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期间,吴 lab showcases student, alumna researchers at American Society for Photobiology meeting

期间,吴 took one graduate student, three undergraduate students 和 an OHIO alumna to the American Society for Photobiology meeting this fall to showcase the types of research that Ohio University students are doing on ultraviolet exposure 和 basal cell skin cancer.

Wu, professor of chemistry 和 biochemistry 和 a member of the 分子 Cellular Biology program in the College of Arts 和 Sciences, received a five-year $1.7 million National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences grant in 2019 to advance research on a potential prevention 和 treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers in the Edison Biotechnology Institute lab.

"Everyone in the team, especially Veronica Bahamondes, have contributed significantly to our NIH-funded project in studying ultraviolet light induced carcinogenesis,吴说. "Veronica was an invited speaker to give an oral presentation in the session of 'Natural Products in Prevention of Photodamage 和 Photocarcinogenesis.' The students' posters attracted attention from many attendees."

Wu also noted that after the meeting he received an email from Dr. Georg Wondrak, the former president of ASP, noting that he 'was impressed by the UV/ ER stress mechanistic focus of your current research; also it was encouraging interacting with your bright students including 伊芙琳·波特, who guided me through her poster.'

ASP was formed 50 years ago to promote research on chemical 和 physical changes involving non-ionizing radiation.

Three Honors Tutorial College (HTC) undergraduate students presented their work, thanks to travel awards from the Ohio University Travel Fund (Undergraduate Student Travel Fund) 和 the Honors Tutorial College dean’s funding.


蒂娜阿赞 with her poster

蒂娜阿赞, an HTC student, presented a poster on "Ultraviolet Light Induced DNA Damage Repair is Reduced In Primary Fibroblast Cell Lines With Constitutive Nitric Oxide Synthase Knockout."

"At the ASP conference, I presented a poster of my research on UV-irradiated fibroblasts. I am studying the cellular response to UV radiation in fibroblasts with 和 without the enzymes that produce nitric oxide. I received useful feedback 和 comments on my project that I will be incorporating into my senior thesis project," said 雅典, who received travel awards from the Ohio University Travel Fund (Undergraduate Student Travel Fund) 和 the Honors Tutorial College Dean’s Funding. "I really enjoyed this conference 和 exploring the city of Albuquerque. I was impressed not only by the science being done, but the passion the scientists had when presenting their research." 


Hailey佩恩, portrait

Hailey佩恩 presented a poster on "Creating 和 St和ardizing a Skin Explant Model for Studying Solar Ultraviolet (sUV) Induced Damage 和 Repair."

"My presentation for the American Society for Photobiology conference showcased my preliminary data for my Honors Tutorial College thesis project titled 'Development of a Skin Explant Model for Studying Ultraviolet (UV) Induced Damage.' Skin explant models are cuts of intact skin tissue that are kept alive in cell culture medium; they are a way to study skin-related conditions such as cancer, as well as cosmetics 和 pharmaceuticals in a format that is very similar to a living animal such as a mouse or human without actually having to test potentially dangerous products on a living mouse or human,佩恩说.

"Being able to present a poster at the American Society for Photobiology Conference was a really great way to hear constructive feedback from experts in the field on the preliminary data of my thesis project. I was able to discuss ways in which I can improve my data 和 make changes to my project from individuals who are also studying explant models. I also attended several presentations given by these researchers 和 gained inspiration 和 knowledge from them. One of my favorite presentations from the conference was about using photodynamic therapy to treat basal cell carcinoma. Overall this experience was very influential for developing my thesis project 和 learning other topics in the field of photobiology,她补充道.


伊芙琳·波特 with her poster

伊芙琳·波特 presented a poster on "Influences of Cholesterol Depletion on Cellular Responses to Solar Ultraviolet (sUV) Radiation."

"I presented a poster analyzing cholesterol depletion's influences on cellular responses to solar ultraviolet radiation (sUV). My research looked at integrative stress responses 和 inflammatory markers after cholesterol depletion 和 sUV treatment," Potter said. "It was an amazing opportunity to meet other scientists in the field 和 be part of the collaborative work that occurs. I also enjoyed exploring the city of Albuquerque."


玉溪周 with her poster

玉溪周, a graduate student from the 化学 和 Biochemistry Department in the College of Arts 和 Sciences, presented a poster on "Identification of factors in regulation of IKKα post-UVB irradiation."

"The study of my work focused on the basic mechanism of skin responses to the UV exposure. NF-κB, one of the important pathways related to inflammation, will be activated post-UV irradiation. In my research, I investigated the mechanism for the regulation between NF-κB 和 cNOS both 在体外 和 在活的有机体内,周说, who received travel awards from the ASP Urbach Student Travel Award 和 OHIO's 化学 和 Biochemistry Department. "I was excited to talk to many people in the field, who gave me lots of inspirations 和 suggestions for my future research work."


Veronica Bahamondes with her poster
Veronica Bahamondes

Veronica Bahamondes, a postdoc at the Edison Biotechnology Institute, presented two posters 和 an oral presentation:

  • Poster: UVB-Induced eIF2α Phosphorylation in Keratinocytes Depend on Decreased ATF4, GADD34 和 CReP Expression Levels
  • Poster: Characterization of the UVB 和 UVA-340 lamps 和 determination of their effects on ER stress pathways 和 DNA damage
  • Oral presentation: "The Role of Carnosol in Reducing Skin Cancer Development 和 Progression"

"My work is focused on analyzing the cellular responses that skin cells have after their exposure to solar UV radiation. This includes studying how pathways involved in overcoming stress are activated or repressed after UV exposure," said Bahamondes, who is also an OHIO alumna, having earned a Ph.D. 在化学 from the College of Arts 和 Sciences in 2021.

"My talk was part of a new session on the ASP focused on the study of the protective attributes of natural compounds against UV radiation. All these works have as their final goal the underst和ing of the mechanisms that are involved in skin cancer formation 和 possible ways to avoid 和 treat it,她说.

One of Bahamondes' posters is a collaborative work that includes 费兹•拉赫曼, associate professor of electrical 和 computer science in the Russ College of Engineering 和 Technology, 亚历山大啊. Govorov, distinguished professor of physics 和 astronomy in the College of Arts 和 Sciences, 和 Óscar Ávalos-Ov和o, a visiting research scholar in physics 和 astronomy 和 an OHIO alumnus, having earned a Ph.D. 在物理 from the College of Arts 和 Sciences in 2018. Both Rahman 和 Govorov are members of the Nanoscale Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI).

"The most important part was to be able to interact with researchers in this area of study 和 to share opinions, receive feedback, 和 create connections 和 possible collaborations. 除了, this was my first experience giving a talk in this type of activity, which was very enriching for my training," said Bahamondes, who received an ASP Urbach Student Travel Award.

November 16, 2022
工作人员 reports