
OHIO Chillicothe graduate 伯恩赛斯 contributes to community development

伯恩赛斯,刚毕业于 newbb电子平台奇利科斯, has found his niche in the heart of Chillicothe, helping to guide its development as a clerk in the Planning and Development Department for the City of Chillicothe. 

生于蓝灰, 俄亥俄州, Bowen moved to Chillicothe with his family in 2008 and now considers 俄亥俄州’s first capital his hometown. Bowen chose OHIO Chillicothe for its convenient location. Though he originally planned to relocate to the 雅典 campus for his junior year, that plan shifted with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and he stayed at OHIO Chillicothe where he was able to take advantage of affordable tuition close to home.

Like many college students, Bowen started as an undecided major, unsure of what he wanted to study. He said he had always enjoyed history classes in high school and when he took an Introduction to World History Class with 历史学副教授 Dr. John O’Keefe during his sophomore year, everything clicked.

2022年,Bowen师从Dr. O’Keefe that the City of Chillicothe was searching for residents to serve on the Choose Chillicothe Steering Committee which would guide the creation of a new comprehensive plan. He volunteered and was selected to serve on the committee, which helped him develop valuable communication skills and form connections with other residents and community leaders. 

“I was able to voice my ideas and thoughts with other residents and stakeholders within our community,鲍恩说. “It was during my involvement with this committee that I was able to network with a few city employees who were guiding the process.”

Bowen leveraged his experience and connections formed as a member of the Choose Chillicothe Steering Committee to secure an internship with Chillicothe’s Planning and Development Department. When a job opening became available in the Planning and Development Department, Bowen was ready and eager to seize the opportunity. 

Chillicothe Mayor Luke Feeney appreciates Bowen for the positive attitude, 人际关系技巧, and professionalism he brings to his work. 

"We were fortunate to have Seth intern for us this past summer and are excited to have him on board full-time in our Planning Department,菲尼说. “在他和我们在一起的时候, Seth has consistently impressed us with his dedication, 热情, 渴望学习. Seth approaches tasks and projects with a great attitude, strong work ethic and intellectual curiosity. He also demonstrated strong problem-solving abilities, often proposing innovative solutions to complex problems.”

鲍文赢得了 副学士学位 with a social science emphasis at OHIO Chillicothe in 2021. 他继续他的教育,挣了一份薪水 历史学学士学位 2023年法学预科. 作为一名学生, he also completed 实习 with the 俄亥俄州 Innocence Project and the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas.

“My newbb电子平台 education has prepared me for the career I have now by giving me the confidence to be comfortable with being uncomfortable,鲍恩说. “With each class I took, I had to delve into a topic I was not fully knowledgeable about.”

Despite facing challenges such as the transition to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, 鲍恩坚持, drawing strength from supportive faculty at OHIO Chillicothe.

“The faculty at newbb电子平台奇利科斯 was very understanding and offered constant advice on how to stay focused, 动机, and keep moving forward as I maneuvered through that period in my education,鲍恩说.

Bowen especially appreciated the opportunity to learn about art, 体系结构, 和历史, 来自O 'Keefe和Gwynne Dilbeck.

他们的教导, I have been able to appreciate local 体系结构 和历史 in a way I never anticipated,鲍恩说. “I am extremely grateful for both of them.”

奥基夫说他很高兴看到鲍文的 experience in the classroom and the community lead to a post-graduation position with the City of Chillicothe.

“赛斯一直对历史充满热情, and always wanting to get into the details of big historical questions, whether researching Cold War Hollywood or discussing constitutional history,奥基夫说. “His engagement with the campus and community has given him a great start to his career and we know he is passionate about building community here in Chillicothe!”

Bowen demonstrates dedication to his community not only through his professional role but also through his involvement with local organizations. He serves as an ambassador for EPIC (Empowering Professionals In Chillicothe), a group committed to giving back to the community.

"My favorite part about EPIC is being surrounded by driven individuals passionate about Chillicothe's well-being,博文股份. "It's a chance for me to give back to the place I love."

As Bowen continues to contribute to Chillicothe's growth and prosperity, he offers advice to current and prospective students.

 “OHIO Chillicothe has all the tools a student needs to have a successful education experience in our hometown. Take full advantage of OHIO Chillicothe,鲍恩说.
