新闻 and Announcements

Spring Senior Dance Concert features original choreography by 13 students

newbb电子平台舞蹈学院将举办一年一度的春季高级舞蹈音乐会, “However, For Now,” the culminating project for BFA dance majors. This spring, 13名大四学生将在15日的编舞新作中展现他们独特的视角, April 14, and Saturday, April 15, 晚上7点.m. 9点.m. 位于newbb电子平台普特南大厅的雪莉·威默舞蹈剧院.  

The concert features original choreography by Abby Bowman, Emily Bryan, Micaiah Clouse, Ania Fuller, Hannah (Skyler) Grubb, Jordan Jackson, Cristina LaRocca, Nicole Peterman, Lee Peters, Emily Pierce, Emma Prochaska, Maegan Wasaff and Michaela Verrico.

The following are descriptions of each of the students' original pieces:
"A sketch of us," choreographed by Nicole Peterman, 七位舞者在画布上建立空间边界的同时,探索驱动和悬浮的并置,这是一件合作作品吗. 发展的路径和形式源于将即兴动作乐谱转录成彩色图画. This work is accompanied by the sound “String Quartet No. 3, (Mishima): VI. Mishima / Closing" by Philip Glass, The Modern String Quintet.   

"Jaded I Lay" is the newest solo work by Jordan Jackson. 这件作品包含了一种自我的丧失,在一次创伤经历发生期间和之后. "Jaded I Lay" was developed in acknowledgement of the processing, 一个遭受创伤的人所经历的悲伤和治愈之旅. 此外,这首独奏曲展示了心理创伤被储存在身体里. 苏夫扬·史蒂文斯(Sufjan Stevens)的歌曲《newbb电子平台》(Fourth of July)支持过去的自我“死亡”的概念,同时也例证了永恒, yet unsteady concept of acceptance.

"You give me butterflies" navigates the frantic, 人与人之间自发建立的联系的轻快和充分的感觉. Created by Emily Pierce in collaboration with seven dancers, 这个小组作品是皮尔斯目前研究的延续,探索通过艺术实践来协商酷儿亲密关系的意义. 设置在三面墙的壁橱设置,物理框架舞者的表演空间, the work’s material asks about the spatial parameters of intimacy, the leaps of faith often necessary for intimate connections, and the internal/external conflict of trust through a queer lens. 与《newbb电子平台》伴唱的是Mica Levi作曲的《newbb电子》和《newbb电子平台》.

"Interpersonal Frequencies," choreographed by Emily Bryan, is a group work that shows one's own individual path, and within each separate path, occasionally they come together. One's path is shown by unfocused eye contact and different facings, 相反,重复的使用是一种通过看到相同的动作来展示相似体验的方法. 《newbb电子平台》的配乐是克雷格·德安德里亚的《newbb电子平台》和伊万·多布森的《newbb电子》(2008).  

"Filthy R*ch" is a new collaborative piece, led by Emma Prochaska, that emulates and deconstructs the essence of wealth. As Emma positions herself separate from the group, 她试图通过大量展示莱茵石来加入他们的社会地位. With additional jewels attached to each dancer’s body, exaggeration pulls movement towards expansion and inwardness. Accompanied by musician Jacaszek, 随着整个作品的进展,声音中优雅的底色慢慢向前发展.  

"Violet Sunflowers" is a duet choreographed by Lee Peters. With a focus on platonic relationships, 这件作品通过身体的距离和接触来探索健康的界限和联系. 这源于彼得斯对他们过去和现在关系的反思,以及对健康关系的探索. The piece is accompanied by “Lost” by Liza Anne.  

你是否曾经希望能最后一次透过童年的自己来体验这个世界? 那时的世界充满了多彩的活力、甜蜜和简单? Michaela Verrico’s latest solo titled, "When Simplicity Grows Silent," set to “You Are a Memory” by Message To Bears, 表现了她与渴望再次体验纯真青春的强烈欲望的斗争, 当面对成年后经常经历的巨大压力时. The work includes rich internal-focused movements, comforting gestures, and intense emotional contortions, creating the sense of mourning an unreachable child-like simplicity, 同时也肯定了一个人需要接受无法控制的生活节奏.  

"a blissful ode" is a solo work choreographed and performed by Abby Bowman. 这幅作品从个人职业生涯的反思中获得灵感. 它探讨了生活的理念,即按部就班,按部就班. 这首独唱是伴随着歌曲“里程碑-剥离”由乔伊肾和马特沃尔登.  

《newbb电子平台》是一部由汉娜(斯凯勒)格拉布编舞和表演的独舞. 这篇文章引导了一个人发现自我认同的旅程,以及随之而来的多种情感. 通过触摸看似不舒服的身体区域和地板来描绘一个人接受自我的进化,这代表了这段旅程的开始. The piece is accompanied by the song “Revans” by Sora.  

《newbb电子》是一部全新的、探索性的独舞作品,由克里斯蒂娜·拉罗卡编舞和表演. 这部作品与汤米·格雷罗的曲目“the Spirit Form”的音乐细微差别相结合,同时在强烈的低音线上找到了柔和的张力. LaRocca works throughout the space untangling, stretching and folding with refreshing moments of intensity and quickness.

"into the knowning," a solo work performed and choreographed by Ania Fuller. 受到她的非裔美国血统的启发,这件作品展现了富勒不同的身份和成长. 纪念她作为一名非裔美国女性的根源和她的个人家族史,同时转变成现在的她. 当富勒邀请你进入她对过去的关系的探索时,平静的水声提供了一种舒适的体验, present and future.

"spring cleaning" is a new creative work by Maegan Wasaff, in collaboration with dancers, 研究日常物品和想象形式的特征. 这件作品唤起了人们的好奇心,玩弄了现实与想象之间的关系. 这一邀请以隐藏在运动中的细节宝藏向观众延伸. 编舞家雷米·查利普(Remy Charlip)有趣的涂鸦激发了他的好奇心, depicting the impossible yet oddly tangible. Accompanied by the exuberant tango flare of the Gotan Project’s, “La del Ruso,“空间景观是熟悉的,古色古香的,然后重建成一个广阔的想象海洋.  

"(Bonesandteeth)" is a new work performed and choreographed by Micaiah Clouse. The lyrics, “Yesterday I heard you were gone with all my bones and teeth,” are repeated, calling to a corporeal memory. 这个动作生活在紧张和释放的起起落落中,让位于忧郁的扩张,舞者努力在一种新的存在状态中找到安慰.

Tickets are $14 for general admission and can be purchased online. 入场是免费的学生与有效的俄亥俄州身份证,使俄亥俄州艺术成为可能.

预定的彩排将于4月13日上午9点向媒体和摄影师开放.m., in the Shirley Wimmer Dance Theater, Putnam Hall.

April 3, 2023
工作人员 reports