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当今世界不断增长的数据量给企业和组织带来了重大挑战. 事实上,根据市场研究公司Statista的数据, the global data surge is forecast to reach a staggering 180 zettabytes 到2025年,这相当于180万亿千兆字节! 这一现实对具有分析头脑和对数据的热情的个人产生了很高的需求,这些需求转化为商业上的伟大职业生涯. 如果这听起来像你,那么你将在各种行业中脱颖而出.

What is business analytics?

业务分析是使用数据来了解业务中正在发生的事情以做出明智决策的过程. It involves collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data to discover trends, identify problems, and recommend solutions.

而分析在利用数据获得战略见解方面发挥着至关重要的作用, 数据驱动思维的价值超越了这个特定领域. 以下是掌握这一技能的人的真正特点:

  • Analytical thinking and problem-solving: 拥有这一重要技能的个人通过利用他们分析复杂信息和逻辑识别底层模式的能力,有效地处理各种业务问题.
  • Data visualization and storytelling: 将原始数据转换为清晰而引人注目的视觉效果的能力, 有效地向技术和非技术受众传达见解, is a powerful asset for any company today.
  • Quantitative reasoning and statistical analysis: 对数字和统计概念的熟悉可以解释数据趋势, risk assessment, 制定有数据支持的建议.
  • Effective communication and presentation skills: Data analysis is not the end goal. 通过有效地将发现转化为可操作的策略, 这些技能影响着跨各种业务功能的决策.

Diverse career paths for data-driven minds

通过数据驱动的方法磨练出来的技能在各个商业领域都非常抢手. Here are just a few examples:

  • Marketing analysts: Leverage data to understand customer behavior, personalize marketing campaigns, and measure campaign effectiveness.
  • Financial analysts: 分析财务数据,评估投资机会, manage risk, and make data-driven financial decisions.
  • Operations research analysts: newbb电子数据分析技术来优化业务流程, improve efficiency, and solve logistical challenges.
  • Human resources specialists: Utilize data to identify high-performing employees, develop targeted training programs, and assess employee engagement.
  • Product managers: 分析客户数据和市场趋势,为产品开发策略提供信息,并提高产品供应.

Beyond business analytics

对数据驱动型专业人员的需求超出了传统的商业环境. 拥有这些技能的个人在以下方面是宝贵的资产:

  • Healthcare: Analyzing patient data to improve diagnoses, predict potential health risks, and personalize treatment plans.
  • Technology: Developing data-driven algorithms, optimizing software performance, and personalizing user experiences.
  • Education: 利用数据评估学生的学习成果, identify at-risk students, and tailor educational approaches.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Leveraging data to measure the impact of programs, optimize fundraising efforts, and gain insights into stakeholder needs.

The appeal of a business analytics career


  • High demand: The Bureau of Labor Statistics 预计2022年至2032年间,商业分析师相关工作的就业增长将达到8%至10%, 明显快于所有职业的平均水平.
  • Lucrative salaries: According to Glassdoor, 在美国,商业分析师的基本工资中位数是94美元,646, 凭借经验和专业技能,有可能获得更高的收入.
  • Diverse career options: 商业分析技能适用于各个行业, 为毕业生提供广泛的职业选择, 从金融和市场营销到医疗保健和技术.

How to start a career in business analytics

Education is the key! 在线教育彻底改变了接受高等教育的途径, 为个人提供攻读商业分析学位的机会,同时平衡其他承诺:

  • Flexibility: 在线课程通过提供异步学习选项来迎合在职专业人士, 允许学生按照自己的进度完成课程.
  • Convenience: Eliminating the need for physical commutes, 在线课程提供了在自己舒适的环境中学习的优势.
  • Coursework tailored for working professionals: 许多在线课程的设计都考虑到了在职成年人的需求, offering accelerated courses and condensed formats.

Ohio University's online business programs


  • newbb电子商务、企业管理技术副学士; 该课程平衡了理论和实践,为学生担任管理角色做好准备. Courses explore business functions like HR, marketing, operations, and planning through a management lens.
  • Bachelor of science in business: 在线商务学士学位,附带证书或辅修证书的附加价值. 本课程为您提供基本的商业技能, fostering leadership, risk assessment, and competitive analysis expertise.
  • Online master of business analytics: This program, ranked 14th 财富教育提供了一个严格的课程,专门为培养学生在数据分析方面的熟练程度, business intelligence, and data visualization. Courses combine practical application, 为做出合理的组织决策而设计的技术和领导力.
  • Master of accountancy & analytics: Ranked #10 in the nation by Fortune, 这个程序教你利用大数据和先进的会计技能. 学生将通过实际案例学习真实世界的课程, 参加实习周,为注册会计师执照做准备.


在不到一年的时间里,通过获得新的、专注的能力,让你的职业生涯更上一层楼. 俄亥俄在线拥有十个全面的选择 graduate business certificates, 迎合当今商业环境所需的核心技能.

The data speaks for itself

Earning a degree from Ohio University's online business programs 为希望获得必要技能的个人提供一个多功能平台,以驾驭不断变化的商业环境,从而获得良好的商业生涯.

April 19, 2024
Staff reports