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Spring 2024 Edition
Alumni & Friends Magazine

Lighting the Way for Those to Come

From mentorship to scholarship to recruitment, OHIO alumni inspire students to succeed.

Jessica Tremayne | April 11, 2024


University campuses preserve our origin story, holding memories of trials and triumphs, friends, new experiences and weekend fun. 在这四年的某个时候,我们建立了一个基础,塑造了我们的性格和生活方式. When remembering and honoring your alma mater, you may look to go beyond recounting old stories to coworkers and friends. You want to be closer to the place that feels like home. You want to be involved again.

“When alumni get involved with Ohio University, 他们分享的经验和专业知识对学生产生了深远而积极的影响,” says Jennifer Shutt Bowie, BSJ ’94, MS ’99, 俄亥俄州校友关系和年度捐赠的副总裁和执行董事 Ohio University Alumni Association. “Alumni step into classrooms and provide knowledge that helps students academically. They offer advice and counsel through formal and informal mentorship opportunities. 最重要的是,newbb电子平台校友为学生提供了一个永远与他们在一起的社区.”

Ohio University’s Bobcat community has steadily grown over the years, with alumni providing student opportunities through financial investment, mentorship, internships and by serving as ambassadors in recruitment.

“我看到一些学生在思科(Cisco)这样的公司开始了自己的职业生涯,或者进入斯坦福大学(Stanford)这样的大学攻读研究生课程,因为他们与一位毕业生进行了一次鼓舞人心的对话,这位毕业生向我展示了newbb电子平台可以做任何他们下定决心要做的事情,” Bowie says. “That gives students the courage to try. Alumni shine a light on what’s possible. That’s magic.”

In the following pages, Ohio Today shines that light back on several alumni performing magic of their own. Read on to learn their stories, 以及校友对OUAA的2023校友态度调查提供的反馈. 

Randall Winston, BSC ’89

Randall Winston

“As a Black alum, I’m always interested in creating a pathway for people in the entertainment business,” says Randall Winston, a television producer, director and actor living in Los Angeles. “I help give exposure and insight for students looking to be part of the industry. 我告诉他们我的观点,并让他们睁大眼睛——如何管理期望,并将个人经历作为构建模块.” To that end, he has worked with OHIO-in-LA program director and University professor Roger Cooper to facilitate relationships between students and industry leaders.


“I had a lot of agency at OU,” Winston says. “I didn’t expect the closeness I experienced there. I made great friends. ... Professors made me feel like I had something to offer. That’s a big part of getting on the right foot. OU can give you the tools needed to accomplish goals. ... I tell students [who ask for advice] not to squander their experiences; they have real-world translation.”

Since graduating, 温斯顿一直与newbb电子平台保持联系,以纪念他作为学生的积极经历,并帮助现在的学生实现他们的目标.

“参与大学向未来学生展示的方式让我想起了我的经历,” he notes. “There was so much excitement being there. 能够自信地踏入这个世界是我希望为未来和现在的公开大学学生提供的.”

Photo courtesy Randall Winston

Dennis Minichello, AB, MA ’74

Dennis Minichello

“Ohio University is very student-centric,” Dennis Minichello says. “The culture is one that makes sure there are people available to help them. Professors are willing to help in whatever way they can.”

While acquiring his OHIO degrees, 米尼切罗说,在进入法学院并在芝加哥创立一家事务所之前,他在经济学课程上结识了很多朋友. 毕业10年后,在一位前任教授的鼓励下,他重新回到了这所大学.

Since then, he has advised students about the legal profession during OHIO Law Day forums sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences. He has served on the Ohio University Foundation Board of Trustees for the last seven years and has no plan to leave. The College of Arts and Sciences honored him with a Significant Achievement Award in 1996, and he sat on the alumni board from 2004-2010, serving as chair for the last two years.

“My family are fourth-generation OHIO graduates,” Minichello says. “I come to football games and keep track though University communications. It is great to be part of something so important.”

Minichello visits campus up to 10 times a year and has established two endowments.

“In 2000, I established a scholarship for students studying economics, and in 2021, 支持退伍军人项目的奖学金不包括在兵役福利中,” Minichello says. “It’s very rewarding to get to meet students who receive the scholarships. It’s very satisfying to see bright, eager students.”

Photo by Rich-Joseph Facun, BSVC '01

Sandy Anderson, BSC ’73

Sandy (Hendrick) Anderson

During Sandy Anderson’s time at OHIO, she was heavily involved in the forensics and speech and debate teams, 这让她在附近的哥伦布市获得了非常成功的律师生涯,并激励她回馈社会.

“My first donation to the University was to the forensics team,” Anderson says. “I want other people to have that kind of experience in college.”

Anderson joined the Ohio University Foundation Board in 2015 and last year was appointed as its chair; she also served on the Ohio University Board of Trustees from 2007 to 2016. Today, 她指导那些对法律事业感兴趣的在校生和未来的学生,并定期在俄亥俄州露面 basketball games and other campus events.

“There are so many goosebump moments and moments when I have tears in my eyes, being at OU events,” Anderson says. “We have a program on campus for foster kids who have aged out of the system. OU started a service to make sure they have a place to go during holiday times. 这所大学为退伍军人举办了一些节目,让他们向我们讲述他们的经历. There is an equine therapy program for little kids. It all makes me very proud to be a Bobcat. 这就是为什么,每当我看到有人穿着newbb电子平台队的装备,我们就会产生一种自然的联系.”

Ultimately, 安德森认为是俄亥俄州帮助她走到今天的位置,并激励她通过自己的参与来提升他人.

“It has been a transformative experience, being able to serve my alma mater,” she says.

Photo by Rick Fatica, MFA '08

Howard Manuel, BA ’08

Howard Manuel

校友招聘工作可能是一所大学所能要求的最有力、最合法的认可. Howard Manuel says he’s more than happy to support OHIO in any way possible—and he has. One example: A group of journalism students visited his Washington, D.C.他很欣赏他们对学习政策和改变世界的热情.

“我喜欢看到学生们的热情和影响未来学生进入公开大学的决定,” Manuel says. “I recruit a lot. I have a fair amount of OU-related mementos on my desk that spark conversations, and I always share what a great place OU is to go to school.”

Manuel says seeing OHIO’s logo on a shirt is all it takes to remind him how his campus experiences made him who he is today; he sees the Bobcat community as family.

“OU is where I developed as a person,” Manuel says. “I have a 4-year-old son and would love to get him to campus. Talking about the University is a way to get back to my roots.”

Manuel says he likes to volunteer for OHIO, 但他认为,与在校学生互动是作为校友最有价值的部分之一.

“看到这所大学如何影响这个地区,影响人们的生活,改变了我对回馈社会的看法,让我觉得拥有newbb电子平台的血液就是彼此享受和联系所需要的一切,” Manuel says. “I received so much from my OU experience; I want to help others have the same memories.”

Photo courtesy Howard Manuel

Jackie (Howerth) Forquer, BSED ’92

Jackie (Howerth) Forquer

Jackie Forquer first experienced ice hockey at OHIO when a friend invited her to a game freshman year. She loved the excitement and has been hooked since, joining OHIO’s Blue Line Booster Club as a volunteer in 2016—an experience she calls the highlight of her adult life. Fittingly, she now serves as its president.

她说:“从9月到3月,全国各地的学生都会参加冰球俱乐部。. “They don’t see their parents, so we try to stand in and help like a parent would. We hope to … help them feel confident and cared for while being away from home.”

福克是俄亥俄州费尔菲尔德县的一名小学教师,他是这支球队的坚定支持者. 她自豪地谈到了自己连续30年参加美国大学冰球协会全国锦标赛的经历, players who have won national awards, the ACHA naming Lionel Mauron the 2023 Coach of the Year, and other team accomplishments.

福克说:“如果我大学时没有去看那场比赛,我可能永远不会知道自己错过了什么。. “Athens is a magical place.”

But hockey isn’t Forquer’s only OHIO touchpoint. A former member of the Marching 110如今,她仍然演奏中音萨克斯管,而且从不错过任何一个与校友们一起在哈佛大学进行曲的机会 Homecoming each fall.

“The 110 was always such a close family,” Forquer says. “I had the chance to get together with them in October, and I’m going on vacation with a group of 20 alums next summer. 我和牛津大学的朋友们保持着密切的联系,这是我一生中最好的友谊.”

Photo by Morgan Simonski

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About the Survey

The Alumni Attitude Study 在过去的20年里,有300多所院校的100多万名校友完成了这项工作. This is the second time Ohio University has participated, after the first survey in 2008. 这里提供的数据代表调查对象,并已四舍五入到最接近的整数.

Alumni Share Their OHIO Opinions

the most common responses about what’s important about being a graduate



the top four characteristics that impact overall opinion of OHIO

number of respondents

described their current opinion of OHIO as “excellent;” another 28% rated it as “good,” while less than 6% rated it as “fair” or “poor”

said they promote the University “all the time” or “regularly”

said their experience as a student was “excellent;” another 28% rated it as “good”

described their alumni experience as “good” or “excellent”

OHIO’s affinity index, 平均有4个问题,从校友经历到向他人推荐newbb电子平台的频率

said their decision to attend OHIO was a great one; another 19% classified it as a good decision

rated their connection to OHIO, on a scale of 1 to 10, at 7 or higher

rated their likelihood of recommending OHIO to a prospective student, on a scale of
1 to 10, at 7 or higher

said Ohio Today does a “good” or “excellent” job of communicating with alumni
(aw, shucks!)

How do you connect with OHIO and fellow Bobcats everywhere? Let us know with a post to the Bobcat Network or by emailing alumni@mediagate-egy.net.