

The Fall Senior Dance Concert, "Immerse," will take place on Friday, Nov. 11月18日和星期六. 晚上7点和9点.m.11月11日(周日)有一场日场. 1点20分.m. 在帕特南大厅的雪莉·温默舞蹈剧院演出. The concert is the culminating project for senior BFA Dance Performance and Choreography majors. 

整个秋季学期, 13 seniors collaborated to plan and produce the concert during their senior capstone course, 而每次编舞都是新的, original dance works that immerse audience members in unique worlds and perspectives.

Tickets are $14 for general admission and free to newbb电子平台 students with a valid OHIO ID. 普通门票可在网上购买 票务网站 or at-the-door, while free student tickets can only be reserved at-the-door prior to each show.

每场演出都有独特的演出顺序, 在周六晚上7点之后立即进行反馈.m. 演出和周日下午1点.m. 表演. 


艾米丽·皮尔斯最新的独唱作品, 你会释放你的渴望," reminisces on the kinesthetic and emotional imprints of the homoerotic, 同性恋之爱与欲望. 从萨福的一首传奇诗歌中得知, 壁橱的空间参数, and the delicate melodies of Marisa Anderson and Tara Jane O’Neil’s “You’d Be So Nice To Come Home to,” Pierce articulates the fine lines between safekeeping and sharing these personal imprints.

"Cabin Fever" is a group work choreographed by Abby Bowman that explores the idea of layering bodies. Utilizing the sensations of settling and sinking into another body, 舞者们在有凝聚力的群体中进进出出. The music “Snow” by Fabrizio Paterlini allows space for the audience to transcend into a new state.

"All the time in the world" is a solo work choreographed by Nicole Peterman that demonstrates the personal exploration of risk-taking and falling into new movement discoveries. The piece dives into a reflective state as an hourglass remains on stage, 表示时间紧迫. This solo is accompanied by the sound “Three Preludes for Marimba - N.内伊·罗索罗的《newbb电子平台》.

"An Embrace Takes Time and Space" is Lee Peters’ latest solo piece, 探索自我接纳的旅程. 伴随着迈克尔·沃尔的《newbb电子平台》. 其间的过渡参差不齐, 摇动动作使之平滑, 平静的是为了展示这段旅程的高潮和低谷.

"Lethal’s Catwalk" is the newest group work choreographed by Jordan Jackson. 这件作品的灵感来自时尚和媒体行业. Concepts of stoic energy as well as sharp movements are explored and generated through imagery of runway shows.  The sound “DKNY Spring 2017 Runway Show Set” by Twin Shadow influences the dancers’ textures and rhythmic meticulousness.

Michaela Verrico的最新集体作品《newbb电子平台》,的配乐是The Halluci Nation乐队的《newbb电子平台》. It is a piece intending to exhibit elements of the great power and strength that comes within a unified group of women. 结合一致的乐句作品, 正面地层, 独特的配合动作和高强度的提升, conveys a sense of reliance upon the group and showcases the technical and artistic strength within the cast members while moving together as one united force.

“shemA”是由Ania Fuller编舞的团体作品. 灵感来自高跟鞋,电臀舞,非洲和现代运动风格. 这篇文章耐心地探索了自然的膨胀, 自信地, 不舒服地寻找安慰. Dancers take on a sensual, bold and confident aura making space with each step. Fuller explores her relationship between new and old self while dancers move on and through the musicality.

Micaiah Clouse’s latest group work is titled "Can I tell you a story?" This collaborative work is an exploration into a collective experience of storytelling disregarding formal conventions of linearity. 当演员们在彼此的账户中移动时, the stories present themselves out of chronological order as a series of snapshots. The original sound score by RJ Martin invites the audience to traverse this patchwork narrative as the dancers explore the shifting world around them.

"Determined to be…" is a solo work choreographed by Emily Bryan and explores the idea of a relationship and longing for someone through a space where no one is actually there. The movement demonstrates interloping between one’s self and the ground. 带有沉重气息的重量主题也在空间中共享. "Determined to be…" is accompanied by the sound “Flugelhorn” by Paul Mottram and Patrick Hawes, 这有助于将平静的能量注入自己体内.

“当我们的道路交叉。," choreographed by Cristina LaRocca is a work that explores the human experience of relationships and the habits that lie within our connections with others. Attachment and detachment are demonstrated through proximity and physical touch and the phrase work melts together and apart to further reflect the complexity of the concept. “当我们的道路交叉” is accompanied by “Holding Hands” by The Magic Lantern and “Silverpoint” by Nadje Noordhuis.

艾玛·普罗查斯卡的最新个人作品, “糖冲," is an immersive exploration around navigating one’s inner child as years pass by. 穿着一条大裤子,还有千变万化的灯光, this set design invites the audience to join a playroom that soon shifts into adulthood. Accompanied by AGF and Yutaka Hirose, the premise of this piece becomes two toned. 天真的空间变成了失落的空间.

《newbb电子平台》,由汉娜·格拉布编舞, is a group work that explores one’s daily routine and the methods of breaking out of the mundane. The piece showcases the drop in and out of the pedestrian and performative, 还有对时间的操控. 《newbb电子平台》" is accompanied by “The Solo” by Michael Wall.

"Indelibly textured" investigates the pinching aches of grief and its longevity in the muscles, 器官, 甚至是骨头. 舞蹈指导, Maegan Wasaff, questions the solitude of shielding others from seeing one’s lived body that is inked in love, 放手, 拼命地坚持. This theme is explored through the concept of pushing deeply embedded experiences to the surface. 开始部分, 伴随着特克斯·克里克的《newbb电子》, 当你坚持下去的时候,你会沉浸在无知的幸福感中. Finally, a new article of clothing is introduced eliciting a deep ache of comforting pain. This portrayal of tension is accompanied by “Eyes on the Menace” by G.S. Schray. The entirety of the solo exploration demonstrates controlled vulnerability between the external walls and internal scars of settled grief.
