
大学社区 Mourns Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Tadeusz Malinski

The newbb电子平台 community mourns the passing of Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Tadeusz Malinski on Sept. 77岁,13岁.

Malinski, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, joined newbb电子平台's 化学与生物化学系 in 2000 and served most recently as the Marvin and Anne Dilley White Professor of Biomedical Sciences until retiring last summer.

Malinski was a native of Poland, and a funeral and memorial service was held Nov. 6 in Poland.

"Our father was born and grew up in communist controlled Poland before escaping here to the U.S. His discoveries would eventually lead him toward being a Distinguished Professor at newbb电子平台. Though for all his brilliance he was still often the absent-minded professor, 活在自己的世界里, 他不妥协的方式常常把我们逼疯. 但他不仅仅是一位教授, 他是个画家, 艺术收藏家, an athlete, 一个探险家, 他是祖国波兰的爱国者,他的儿子们写道, 彼得和克里斯托弗, 为了纪念他们的父亲. 两个儿子都毕业于俄亥俄州, Peter in chemistry in 2011 and Christopher in chemistry and political science in 2015. 


Dr. Tadeusz Malinski receives the Grand Gold Medal by the Society of Arts-Sciences-Letters in Paris.
Dr. Tadeusz Malinski receives the Grand Gold Medal by the Society of Arts-Sciences-Letters in Paris.


Malinski has been nationally and internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field of nanomedicine. He developed new technologies and methods for the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. He was the first in the world to measure nitric oxide – the “molecule of life” – in a single biological cell by employing a self-designed sensor with a diameter 700 times smaller than a single strand of hair. He received the Albrecht Fleckenstein Memorial Award for Distinguished Work in the Field of Basic Research for Cardiology from the International Academy of Cardiology.

2020年,马林斯基是 被任命为国家发明家学会会员, the highest professional distinction accorded solely to academic inventors. He also discovered the role of Vitamin D3 in the function and restoration of cardiovascular damage caused by heart attack and aging. His study showed that Vitamin D3 can significantly restore the damage to the cardiovascular system caused by several diseases, 包括高血压, 糖尿病和动脉粥样硬化.

马林斯基还向美国法院提起诉讼.S. “促进伤口愈合的系统和方法”的专利,一个提供最佳的系统, efficient and controlled delivery of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide gases, 哪些已被证明能促进加速愈合. The system would provide tailored delivery rates for nitric oxide and carbon monoxide based on the specific wound type, 比如烧伤, 静脉溃疡或糖尿病足溃疡.

Among his international awards were France's Grand Gold Medal by the Society of Arts-Sciences-Letters and multiple Doctorate Honoris Causa in medicine from Polish and European universities. 马林斯基发表了300多篇研究论文.


Dr. Tadeusz Malinski获得了a的荣誉博士奖. 波兰波兹南的米奇维茨大学.
Dr. Tadeusz Malinski获得了a的荣誉博士奖. 波兰波兹南的米奇维茨大学.


“泰德有一种欧洲绅士的魅力和风度。. 霍华德·德瓦尔德,文理学院的化学教授. "While being a scientific innovator in research, he strongly preferred to converse with you by phone. 如果你给他发电子邮件,他会拿起电话给你打电话."

Ken Brown, 化学与生物化学名誉教授, 是谁把马林斯基带到俄亥俄州的, noted, “我很久以前就雇佣了泰德. 除了是一位杰出的科学家, 他是一位优雅的欧洲绅士,也是我的好朋友. 我们会怀念他的."

For Michael Jensen, associate professor of chemistry, Malinski provided the newly minted Ph.D. graduate with the motivation to pursue fundamental chemistry research and a pathway to newbb电子平台.

在圣路易斯市外的孟山都公司研究中心任职. 路易斯在20世纪90年代, Jensen found himself tasked with developing small molecule metal complexes that would catalyze decomposition of peroxynitrite, a cytotoxic product of radical coupling between nitric oxide and superoxide. "I knew almost nothing about the burgeoning field of nitric oxide biochemistry. 作为一名化学家, the first question that naturally came to mind was the actual concentration of NO and downstream products present in vivo. However, it seemed that pharmaceutical chemists were disposed toward drugging fixed biological targets, 不参与双分子催化的, 所以我的询问毫无效果,他回忆道.


"A comprehensive literature search led me directly to a stunningly elegant and highly relevant paper in Nature,测量单个细胞的一氧化氮释放量 in situ 通过卟啉微传感器,' written by Tadeusz Malinski and Ziad Taha of Oakland University in Rochester, MI. Appearing in what many regard as the world's premier scientific journal, 这篇开创性的文章被引用了超过1次,000 times. 除了给我的问题提供一个定量的答案, 这篇文章使我想起了基础化学研究的力量. I was immediately motivated to return to academics with renewed vigor," Jensen said. "Tad was truly inspiring as a distinguished scientist and as a dedicated mentor, 我会珍惜他的记忆和贡献."


Tadeusz Malinski discusses research with a student on the floor of the Convo at the Student Expo in 2013. 本·西格尔摄
Tadeusz Malinski discusses research with a student on the floor of the Convo at the Student Expo in 2013. 本·西格尔摄


马林斯基成功地指导了20多名博士.D. newbb电子平台的学生论文, 还有奥克兰大学的几位, 他来俄亥俄之前在那里教书.

"Dr. Malinski and the Chemistry Department had an enormous impact on my life,newbb电子平台校友迈克尔·瓦格纳说, 得了B的学生.S. 2013年获得化学博士学位,随后获得博士学位.D. 2020年的化学.

"I had recently transferred to newbb电子平台 and got a job in the machine shop with Bascom French servicing the labs in Clippinger. 当时,奥巴马博士. 马林斯基担任系主任. I expressed interest doing undergraduate research to Frenchie and Paula Hale, 他们把我和Dr. Malinski. 他欢迎我作为本科生进入实验室, 鼓励我申请研究生院,并留在这里攻读博士学位.D.在录取过程中为我做担保. 他帮助我成长为一个人,成为一名科学家, 鼓励我,指导我完成研究生学位, and giving me full license to take my research where I felt I needed it to go,瓦格纳说.

他补充说,马林斯基“从不事无细地管理或指挥我下一步要做什么, 让我有能力在实验室里创造自己的故事. I genuinely cherish my time at newbb电子平台 in his lab getting my Ph.D. 这是一个巨大的个人和科学成长的时期. 如果没有他,就不会有今天的我,瓦格纳说。, 他是巴特尔纪念研究所的生物分析化学家.

校友亚当·雅各布(Adam Jacoby)获得了博士学位.D. 2010年获得化学博士学位. 在马林斯基的实验室里,他回忆道. Malinski was a hard-working researcher who took the complexities of measuring chemicals in the paintings of Old Masters and directed that toward the treatment of disease. I was given the opportunity to learn a wide variety of techniques from him that showed me so much about the nano-scale world."

"I thank him for teaching me and helping me research just one little piece of his grand masterpiece of saving lives through medicinal chemistry. 愿你们的创新通过拯救生命得以延续,”雅各比补充道.


图片由卡尔·卡迪什提供, 马林斯基的前研究顾问, 是谁帮马林斯基入境的. 马林斯基(上一排), center) accepted a position to work in Kadish's lab at the University of Houston in 1980.
图片由卡尔·卡迪什提供, 马林斯基的前研究顾问, 是谁帮马林斯基入境的. 马林斯基(上一排), center) accepted a position to work in Kadish's lab at the University of Houston in 1980.