.

Vahe Lskavyan, Economics, 春季学期:研究苏联特务招聘经济学,学习ArcGIS, a geographical information software for handling and analyzing geographic information.

Robin Muhammad, African American Studies, 秋季和春季学期:完成一本书的手稿,涵盖非裔美国人在旧金山湾区的历史在早期到中期的二十世纪.

Smoki Musaraj, Sociology and Anthropology, fall semester: Conduct ethnographic research, data analysis, and writing of publications on the project "Measuring Wealth, Reframing the Rule of Law in Southeast Europe."

Dywayne Nicely, Mathematics, 春季学期:开展与数值分析相关的原创性研究,开发两种新算法Lan-DR和NLan-DR.

Harold Perkins, Geography, 秋季和春季学期:在蒙大拿州西北部和亚利桑那州南部/新墨西哥州进行实地研究,研究面对气候变化的冷水鱼类物种的有目的的恢复, 对卡勒里梨的历史进行档案工作,这种树曾是郊区的建筑,但现在被认为是一种入侵害虫, 并编辑已完成的硕士论文(由导师撰写),主题为基于环境正义理由的天然气管道阻力地理学.

Sergio Lopez-Permouth, Mathematics, 春季学期:参加南佛罗里达大学密码学研究中心的活动,以便更好地将密码学纳入我们在newbb电子平台的课程和我自己的研究中,并投入大量时间完成正在撰写的几篇论文(至少10篇).

Dorothy Sack, Geography, spring semester: Conduct research and write two articles on Marie Morisawa (1919-1994), one of the first women to earn a Ph.D. in the scientific study of landforms (geomorphology).

Tatiana Savin, Mathematics, fall and spring semesters: Develop an online graduate course on partial differential equation (PDE).

Tony Vinci, English, 春季学期:编辑关于投机小说如何在后人文学科中参与新兴理论的外推特刊, complete an article in the aforementioned special issue, and develop another article.

Vladimir Vinogradov, Mathematics, 秋季和春季学期:与研究人员合作开展几个联合项目,详细研究初始粒子数量不断增加的各种生与死过程增量的短期演变.

Linda Zionkowski, English, 秋季学期:为一卷题为“代表流亡:漫长十八世纪文本中的位移”的文章编辑并撰写一篇文章和介绍."

June 15, 2022
Staff reports