


交通及泊车服务 provides permits to students, 教员/员工, 部门的客人, 承包商, 和供应商.  的指导方针 and usage of these permits varies by type and are outlined below. newbb电子平台 is not responsible for lost or stolen items or damages to vehicles or property caused by third parties. 


通勤许可证在网上出售 停车门户 and are valid within any purple commuter lot and do not guarantee parking. During special events, various lots may be closed to facilitate event parking needs.  Patrons must be observant of signage posted at lot entrances regarding closures and avoid lot closure frustrations. 


是的,在校园里任何时候都需要通勤许可证.  A standard school year permit is valid for both fall and spring semesters.  夏季通勤许可证是独立出售的. 


Yes, fees are $155 for a standard school year permit (fall and spring) and $77.夏季50英镑.  按月计算的费率. 


网上许可证的销售上限为2500张.  After this cap has been placed, sales must occur in office, and proof residency is required.  Proof of residency is a lease or a bill in the student's name that also shows the address in which the student is commuting from.


Student commuter and residential permits may be returned for a refund.  Refunds may only be issued upon receipt of the physical permit in person or via mail. Refunds are not available if within 5 weeks of the permit expiration date.  


请将车辆锁好,以防被盗. 如果许可证丢失或被盗, it must be reported immediately to obtain a replacement permit and avoid issues related to parking without a permit.  Permit replacement follows the following schedule during a 12-month period: 

第一个实例:  免费更换

第二个实例:  Customer must purchase a permit at the rate associated with the permit at the time of purchase. 


Permit replacements are offered as a customer service measure to assist customers who lose their permits.  然而, if a pattern of abuse is observed regarding lost/stolen permits, 不得签发换发许可证.  A pattern of abuse is defined as report of a permit as lost or stolen more than two times during a 12-month period. 


许可证只发给买方,不得与他人共享.  许可证 found in use by an individual other than the purchaser may result in a fine, 启动并没收许可证. 

提供何种许可证?何时需要许可证? & 费用是多少??

Four types of permits are offered for students who live in dorms.  的过程中显示了每个特定区域 网上甄选程序.

保证表面地段:  Provides parking in areas designated for residential storage parking within surface lots.  许可证 are sold for a standard school year (fall and spring) at a rate of $400 and a summer permit is $200.  这些都是有保证的,不超卖. 

非保证表面地段: Provides parking in various designated lots for residential storage parking.  许可证 are sold for a standard school year (fall and spring) at a rate of $400. 

车库停车:  Provides parking in garages designated as residential storage parking.  许可证 are sold for a standard school year (fall and spring) at a rate of $460 and a summer permit is $230. 

保留停车场:  在指定的预留停车场提供泊车服务.  许可证 are sold for a full year, and the fee is $800 annually. 


Freshman are only eligible to purchase select lots; therefore, 网上显示的选项将仅限于大一学生.  二年级及以上学生的许可证是相等的.  A sophomore is defined as a student with 30 credit hours or more at the time of purchase.  在修学分不计入学时.


是的,在线显示的选项是基于可用性的.  当区域售罄时,它们就会从购买选项中移除. 


Students may place themselves on a waitlist for a permit/area that has sold out.  This allows them to electronically "get in line" for a permit in a preferred area.  Waitlist issuance cannot be guaranteed; therefore, students should obtain alternative parking while on a waitlist.  候补名单可以使用 学生网上停车入口. 


许可证可以退还退款.  Refunds may only be issued upon receipt of the physical permit in person or via mail. 许可证 are not eligible for refund within 5 weeks of the permit expiration date. 


请将车辆锁好,以防被盗. 如果许可证丢失或被盗, it must be reported immediately to obtain a replacement permit and avoid issues related to parking without a permit.  Permit replacement follows the following schedule during a 12-month period: 

第一个实例:  免费更换

第二个实例:  Customer must purchase a permit at the rate associated with the permit at the time of purchase. 


Permit replacements are offered as a customer service measure to assist customers who lose their permits.  然而, if a pattern of abuse is observed regarding lost/stolen permits, 不得签发换发许可证.  A pattern of abuse is defined as report of a permit as lost or stolen more than two times during a 12-month period. 


许可证只发给买方,不得与他人共享.  许可证 found in use by an individual other than the purchaser may result in a fine, 启动并没收许可证. 

提供何种许可证?何时需要许可证? & 费用是多少??

新聘教师 & 工作人员 will receive their parking permit during their Human Resource orientation.  A temporary permit will be provided by HR for use prior to their scheduled orientation.  后续续订将通过 网上泊车入口. 

Employees will be asked to complete a parking fee payroll deduction form during orientation if a permit is accepted.  Additionally, staff have the option to opt out of the parking fee and decline a permit. 

教师 and 工作人员 are provided various options for parking on campus as outlined below.  Payroll deduction is available to full-time and benefits eligible staff.  Temporary staff are required to pay parking fees in person and must pay out-of-pocket.  

标准的领域:  在深绿色和紫色区域提供停车位.  Associated fees are $150 annually and are paid via payroll deduction.  许可证不保证在特定区域停车.  

优先停车: 提供指定优先泊车位.  Associated fees are $300 annually and are paid via payroll deduction.  Permit provides parking within the designated priority lot as well as dark green and purple.  Priority permits are valid in the priority designated area and do not cross into other priority areas.  许可证不保证在特定区域停车.  All priority permits are issued via the Waitlist feature using the 网上泊车入口. 

保留停车场:  在指定的预留停车场提供停车位.  预留空间的费用是每年800美元.  教师/staff have the option to add on the dark green/purple access in addition to their reserved space for an additional $150 making the total annual fee $950.  下列区域设有预留停车位, 每个地区都有特定的在线申请表. 

  • 贝克车库
  • 杰斐逊车库

合同 & 临时工作人员: 在深绿色和紫色区域提供停车位 based on the contract duration.  Associated fees are $150 or may be broken down monthly based on the contract period.  合同 and temporary staff must obtain their permit in person. 


许可证 should be returned to 交通及泊车服务 upon employment termination. 


许可证每年更新一次.  教师 and 工作人员 are send an email notification during renewal periods, 一般在六月开始,并附有续期指示.  Renewals are processed online, and the replacement permit is mailed directly to the staff member. 


许可证只发给买方,不得与他人共享.  许可证 found in use by an individual other than the purchaser may result in a fine, 启动并没收许可证.