
传统骨科医学院 faculty recognized as Ohio’s top osteopathic family physicians

newbb电子平台 传统骨科医学院 faculty and alumni were standouts in family medicine this year, sweeping the annual awards given by the Ohio State Society of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians.

Shandra Basil在OOS获奖

桑德拉·巴兹尔,医学博士.O., who was a student in the first class that attended the Heritage College’s 都柏林大学, 获得了俄亥俄州ACOFP年度青年家庭医生奖. This award recognizes physicians who have practiced five years or less. Basil owns a direct primary care family medicine practice that uses a subscription membership model of care in which patients pay a monthly fee that covers basic care and insurance is not billed. Her practice has locations in Columbus, Chillicothe, Johnstown and 雅典.

除了她的临床工作, Basil is also an assistant clinical professor with the Heritage College and teaches osteopathic manipulative medicine.

“学生们激励我成为一名更好的医生, 我被他们的激情和热情所鼓舞,巴兹尔说, 解释说医生是终身学习者和教师.

“She is a great example of an excellent osteopathic primary care physician, 有爱心的 for the whole patient and successfully utilizing osteopathic manipulative medicine to facilitate their health. The importance of this cannot be overestimated when students are looking for mentors and role models - the proximity of her training being completed assists greatly in developing the sense of ‘can do’ in a novice student taking on what seems to be overwhelming amounts of information and skill development, compared to more experienced faculty who have cultivated their abilities over decades,肖恩·克格说, D.O. (’96) chair of the Heritage College Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. 此外,奥巴马博士说. Basil brings her own unique experiences, skill sets, and knowledge that strengthens our department.  如果这一切还不够, just talk to her for five minutes and you'll find out immediately what a compassionate, 有爱心的, 她是一个真正的人. “


谢丽尔·哈姆斯,医学博士.O., 遗产学院1998年的毕业生, 被评为年度家庭医生, 表彰在临床实践中表现卓越的奖项, 社区参与和专业精神.

In clinical practice, Hammes works mostly with patients with autoimmune disorders and allergies. 作为传统学院的临床副教授, she also teaches osteopathic manipulative medicine on the Cleveland campus.

“Being an excellent osteopathic physician is looking at everything like a detective and finding the missing piece others have not noticed or addressed. Often it takes time, patient centered listening and empathy,” said Hammes.

A patient who nominated her for the award said they met with Hammes after their primary health provider dismissed some of their health symptoms. They said Hammes spent more than an hour listening to them and investigating potential causes for their illness.

“她真的很有同情心,真的很关心她的病人. She models humanism and good medicine for her students and residents,” the nominator wrote.


Kerger said he has known Hammes since they attended medical school together and from the beginning, 她一直致力于改善她周围的世界.

“If there's a more passionate osteopathic physician educator currently in the world, 我还没有见过他们,克格说. “Dr. 哈梅斯努力帮助每一个她接触到的人, and always with a multifold consideration for their wellness from what can be only described as an osteopathic approach toward their mind, body, 和精神.  我的观点是. 哈梅斯一出生就被赋予了一种天生的整骨疗法的世界观, and our medical school training allowed her to practice medicine the way that she was born to do.”

遗产学院2023届毕业生弗朗西斯“弗兰基”科科斯博士.O., 克利夫兰诊所阿克伦综合医院的第一年住院医生, 被评为俄亥俄州ACOFP年度家庭医学住院医师.

Frankie Kokos, DO,在OOS中获奖

科科斯是该学院“变革护理连续体”项目的一名学生, an accelerated three-year program in which graduates are matched to a family medicine residency program at Cleveland Clinic. 获得年度最佳家庭医生奖, she was recognized for collaborating with Ohio Family2Family to create a program that eases the transition of patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) as they move from pediatrics to adult primary care. She has also trained fellow residents on how to care for patients with IDD.

“Her strong passion for this underserved and vulnerable population is commendable. She cares deeply not only about this patient population but also training her colleagues to increase awareness and competence in 有爱心的 for them,吉尔·波特说。, D.O.俄亥俄州ACOFP的前任主席. She described Kokos as a physician who “has hit the ground running in terms of her commitment to her patients and the art of family medicine.”

梅琳达·福特,D.O.获得俄亥俄州ACOFP杰出服务奖. As a resident she served on the Ohio ACOFP board of governors and in 2013 served as Ohio ACOFP president. 她目前在OOA董事会任职. 在她的许多领导角色中, she has shaped policy and position statements for the osteopathic profession and worked to improve health care access, 质量与公平. Ford is an assistant clinical professor of primary care at the Heritage College.

波特说,福特“体现了同情的价值观, integrity and excellence that define osteopathic family medicine and throughout her career, 她始终如一地为病人提供高质量的护理.”

Ford said when she learned she had received the award she was surprised.


“我不得不重新读了几遍邮件才相信这一点. 然后, 我感到很幸福,但也很谦卑,”她说。, 她补充说,她的父亲, 谁是牧师?, 消防队员和急救人员, 是灵感的源泉吗. “I watched him give of himself to the whole community and think that his service really shaped me as a person. 我很感激在我的生命中有这样一个榜样.”

The awards were given during the Ohio Osteopathic Symposium recently held in Columbus. The symposium is a continuing medical education event for osteopathic physicians co-sponsored by the newbb电子平台 传统骨科医学院 Society of 校友 & 朋友们和俄亥俄州骨科协会.



  • 杰出服务-梅琳达·E. 福特、维.O.
  • 年度家庭医学住院医师-弗朗西斯“弗兰基”科科斯博士.O. (’23)
  • 年度最佳家庭医生-谢丽尔A. 哈姆,D.O. (’98)
  • 年轻的家庭医生- Shandra C. 罗勒,维.O. (’18)

传统学院校友会 & 朋友

  • 年度杰出校友- Sarah Ondrejka博士.O. (’08)
  • 杰出应届毕业生-斯蒂芬妮·杜利博士.O. (’18)
  • 功绩勋章-拉尔夫·克鲁博士.O. (’81)
  • 杰出的服务-道格拉斯W. 哈雷,D.O. (’02)
  • 荣誉校友-劳拉·亚马利克


  • 乔治·L. 埃克特小.年度最佳导师——Paul M. Levy D.O. (’08)
  • 杰出的服务-保罗A. 马丁,维.O.
  • J.O. 华生,维.O. 纪念讲座奖- Paul A. 马丁,维.O.
  • M. 布里吉特·瓦格纳,人道主义组织-罗伯特S. 佩,D.O. (’90)
  • 功勋服务-约翰·D. Schriner, Ph值.D.
  • 受托人- David A. Bitonte D.O.