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美术学院设施更新战略旨在改变俄亥俄州的艺术教育及其对学生的影响, surrounding region

newbb电子平台董事会最近在6月份的会议上通过了一项关于设计阶段的决议 College of Fine Arts facilities renewal strategy. This strategy, which includes a combination of renovation, relocation and new construction, 旨在重新构想俄亥俄的艺术教育,使艺术在整个校园产生更大的影响, community and surrounding region.

作为俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚地区最大的专业艺术主持人和制作人, 美术学院既是一所教育机构,也是一名艺术主持人和制作人,肩负着服务社区的独特责任.

“这个地区的表演艺术空间有限, especially at this scale, 所以这个新的艺术中心不仅是为了我们,也是为了这个地区,” Dean of the College of Fine Arts Matthew Shaftel said. “除了我们的学生和专业组织的表演, 这个新的空间也可以为通过表演艺术和音乐会系列带来的表演者提供一个场所, 除了其他来访的艺术家和社区组织.”

The new strategy will include a new vibrant arts center, the Patton Arts Center, 它将设有一个400个座位的专业多功能剧场,可用于戏剧表演, music concerts, dance concerts and film showings; a large performance and rehearsal space that will open to the outdoors allowing performances to be inside and out; a lobby dedicated to connection and serve as both an inviting space for OHIO and community members during performances and an active student space throughout the day with art gallery and exhibition space for students and artists to show off their work in a more accessible space.

Patton Arts Center Lobby rendering

“这个新设施的真正特别之处在于它如何弥合该地区表演空间的差距,” Shaftel added. “By including an indoor/outdoor performance space, 我们可以提供更多的机会与社区接触,同时寻找新的, 创新的程序设计提供了几乎像圆形剧场一样的体验. Currently, 雅典娜电影院在雅典停车场的顶部提供节目,这些节目已经售罄,在社区中非常受欢迎. 这种类型的空间使我们不仅能带来新的观众,而且总的来说也能带来新的机会.”

In addition to the new space, 该战略还包括对塞格弗雷德大厅的改造计划,该计划将使其变得巨大, 五层楼的设施变成了多功能空间,为艺术与设计newbb电子平台, the School of Theater, the School of Film and the entire college as a whole. 该战略作为一个整体,在综合方法中有几个其他较小的项目,包括对Glidden的投资, Putnam, Sculpture Studio, Ridges and green space.

Seigfred lobby renderings
A rendering of what the new Seigfred Lobby may look like.

“艺术以各种方式相交,艺术的未来本质上是跨学科的,” Shaftel said. “我们有机会创造一个共享空间,让戏剧学院的道具大师和艺术设计学院的雕塑家在同一栋楼里工作. 通过将所有这些项目包括在同一绿地和同一多功能建筑中, the opportunity for collaboration becomes greater.”

Learn More About the Capital Project

North Green map rendering
The arts will all come together on North Green, 允许学生之间进行更多的合作和跨学科的工作. 这张地图提供了一个新的北方绿色将会是什么样子.

The College of Fine Arts is home to six schools: Film, Music, Theater, Dance, Interdisciplinary Art and Art + Design, 所有这些目前都被安置在newbb电子的多个建筑中. In addition, the college supports six professional arts organizations, including four that rely on these same spaces such as Tantrum Theater. In the last six years, 学院的学生人数每年都在持续增长, 一些新项目,比如本科音乐剧项目, the undergraduate film program, 研究生艺术管理项目和研究生艺术健康项目等等, have also been introduced within the college.

“随着美术学院在学生和项目上的扩张, 我们需要提高每所学校和整个学院内正在完成的工作的设施,以确保体验式学习的机会得到最大化. 希望这片以艺术为中心的绿地能成为一个区域,让人们通过艺术接受艺术教育.”

这个更新战略项目,预计费用为$94.两百万加上维奥莉特·巴顿遗产分配的五千万, is the result of years of strategizing, hundreds of meetings, workshops, 250多个利益相关者参与了实地考察, 密切分析当前学院的空间和需求. 该策略还侧重于确保空间得到最高和最佳的利用,并投资于优化我们的资产.

尽管巴顿已经捐了一大笔钱来扩建美术学院的设施, 继续筹款是必要的,以满足这一计划的愿景,并继续投资于学院的设施. 除了个人捐款外,该学院还在寻求拨款.

了解更多募款机会以支持此计划, please contact Jonathan Renard, senior director of Development, at or by phone at 740-593-0188.

俄亥俄州董事会6月15日和16日会议的完整回顾可在网上获得 OHIO News

June 16, 2023
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