
The HTC program in 化学istry and Biochemistry provides students with an opportunity to work directly with faculty each semester. Tutors meet with students individually, or in small groups, for a 60-90 minute session each week and provide one-on-one instruction, personalized to the student's needs and interests. 


Students entering the Honors Tutorial College program in 化学istry and Biochemistry may start their course of study at different levels depending on their preparation. Students will take a placement exam while at Bobcat Student Orientation to determine the appropriate chemistry class for the fall semester of their first year. 
The details of an individual student's course of study will be established through consultation with the Director of Studies, following the minimum requirements for all HTC students in 化学istry and Biochemistry: 

Core 化学istry Requirements:

  • General 化学istry I and II
  • Organic 化学istry I and II
  • Analytical 化学istry I and II
  • Fundamentals of Inorganic 化学istry

In addition to the core chemistry requirements, students will complete required additional chemistry courses (Biochemistry, Inorganic 化学istry, Physical 化学istry) and extra-departmental courses (Biological Sciences, Statistics, etc) for their specific area of interest.

Additional Requirements:

  • First Year Seminar
  • First Year Composition
  • Junior Composition
  • Calculus I and II
  • Physics I and II
  • Tutorials
  • Senior Thesis


Students take a tutorial each semester for a total of eight tutorials.  Three of the tutorials focus on the core chemistry curriculum and are determined by the Director of Studies.  Three of the tutorials are subject-based and are determined by the student or in conjunction with the Director of Studies.  The final two tutorials are research-based and focus on the thesis project.


Students applying to the program should have demonstrated high capability and interest in chemistry. Applicants are selected on the basis of superior academic ability and the potential for self-motivated undergraduate study and research.

Director of Study

Dr. Lauren McMills

Associate Professor, Dr. Lauren McMills
Clippinger Hall 345


Ph.D. Michigan State University
A.B. Mount Holyoke College

Scholarly Interests

化学ical 建造ation; Cooperative and Collaborative Learning; Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Magnetic Susceptibility

Selected Publications

Nyasulu, F.; Barlag, R.; McMills, L.; Arthasery, P. “Mass-Based Approach to the Determination of the Henry’s Law Constant for CO2 (g) Using a Diet Carbonated Beverage” J 化学. 建造. 2019, 96, (11), 2661-2664.

Nyasulu, F.; Barlag, R.; McMills, L.; Arthasery, P.; Ounkham, W. “A Simple, 安全, and Easy Water Displacement Exercise for the Identification of Two Metals and the Composition of a Mixture” J. 实验室. 化学. 建造. 2018, 6, 21-23.

Nyasulu, F.; Allman, B.; Nething, D.; Barlag, R.; McMills, L.; Arthasery, P. “Acid-Base Titration Curves in the General 化学istry 实验室oratory: An In-Depth Study” The 化学ical 建造ator, 2016, 21, 88-92.

Nyasulu, F; Bobbitt, D.; Arthasery, P.; McMills, L.; Barlag, R. “Making Connections Between Calorimetry and Acid-Base 化学istry in the 实验室oratory” The 化学ical 建造ator, 2015, 20, 67-71.

McMills, L.; Nyasulu, F.; Barlag, R. “Magnetic Susceptibility of Coordination Compounds in the General 化学istry 实验室oratory” J. 实验室. 化学. 建造. 2014, 2, 11-14.

Nyasulu, F.; Barlag, R.; Wise, L.; McMills, L. “The H3PO4 Acid Ionization Reactions: A Capstone Multi-Concept Thermodynamics General 化学istry 实验室oratory Exercise” J. 化学. 建造. 2013, 90 (5), 642-645.