
“说真的,这是我做过的最好的事情,' South by Southwest class immerses students in their chosen industry

Warning: if you ask the students who participated in this year’s South by Southwest (SXSW) class about their experience, 你可能会厌倦听到像“最好的”这样的词,“不可思议”和“惊人”.” The group of nearly 30 students have been preparing since October to attend the weeklong conference, 他们在哪里与导师建立联系, 与尖端技术互动, 在现实生活中见到了基努·里维斯.

“I have to say it is one of the best memories that I've ever had,高年级学生杰西·劳布说, 音乐制作和唱片工业(MPRI)专业. “这太有趣了. 在南部的电影首映式上有很多事情要做, 电视节目首播, 音乐展示了巨大的, 大型社交活动, 然后是所有这些来自工业专业的专家小组.”

南部, 也就是人们常说的SXSW大会, is indeed more than just a dazzling experience for people who love concerts, 电视和电影. 指导会议被安排在日程中, and students in the class are encouraged to register for as many as they can. 

“I was able to connect with so many people in relevant industries right now and learn about the cool things that they're doing and exchange contact information with them,” said sophomore 荣誉导师学院 (HTC) journalism major Julia Weber. “So I know that I'll have people in the industry as I continue my career through college and post-graduation who are willing to help me and lend a hand because of this incredible experience at South by Southwest.”

The mentoring sessions and other networking opportunities allow students to learn about their chosen industry, make connections and sometimes even land internships or jobs.

“The goal of this trip is laser-focused on engagement: with industry leaders, 新想法, 经历, and a wealth of premieres and showcases from creatives across tech, 音乐, 电影和电视, 还有更多,约什·安托努乔说, 民政事务总署署长 媒体艺术与研究学院 也是SXSW课程的负责人. “100 percent of students that attend connect directly with leaders in and around their industry space. 至少可以说,它营造了一个令人兴奋的环境.”

Nina Blair and Ella Franks are shown at 南部 Southwest
Nina Blair and Ella Franks are shown at the 南部 Southwest conference.

给大一的MPRI和平面设计专业的Ella Franks, the goal of engaging paid off with tangible leads on future opportunities.

“The part that was most beneficial to me on the trip was the mentor sessions, because I had about five or six of those with industry professionals,弗兰克斯说. ”,实际上, two of them are prospective to give me an internship this summer in the 音乐 industry. And one of those works for the Grammys, which is really exciting.”

Another major element of the class is ensuring that the students maximize their experience at the conference. The daily schedule is packed with sessions, performances, speakers and premieres. It’s important to go in with a plan, and the OHIO students make the most of the experience. 像这样, Antonuccio has the students start planning their schedules in November, with an eye toward cultivating students’ goals for the trip.

“My favorite part of the event was just walking around what they called the Creative Industries Expo,盖伯瑞尔·莫斯说, MPRI大三学生. “那里有数百家科技公司, 音乐公司, 电影公司, just showing off their new gear and what's to come in the future. 感觉就像在未来旅行一样. You felt like you were at the center of it all and you just got this sneak peek into like, 什么是即将到来的,什么是新的.”

Between the professional connections and industry insight, nearly all the participants in the South by Southwest class offered by the 媒体艺术与研究学院 come away with even more confidence and direction about their chosen field than they had before the trip.

Senior integrated media major Greta Cargin wants to pursue a career in the film industry. She said the stories she heard from professionals reinforced her goals.

“It makes me confident in my ability to pursue what I want to do in the film industry and know that there's really no right or wrong answer to how I get there,柯金说. “不管怎样, it's very much possible and I'm very excited to see what else the world has to offer.”

Keanu Reeves is shown speaking at a 南部 Southwest event
The OHIO students even saw Keanu Reeves at one of the 南部 Southwest 事件.

媒体艺术制作专业大二学生萨姆·戈特弗里德, the experience provided the guidance he was looking for as he narrows down his professional focus. 

“I am kind of in between things and trying to figure out where I want to work in the media industry,戈特弗里德说. “Talking to people and professionals who are actually in the field, 不仅仅是课堂作业, really helped me realize that the path that I want to take is more towards film.”

The students certainly expand their professional network at the conference through mentoring sessions and networking and social 事件, but many found just as much value in expanding their OHIO network.

“这听起来很老套,戈特弗里德说, “但是我一路走来结交的朋友, 我班上的人, 真的很棒,真的很支持你吗. And I will always cherish this break that I had at 南部.”

最后, let’s not forget the electrifying experience of watching the world premiere of a major new movie, 同时还能获得专业学分. This year’s premieres included the North American premiere of “John Wick 4,本·阿弗莱克的新电影《newbb电子平台》,” as well as several major streaming television premieres including “Swarm,《newbb电子》和Netflix的《newbb电子平台》.” Senior MPRI major Johnny Le said he learned about what employers in his field are looking for and about industry trends. 他参加了其中一场首映式.

“I also got to see the premiere of ‘John Wick 4’ and saw Keanu Reeves in real life,” Le said. “所以这些对我来说是非常酷的经历.”
