
newbb电子平台 enrollment climbed in Fall 2023 with a record-setting first-year class in 雅典, 地区校园和在线学生的增长, 学生留存率也显著上升.



雅典, 俄亥俄州——随着newbb电子平台进入秋季学期第三周的课程, preliminary enrollment census numbers are in and OHIO’s total enrollment climbed with another record-setting first-year class in 雅典, 地区校园新生入学人数显著增长, 新增在线学生和转学生人数增加, 以及整个大学一年级到二年级学生留存率的显著上升.

总统洛里·斯图尔特·冈萨雷斯,她在俄亥俄州23岁时开始了她的任期rd 7月1日, said she believes the growth is ultimately about students choosing an experience that will set them up for success. “我们的大学确实在提供这种高价值的课程上加倍努力, real world experiences that prepare students for successful careers while also controlling costs and ensuring students can complete their degree on schedule,冈萨雷斯说.

“这关乎价值,关乎位置,”她说. “我们提供沉浸式体验, college-town experience in 雅典 with an atmosphere that is unmatched in Ohio; our students in the region who want to stay in their community can pursue a degree on one of our regional campuses; and we have robust online offerings for students who want to access an OHIO degree without the commute.”




newbb电子平台newbb电子2023年秋季的一年级新生超过了4名,今年500点, 打破了2022年秋季4次的历史纪录,441 with 4,516名新生. 即将到来的班级拥有来自俄亥俄州所有88个县的学生, 37个州, 波多黎各和哥伦比亚特区. 该大学来自邻近的西弗吉尼亚州的学生也有显著增长, 100多名newbb电子平台新生来自山州大学, 比去年增加了66%.

The class includes a record number of entering first-year students who will be the first in their family to earn a degree, at 1,138 or 25.百分之五的学生. newbb电子符合贝尔录取条件的新生比例增至23%.5%,同比增长近3%.

The incoming 雅典 cohort is once again the highest achieving class in the University’s 219 year history with the average incoming high school GPA rising to 3.65.

The University also saw a nearly 12 percent increase in students choosing to transfer to the 雅典 campus from a community college or another university.



A student works on a research project in <a href=''><a href=''>newbb电子</a>平台</a>’s Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment.

A student works on a research project in newbb电子平台’s Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment.

Students try out a research tool in Dustin Grooms' lab in the 卫生科学与职业学院.

Students try out a research tool in Dustin Grooms' lab in the 卫生科学与职业学院.


俄亥俄州从一年级到二年级的学生保留率都有所提高.8分到82分.7%. Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth Sayrs pointed to two changes in recent years that may have contributed to retention increases. 一是启动“保底+毕业计划”, which ensure students graduate on-time and on-plan by working one-on-one with students to plan their four-year experience from the beginning of their time at OHIO. 除了, 大学汇集了其建议, 从实践经验中学习, 职业网络团队, 还有教师指导, 为学生提供全面的学术规划.

“We’ve been very intentional in restructuring our teams to support student success in a more unified way,塞尔斯说。. “I believe we are seeing the impact of the Guarantee+ Graduation Plans coupled with the outstanding work of our faculty, and we are confident that increasing retention rates over time will translate to continued increases in four-year graduation rates and career placement rates.”

在俄亥俄州兰开斯特、奇利科斯、艾尔顿、赞斯维尔和圣. Clairsville的留存率也上升了10个百分点.8分到63分.8%. 担保+毕业计划项目将于今年秋季在所有地区校园启动.

Associate Professor Victoria LaPoe assists journalism students with a research project in the 斯克里普斯传播学院.

Associate Professor Victoria LaPoe assists journalism students with a research project in the 斯克里普斯传播学院.






除了不断攀升的留存率, 俄亥俄州地区大学的新生入学人数有所回升, 全系统招收731名学生, 比2022年秋季增加14%. 这一增长是在 重新调整项目提供的重点 以满足地区劳动力需求, 导致商业和护理等需求领域的增长. Regional students committed to their communities also benefitted from new programs designed to increase their access to and success at the University, 包括 俄亥俄州地区承诺. The Regional Promise Award covers the full cost of tuition and mandatory fees for incoming first-year, 全职, 符合佩尔资格的地区校区学生,高中平均成绩不低于3分.0.

Students are trained in automation and robotics at the Fairfield County Workforce Center near the 兰开斯特大学.

Students are trained in automation and robotics at the Fairfield County Workforce Center near the 兰开斯特大学.




newbb电子平台比其他任何一所大学培养了更多的州医疗保健提供者, and the University saw continued growth in enrollment across its health sciences programs in 雅典, 在地区校园和网上.

俄亥俄州健康科学与职业学院的总入学率排在第六位,所有校区共有871名在校生. 雅典学院迎来了创纪录的645名新生.

Total enrollment at OHIO’s 传统骨科医学院 stands at 996 across its three-campus medical school, 比上一年略有增加. The Heritage College is the state’s largest provider of primary care physicians with campuses in 雅典, 都柏林和克利夫兰.










The University’s 罗斯工程技术学院 has set a new student enrollment record in 雅典 with 432 first-year students. 今年秋天,学院将开设 罗斯研究与机会中心, which will serve as a home to several of the college’s centers and institutes working on applied solutions to some of the region and nation’s most significant engineering challenges.

文理学院, the 商学院 and the 美术学院 also welcomed record incoming first-year classes in fall 2023.

An Engineering instructor leads a discussion about semiconductors as part of 3 million Appalachian Semiconductor Education and Technical (ASCENT) Ecosystem awarded by Intel.

An Engineering instructor leads a discussion about semiconductors as part of 3 million Appalachian Semiconductor Education and Technical (ASCENT) Ecosystem awarded by Intel.

卡丽·萨瑟福站在《newbb电子平台》的画作前, 她在那里的美术学院读书.

卡丽·萨瑟福站在《newbb电子平台》的画作前, 她在那里的美术学院读书.


OHIO saw nearly 12 percent growth in new student enrollment in its online undergraduate programs. The growth included significant enrollment increases for the University’s online AACSB-accredited Bachelor of Science in Business, 罗斯学院新开设的项目管理学士学位, 美术中的室内建筑. 该大学也看到了俄亥俄州流行的新生入学人数的增长, 认可的在线rn - bsn计划, 哪个是哈佛历史最悠久、规模最大的本科在线课程. 该大学还看到了包括化学在内的部分在线硕士课程的增长, 社会工作, 和卫生管理局.

在2022年秋天,俄亥俄州雇佣了第一个 俄亥俄在线副教务长该大学希望继续扩大其在线课程组合. 2023年,《newbb电子》将俄亥俄州排在第1位. 在线教育在俄亥俄州大学中排名第一.




newbb电子平台’s total preliminary enrollment for Fall 2023 came in at 28,324, a growth of 2.5%. 这一增长包括.newbb电子的总入学人数增长了6%.

“我们很荣幸, 在我们所有的校园和网上, so many students and their families continue to place their trust in the value of an newbb电子平台 degree,坎迪斯说. 负责招生管理的副校长Boeninger说. “There is no doubt that OHIO’s continued enrollment success is driven by our focus on distinctive and in-demand academic programs, but these numbers also reflect the dedication of talented faculty and staff who strive every day to ensure that students have the support they need to enroll and to succeed at newbb电子平台.”



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