
校友 & 朋友的杂志


的脊 land was just as fundamental to the mission of the 雅典 Lunatic Asylum as its buildings. 今天的newbb电子平台也是如此.

安吉拉·伍德沃德,BSJ '98 | 2024年3月8日


山脊的鸟瞰图. 多个湖泊和树顶. 几栋房子

Bird’s-eye view of two of the four ornamental lakes on the grounds of the 雅典 Asylum for the Insane, 后来被称为雅典国立医院. 图片由曼恩档案中心提供

一张被树木环绕的道路的明信片. bottom corner says "Lover's Lane Hospital Grounds, 雅典, Ohio."

Postcard of "Lover's Lane" on grounds of 雅典 State Hospital, circa 1907-1923. 图片由曼恩档案中心提供 & 特殊的集合.


“Springtime isn’t the only season when we make use of the asylum grounds.——雅典娜1946年年鉴. 图片由曼恩档案中心提供 & 特殊的集合.

a group of people over looking a pond full of lily pads, black and white photo

Group standing at edge of lake on grounds of 雅典 Asylum for the Insane/ 雅典 State Hospital, circa late 19th to early 20th century Photo courtesy of Mahn Center for Archive & 特殊的集合.

山脊的正面视图. 一个大池塘和树木,后面是建筑物

View of 雅典 Asylum for the Insane from across a lake, circa 1893. 图片由曼恩档案中心提供 & 特殊的集合

的脊’ Kirkbride complex was sculpted from bricks formed from the grounds, creating lakes that contributed to a healing landscape for the mental health facility’s patients. For generations of OHIO students and the community, it was a place for recreation.

While those lakes no longer exist—victims of frequent flooding and the subsequent 霍金河改道—the land at 的脊 continues to provide town and gown opportunities for recreation as well as learning and research.

Roughly 580 of 的脊’ more than 700 acres have and will remain undeveloped. 根据山脊框架计划, 163英亩已被指定为保护区, 预留作学术及娱乐活动之用.

The approximately 205 acres of land northwest of 的脊 Green serves as 的脊 土地的实验室—its wildlife, more than 500 plant species and historic usage making it one of OHIO’s most unique classrooms and research spaces.

“The whole 脊 complex is an incredibly rich resource,” says Dr. 布莱恩·麦卡锡, MS ’84, professor of forest ecology and senior associate dean of faculty research and graduate studies for the College of Arts and Sciences. “它与newbb电子平台并列, and the value of that is almost incalculable in terms of student, 教职工对物业的使用情况, 无论是为了娱乐, 个人或职业原因.”

McCarthy is one of three faculty members who serves on 的脊 土地的实验室 Committee, managing research conducted on the property—once home to the farmland and orchards that made the mental health facility largely self-sufficient and provided purposeful work as part of the patients’ treatment.

“That area has such a long history of human use,” adds McCarthy. “These forests and fields are really an artifact of a hundred years ago. It gives us some insight into what was going on biologically back in that era that’s hard to come by otherwise.”

Kelsey Bryant wearing a tree climbing harness preparing to complete research while staring up at the trees.

Doctoral candidate Kelsey Bryant prepares to climb a tree at 的脊 土地的实验室, 她的主要研究地点是哪里. 摄影:Ben Wirtz Siegel, BSVC ' 02


Jared砍伐森林, 土地的实验室, 土地用途导览, 宾州雅典, 植物生物学, 脊, 文理学院, 莎拉•戴维斯. 摄影:Ben Wirtz Sigel' BSVC '02

Dr. Jared砍伐森林, 环境与植物生物学副教授, has been fascinated by the 土地的实验室 since joining the OHIO faculty in 2006. He’s uncovered mysteries—like why Radar Hill is grassland instead of forest, working with a geology professor to determine that millions of years ago the hill was part of a freshwater lake—and uses the 土地的实验室 as a natural extension of his classroom.

他说:“这只是一块宝石。. “It has so much diversity and hits on so many key concepts in plant and forest ecology.”

The soil pits DeForest has dug at the 土地的实验室 allow students to read the soil and determine the history of the area over millions of years. Students in his dendrology class are able to find nearly 40 species of trees on just one of the 土地的实验室’s trails. And the photographs he has taken there over the past 14 years illustrate changes in the forest.

“Showing students these pictures creates an awareness of how dynamic a forest is, but it changes on timescales that make it difficult as humans to understand,德福里斯特说。.

在过去的五年里, doctoral candidate Kelsey Bryant has been doing field studies at the 土地的实验室.

“You have literally four or five different ecosystems within walking distance at 的脊 土地的实验室,布莱恩特指出. “不到半英里, 有人在研究生物燃料, 美洲板栗研究, 昆虫的研究, 野生动物研究, 森林的研究. I’ve made friends and work connections because of the 土地的实验室.”

为了她的论文, Bryant studied how different trees respond to changes in water availability and annual weather, 在土地实验室观察六种树木.

使用由太阳能电池板供电的传感器, Bryant was able to determine how water moves in the trees, each species with its own internal water movement structure. 使用绳索, 以免伤害她的臣民, 布莱恩特会爬上树去摘树叶, taking measurements that indicate the amount of water stress the trees were experiencing, 是什么影响了它们吸收的二氧化碳量.

“It’s really interesting how trees—that have the same access to water, the same environments but different vessels through which they move water—behave completely differently,布莱恩特说。. “Does that mean that in 50 years one of those species may not be as successful? That’s possible, and that’s really the broader significance.”

一个女人和一个孩子在树林里检查一根原木. 她背着一个红色的背包

Bio Blitz 脊, Museum, Science, Nature, Students, 教师, Community Engagement. 摄影:Ben Wirtz Siegel BSVC '02

穿着制服、戴着防疫服的军人. 躺在草地上写字

餐馆帕特尔, 左, Jacob Ehreth and Armando Rodriguez lay on their stomachs as they work together to plot out the coordinates on Wednesday, 9月. 30, 2020. Julia Martins de Sa拍摄.

a group of people walking down a dirt path during a sunny day. 有绿色的草地和一排树

摄影:Ben Wirtz Siegel, BSVC ' 02